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Posts posted by maxjam

  1. 1 hour ago, David said:

    Started it last night with the Mrs, we stayed up until 4am to finish and couldn’t disagree with the above more.

    It’s simply the best show on TV and season 2 was just as good as the first, if not better. Clarkson has also confirmed on Twitter in a reply to someone that they are in the middle of filming the next season. Can’t wait.

    Not only is it entertaining, but educational, shows the current state of farming in this country and how red tape and ahem….Brexit….is screwing them over.

    All EU subsidies gone, one farmer losing 60 cows through TB when they are £1500/£2000 a pop, one couple with a backlog of pigs and huge increase in feed costs, really is scary times for the farming industry and it’s something I would be totally unaware of to be honest had it not been for this show.

    It’s pretty clear the District council don’t like Clarkson and want to shut the whole thing down, turning to the barrister in the Council meeting and telling him he needs to learn how to spell having also brought it up in his statement was hilarious.

    Caleb, again to go against the above is clearly a local lad that all he knows his farming, that is his whole world, this isn’t an act or for a script, genuinely feels like he’s just being himself, someone that’s been thrust into the celebrity world and trying to adapt the best he can. 

    G Dog, well what can I say, he will always have me in stitches when he opens his mouth, he’s got to be hammered on the cider every day, he’s in another world.

    Agree entirely, its a wonderful show - a mixture of Clarksons humour, knowledgeable if (unintelligible at times ?) locals and some quite in depth info on the state of farming/bureaucracy atm.

    It was really quite sad to see the council, who have an obvious agenda against Clarkson turn everything down - even the dirt track on his own land that will help keep his tractors off the main roads ? especially as he'd agreed to help out all the other local farmers who are financially on their knees buying their produce for his restaurant. 

    I hope they watch the documentary (doubt it) and see just how vital it would be to the local community, not just the 50 or so jobs he said it would create but in keeping the countryside how they like it - if the farmers are forced out of business, who knows what the land will be used for.

    Roll on season 3?

  2. 4 hours ago, Crewton said:

    As a comparison, here's a scientific study of 20m users across 6 continents:-


    The conclusions here are that N95 masks when used properly and comprehensively reduced the spread of infection by 65-70%, but it acknowledges that comprehensive mask-wearing is almost impossible to achieve in a public setting because of "human behavioural factors". 

    It's only ever been about reducing the viral load that people are exposed to and masks are more effective at stopping the user spreading the load around than stopping all the load from a non-mask user getting through. 


    From that report...

    'In the context of healthcare, N95 masks (as defined by ref. 3) work well when worn properly by trained users'

    'However, the effect of mask wearing in small-scale community settings is more difficult to detect.'

    Who wore a N95 mask?  Most people wore those crappy ill-fitting blue ones or a piece of fabric.  I bought a snood ffs and probably only wore that half a dozen times.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Yada yada yada

    weve had more tipping points than the department of the environment 

    · Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war
    · Britain will be ‘Siberian’ in less than 20 years
    · Threat to the world is greater than terrorism


    · World close to ‘irreversible’ climate breakdown, warn major studies
    · The climate crisis has reached a “really bleak moment”
    · “Furthermore, the world is unfortunately in a geopolitically unstable state,”



    The Guardian 20 years apart... Virtually the same message - although 20yrs ago we were going to freeze to death, now we're gonna boil. 

    I do my bit and don't worry about anything else tbh, I'm beyond caring.  We're gonna tax the poor into oblivion (whilst the rich continue to get richer off the back of it and carry on polluting at a rate most of us could only dream about) and spend insane amounts of money on 'solutions' that are arguably just as bad as what we have in place already.

    We'll probably all look back in another 20yrs time and be having a similar argument about the future.  Anyone that feels the need to climb up on a gantry over the M25 and film themselves crying about having no future and how the world is gonna end should seek help imo.  There are a lot of unsavoury characters and media manipulation pushing constant doom and gloom on us for very lucrative reasons.

  4. Just now, Wolfie said:

    Interesting that you choose to avoid listing the long term effects of Covid itself being a possible cause of the current excess deaths. Got to be high on the list of likely cuplrits, surely.

    I didn't avoid listing anything, just added a bunch of random stuff that came into my head at time of writing.  Happy to add long covid to the list and have a proper enquiry about that as well. 

    I did read a US study stating that long covid was effecting the middle classes more than the working classes - just tried to find it but found this Guardian article instead, which suggested similar but then go on to explain thats not actually the case, its just that they are better positioned to continue taking time off work, paying for medical care etc (which was what I was thinking anyway to be fair)


  5. 30 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Stay angry if you like

    Its not about staying angry, its more about holding people accountable and learning for the future.

    There are thousands of excess deaths worldwide and no one seems to care.  It could be due to the vaccine, it could be due to lockdowns, it could be due to temperature, strain on healthcare, lack of exercise, mental health, etc - a multitude of reasons that no one seemingly wants to understand, which is scary given that the WHO maintain that the pandemic isn't over, favour mass vaccination, lockdowns and are continuing to push every nation into signing up to their ultimate power mandate for 'next time'. 

