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Mick Brolly

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Posts posted by Mick Brolly

  1. 18 minutes ago, David said:

    Anyone trying to enter a football ground wearing Stone Island or one of those ridiculous looking jackets with goggles in the hood should be strip searched, including a full anal cavity inspection.

    Then charge them an extra £100 to enter and made to bring their mum to sit next to. 

    I have a bald patch and hair that's receding like the English coastline, even that doesn't come close to the embarrassment that I would feel leaving the house with a Stone Island badge slapped on my arm.


    By Repertoire Fashion / May 16th, 2017 / There are currently 0 comments

    First designed in the 1980’s, C.P Company’s iconic goggle jacket, originally created for the Italian Mille Migla off road race, has remained a cult menswear piece to this day.

    Throughout the company’s history, founder Massimo Osti was determined to create ‘what does not yet exist’.
    Drawing inspiration from the protective hoods and anti-gas masks used by the army – Osti created several prototypes for his goggle jacket. Mirroring the functionality of the Swiss Field jacket,
    the carefully crafted shell protected the wearer from mud and rain, whilst the pocket system allowed gear and supplies to be carried.
    These historical influences gave him the idea of moving the lenses from the collar to the hood itself, creating the current goggle jacket that symbolizes the labels ethos: Function and use.

    Maybe some of the lads do off road races as a hobby ?

  2. 7 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    I'll make one statement on this, as I appreciate this is a football thread in a football forum, but this is part of the society we have created in the past six or seven years - and it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better. People are angry and that anger comes out more and more, plus people with extreme views feel legitimised for the first time in a generation to openly vocalists those views. Football is just a very convenient place for it to be released.


    1 minute ago, Eatonram said:

    Spot on and lets be quite clear, that it is a particular brand of populist politicians that have emboldened the nutters.

    Now look what you've started 

  3. Roos 5.5 -one good save but nervous with the ball at his feet.

    Byrne 7 - had his work cut out without much help down his side.

    Buchanan 6 - looked tired and struggled to pick up his man first half.

    Jagielka 7 - steady game pretty solid.

    Davies 6.5 - average game some frightening passes.

    Shinnie 7 - awful first 45 great second half.

    Bird 8.5 - only decent performance from anyone first half control and passing excellent all game Motm.

    Morrison 5 - decision making in the final third is poor pass or shoot please. 

    Ebosele 4.5 - kept losing his man early on and needs to back himself a bit more. 

    Jozwiak 4.5 - worked hard tracking back but his forward play was poor. 

    Lawrence 6 - ok chased back when required needs a break from free kicks. 


  4. 22 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Yep even kicking in the stands between Derby and coverty city fans. 

    Before the game Derby fans being kicked out and 100 police came rushing in the stands one said to me dont worry your not in trouble just excuse me I need get over there I moved out his way gave me a smile.

    I think notice I got learning differcults and autism I was nevourse but I knew I had not done anything wrong.

    But wont stop me seeing Derby play away but I can see why some stay away from away games.

    100 police ? Only spotted about 10 all game they were slow to react to the home fans behavior, themselves and the stewards never made any attempt to stop projectiles being thrown at our fans.

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