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Mick Brolly

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Posts posted by Mick Brolly

  1. 8 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    @Mick Brolly Why the angry face ? I posted a gif 


    in response to iRam’s post regarding Shinnie being no big miss tonight, by the time I hit send someone else posted something about being in a pub in Barnsley so my that’s bait gif didn’t apply to that post, hence the deletion.

    If that’s made you angry, you need to see somebody about your issue. 

    Apologies wrong button 


    I read another article elsewhere earlier this week that suggested having the vaccine followed by catching covid provided the absolute best protection going forwards - which seems plausible imo.

    I'm hoping this to be the case being double jabbed and wearing a mask at work and shopping etc but tested positive today and feeling a bit poo but suppose I'd feel worse not being jabbed.

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