    Add to that disappearing £millions from the various covid financial schemes, worldwide inflation due to paying printing money like its confetti and paying everyone to stay home and do bugger all, I personally think we should be taking a deep dive into every aspect of the past few years - see what worked, see what didn't and actually be better prepared for next time, not make the same mistakes again.

    But hey, the worlds moved on, nothing to see here.  You're just an angry conspiracy nutjob if you actually dare to ask a question.

  6. FWIW non-covid excess deaths are up all around the world - from USA to Australia.

    In the UK the summer heat may have played a factor a few months ago, as might the cold now.  Maybe there are justified reasons all around the world.  Maybe theres not.  Significant numbers of people of all ages are dying beyond the norm though - this after a pandemic that wiped out a lot of the elderly and vulnerable, but no one seems to be interested in finding out why.


  7. On 16/10/2022 at 17:30, maxjam said:

    And talking of the truth, I had this email a few days ago from a petition I signed...

    Dear maxjam,

    Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety”.


    The debate is scheduled for 24 October 2022.

    Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.

    The Petitions team
    UK Government and Parliament

    Dunno why I bother;


    We've seen 25k excess deaths since May (after you remove all covid deaths) but no one seems to care.

    Seemingly healthy people across all age groups are dying at elevated numbers but as the Welsh First Minister also said, 'the world has moved on' - no public inquiry.


    I'm not saying its down to the vaccine, I'm not saying its down to lockdown, I'm not saying its down to the NHS collapsing because no bugger knows, but you'd think the families of the 25k dead would like an answer and we could learn from any mistakes that may have happened and prevent them in the future. 

    But no... nothing to see here...

  8. 2 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Studies indicate it's both, though more the former than the latter, but to say it "can't prevent transmission" is completely untrue : it's far from foolproof, but it can reduce viral loads and in doing so make even an asymptomatic carrier less infectious. 

    It might be semantics on my behalf but unless the vaccine does prevent transmission, it doesn't prevent transmission.  Most studies I can find relate to the initial variant, even by the time Delta came along the data was changing.  Now we're in Omicron and its sub-variants I think the general understanding is if you have covid whether you're fully vaccinated or otherwise you are infectious.  There may be a slight reduction in how infectious you are but ultimately you are still infectious.


    “Most studies show if you got an infection after vaccination, compared with someone who got an infection without a vaccine, you were pretty much shedding roughly the same amount of virus,” says Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia.

    And this from Fauci is almost a year old now and refers to the new (at the time) Delta variant;

    FWIW I'm not trying to be awkward re. Covid I have only ever been vehemently against the vaccine mandate - I just want the truth. 

    TBH rather than state the vaccines prevent transmission, I would much rather they admitted they don't - certainly not in the 'real world' and raise awareness for those that assume they are safe but would benefit from continuing to wear a mask.  More people have died from covid post vaccine rollout that before.

    And talking of the truth, I had this email a few days ago from a petition I signed...

    Dear maxjam,

    Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Open a Public Inquiry into Covid-19 Vaccine Safety”.


    The debate is scheduled for 24 October 2022.

    Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.

    The Petitions team
    UK Government and Parliament

  9. 7 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Ah, yes, the head of the CDC who, after that interview clip was seized upon by absolute weapons like James Melville, sought media advice to help prevent her from making similar errors in future :


    What she meant of course is that vaccines designed to prevent infection and transmission of the early dominant variant are less effective in preventing transmission of the later, highly infectious Delta and Omicron variants that those vaccines weren't designed specifically for. 

    It's not the great "own" that you think it is. 

    Not sure what you mean by your last remark, its about getting at the truth.

    Regardless of who I got the twitter clip from they have all said it now - Boris Johnson last Christmas when he was still PM, Bill Gates, Fauci etc.  There have also been numerous studies done that show the minimal effect the vaccines had on Alpha/Delta transmission and negligible effect they have on Omicron.  I've posted some in the past and tbh cba to go over it again.

    I suppose Fauci was also reprimanded for misspeaking as well...

    Ultimately, you have the vaccine to protect yourself not others.

  10. I love a good paranormal mystery but ultimately I've never seen one and don't believe in life after death so ?

    I have read interesting scientific theories on multiple dimensions which may explain ghosts or why ufos seemingly to pop in an out of reality etc, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence so its all conjecture.

    More passing curiosity than anything tbh.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    As for the transmission statement - well, of course it doesn't prevent transmission 100% - no vaccine does - but it does prevent transmission to a high degree and makes symptoms in most cases relatively mild and non-fatal.

    The effect was minimal and short lived during the Alpha/Delta waves and negligible now.


    38 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Ultimately, whilst there are risks associated with taking the Covid vaccines (as there are with every vaccine an d the majority of medical procedures), they're minute compared to the benefits.

    Still under review imho.


    38 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    There's a pretty concerning Ebola outbreak in Uganda at the moment, and cases have been identified in Kampala the capital. There's currently no vaccine against Ebola. If it breaks out of Africa and reaches western Europe and the UK, will Covid sceptics I wonder be claiming that it's "just a little bleeding" and refusing a vaccine if one is hastily cleared for use?

    You can't compare something that primarily effects the older generation, high (airborne) transmission and a 99% survival rate with something like Ebola.

    The majority of covid sceptics such as myself are not outright anti-vaxxers, just capable of weighing up their personal risk/benefit ratio whilst just waiting for more data. 

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