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Posts posted by maxjam

  1. 16 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I agree he comes across really well, but the harsh truth is that he can be the best cultural fit imaginable, but it's a results business. As soon as the results are outside the tolerance Clowes has set that's it. We're not in that position now of course, but that's the reality of a managers life.

    True but promotion contenders/top 6 this season was imho the target - from 2 seasons into a 4 year deal.

    As for the Championship we're looking at a couple of seasons to acclimatise and even then unless we get additional funding from elsewhere we're going to struggle to replicate the top 6s of the ill-fated MM era. 

    But lets not worry about that yet, we've got 7 important games to go...

  2. Separate pot or on the far side of my plate sectioned off from other food.  I don't mind beans, quite enjoy them tbh but even the best beans are a bit too watery for my liking and no one likes a soggy chip!

  3. Just finished watching it all and would recommend every fan doing the same - the youth academy stuff is interesting but the Warne/Pearce bit is excellent.

    If even the most hardened anti-Warne fan still has a negative opinion about him and the culture he's building at the club after watching, I'm not sure what else we can do to help you.  I personally hope he oversees the next 5 years of our development.  Might even treat myself to a bobble hat!

  4. 18 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Is the L1 salt mine still open for business?


    Er, I can think of a few tin the stadium that might agree that Derby deserved to win it!  Its not all about sticking it in the back of the net, our GK and defence were awesome today.

    I think you'll finish in the top 2.  Of the play-off positions 😛

  5. 9 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Even if that is the case, Warne has us in the automatic promotion places with 7 games to go, having won plenty of games, scored plenty of goals, and conceded less than a number of the other teams in the top 7.

    Soooooo relative to the difficulty of the league this season, the team is doing well…. Don’t you think? 

    And already more points than we achieved last season in total.

    Multiple points of progress but it will never be enough for some 'fans'

  6. 13 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    That video is great and then, bizarrely, ruined at the end by adding Sea Dragon - a 1960s concept vehicle that only exists in videogames. Why? Why would they do that? Meanwhile, look at how far Starship has come in such a short time:

    Ah right, I wasn't really paying much attention to the video tbh - just the increasing size.  Casually thought it was a future SpaceX design. Its still difficult to imagine something bigger than the Statue of Liberty weighing 5000 tons being lifted into space.

    Yeah a lot has happened in the past 20 years after a period of stagnation, hopefully it won't be too much longer before we look up at the Moon and think someone's up there right now.  The last time that happened I'd not long been born.

  7. 4 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    The most amazing watch. Frequently I found myself applauding. As it happens, SpaceX is 22 years old today, and they have created such wonders. The Mars colonization programme is partly going to have to be funded by Starlink (genius business idea), which for the first time in history enabled us to get these views during reentry, when there'd normally be a comms blackout. Huge, huge congratulations to all involved.

    Just watched some videos of the launch, incredible stuff - never gets old.  

    IIRC the Starship weighed approx 5000 tons, is 40 stories tall and the biggest thing ever launched into space.  Every success is another step on the path to the Moon/Mars and beyond 


  8. On 02/03/2024 at 09:52, BaaLocks said:

    Dune 2: was made to sit through the first one and ended up enjoying it much more than I expected. But the second one is just so drawn out. Scene after scene of millions of (CGI generated) soldiers swearing feilty to some leader or other while your ears are bombarded with dramatic music. It just goes round in circles and - guess what - leaves you then realizing the story isn't finished so another three hours to sit through to find out the conclusion (at least). Just feels like this all could have fitted more than easily into, maybe, two two hour films rather than three, three hour ones.

    Similar... I've never read the books so went into Dune 1 'blind' and was pleasantly surprise - good story, great cinematics, soundtrack and cast. 

    As you say, Dune 2 does feel drawn out and quite tedious at times.  Whilst I still found the cinematics (inc CGI) and soundtrack to be excellent, the first part of the film felt dragged out and the last part of the film rushed.  It would have been better split into 2 films but I guess the middle film would have been really boring - too much religious fervor for my liking and the Dave Bautista char just spent his time stomping around incompetently shouting at people.

    Having said all that...

    42 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Changed my mind on second watch. Brilliant film and story.

    Craig Bryson / 10.

    I'll find out next week whether I change my mind as well, taking my lad when he gets back from Uni 😛 

  9. Ah crap, I was just thinking good result for Barnsley, now they can do us a favour by losing their remaining game in hand and we're 2nd on merit - but then Bolton go a score 😛 

    TBH Bolton, Barnsley and now Peterboro are all strong teams in this division, assuming Portsmouth are up then along with ourselves its pick 2 from 4 for promotion - and the pessimist in me says both Barnsley and Peterboro are too strong for us on their day.

  10. 3 hours ago, Srg said:

    Unlikely. The backlash over his racism would be too much. 

    Nah, it was approx 10yrs ago now, surely its time to forgive and forget!?

    Anyway, I doubt DC would go down the 'celebrity' manager route unlike his predecessor and as has been highlighted, his lack of English would present a huge problem.

    Regardless, I recall this from a few years ago.  Sod manager, sign him up as a player 😛



  11. For better or worse X is attempting to allow community moderation.  The alternative is Govt control and whilst you might like the Govt in power atm (I'm talking in the US that have the real power to control Google, X, Meta etc) Govts come and go.  Maybe you won't like the next lot in charge and what they deem acceptable speech. 

    Alternatively we could let the mega corps such as Alphabet (Gemini AI haha) or Microsoft/Amazon etc dictate what we're allowed to see and say?  In a world a bad solutions, X is currently the best we've got (and for clarity I'm not saying its perfect, far from it).  If you really don't think it is, name one thats better.  If you can't maybe the continuing obsession with just Musk is a marker that you've been swayed by your political leanings rather than the current state of X. 

    On a related note, did you see the kicking Zuckerberg and Facebook got in the recent US hearings?  Probably not because unlike Musk he's not in political opposition to the establishment.  In short, basically Meta's own studies show that they are having a detrimental effect on kids mental health and are pushing paedophilic content to those that search for it but are doing nothing about it.  But Musk bad man *shakes fist*

  12. 7 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    I like the rams daily podcast. Living far, far, away from derby its a great way of keeping up to date.. along with RamsTV.

    It'll be a massive shame when the BBC run out of money and they have to have one broadcast for each game.

    Back in the mel era when I guess the budget was a bit higher, I really enjoyed the RamsTV meets series.

    Similar for me.  Having the commentary etc on RamsTV and the daily podcasts made moving away from Derbyshire a lot easier - I'd be lost without them.

    It was great to hear Ed Dawes back commentating (although I liked Dom's commentary as well) and I enjoy the different personalities they have on each week.  Some are arguably better than others and some more biased than others but when you listen to local coverage you expect a bit of that, its not like you're listening to a generic game on Sky this is our club!


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