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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 12 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    The thing is with the potential WW/Boro liabilities, is that if the new owners were to say 'see you in court', they should be in a 'no lose' situation. Obviously win the case and get your costs paid and also have a case for frivalous prosecution, but should we lose, we would have a cast iron case to bring against QPR, because a dangerous president would have been set, dangerous for football that is.

    You'd hope that after this they'll be a huge reform in who and how the football leagues are governed, and any fairy tale claims will die with the EFL.

  2. 6 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    But then we want someone who will run the club sustainably rather than someone who splashes the cash and then disappears. Been there, done that.

    This is the guy linked with the consortium with Rush in it who’s got previous of doing just that, or was he just Mels puppet? Either way I hope it doesn’t get messy with potential ground sale with MM and Rush’s history! 

  3. Fed up of arguing with brainless ****** fans on twitter, the bitterness from not getting Buchanan on the cheap is embarrassing. Apparently we have to sell players it’s the only way it’s all on us for “cheating” nothing to do with the EFL Boro or Wycombe.

    Having a sister club buying your players for you to bend FFP rules is a loophole that one day the EFL could decide is “cheating”-and against their make it up as you go along rule book, they should be careful what they wish for. 

  4. 1 minute ago, gfs1ram said:

    Sorry if this has already been posted on here but I cannot keep up.

    I tweeted my response at the time -

    " That's it then. we literally have it now in black & white ( no pun intended)

    Gibson ensures DCFC is liquidated and Morris then has to pay the £20m+ under his guarantee.

    Game set and match to Gibson - just no DCFC.

    VENDETTA !!! "

    I hope all these valid points are being forwarded to the correct people who are fighting our corner Tracey Crouch and so forth. Its painfully obvious its a vendetta and corruption of the highest order.

  5. The worrying thing for me is we're 11 days away from possible extinction yet there doesn't seem to be any urgency in any of the statements from both sides. My only hope is the EFL and admins have made a quiet agreement they'll drag it out for the transfer window, let us keep hold of our players but not sign anyone then the PB will be announced at the last minute.

  6. 11 hours ago, GboroRam said:

    Unfortunately we all ignored all the red flags, and stuck two fingers up at the rules and every other club. 

    Morris may well be the architect of the destruction of the Rams. 

    Forget any ideas of him riding in on a white horse to save the day. We were a vehicle for making money to him. That failed and he's hightailed into the sunset, with the ground as his last asset to try to salvage some of his losses with. 

    We fully deserve punishment for his actions. I hope we've suffered punishment enough with embargoes, points deductions and now the dismantling of the rump of a team, built on kids and pros in the last few seasons of their careers. 

    Plenty of things about football means I personally have to metaphorically hold my nose, and fans across the country do the same. It's easy to judge a team, an owner etc. based on non footballing criterion. I heard plenty of criticism of Newcastle and their new owners, and rightly so. Lots of people spoke in a similar fashion about Leicester and their previous administration period, and how local businesses suffered from their behaviour - again, rightly so. 

    Now it's our turn. And I can't defend it, just to hold my nose and pretend it doesn't stink. 

    And that's all because of Mel, and we cheered him while he took us to the cliff edge and pushed. 

    He ain't going to save us. 

    We cheered because we thought he was clever taking advantage of loopholes, taking on the establishment. It wasn’t so long ago he was trying to get ALL other clubs more tv money, that’s the sort of stuff we thought we were backing. There’s a huge difference between that and people thinking we were backing cheating, and unpaid bills, we certainly wouldn’t back the true MM that’s shown himself. 

  7. 7 hours ago, Archied said:

    Yep disgusting, had a builder many years ago pull that stroke with me and a lot of subbies on some jobs , was a scam , he had loads of money , big house, flash cars , he told me it was a limited company tough , I told him he agreed the price personally with me and job was spot on,

    was much younger then and after a few wrangles he paid me, it could have gone badly but principle s is principal s ?‍♂️,

    I know the carpenter was done for 30 k and went bust poor sod


    I don’t know how they sleep at night you hear of it too often. Debts should stay with the person and not the business in my eyes, would stop it happening as much. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    There's not really much to disagree about what they say is there?

    This debt has come about by a multi millionaire, paying other millionaires salaries, and the people that will pick up the tab is the taxpayer.

    We look at it through Derby tinted glasses but if it was another club I'd think exactly the same as this person.

    Of course, i don't want to see us liquidated but if we do find any new owners, and they buy the club under the agreement of paying the creditors a single penny less than what they are due, our club will be tainted.

    I’ve always thought it’s backwards how business owners not just in football can leave businesses in admin or just fold them and walk away owing people thousands/millions. Then a lot have the cheek to start another business in a different name and can carry on as normal, not even bothered about the people they’ve left in the ****. Clearly MM is one of those, if he had any decency he’d clear HIS debts even if that meant selling his own assets. 

  9. IF Ashley see’s no other way to purchase than to pay Boro and Wycombe off the EFL have opened the biggest can of worms for themselves and I think it’ll be the beginning of the end for them. It would be like open season with teams looking at ifs buts and maybes suing each other left right and centre, their vendetta against us could spell the end and regulators having to come in it might not be the worst outcome. 

    Just to add, it would be an easy way in for the Prem to start their division 2 which I’m sure most teams would vote in favour of now. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Retro_RAM said:

    Seeing a lot of non-Derby fans also coming through with their support. Nobody in football wants to see any football team disappear.

    I've seen some true Forest fans backing us, thing is whether they like it or not Derby is part of their history as well.

    And we’d be the same for them, we can all laugh at a relegation but a liquidation is another level, we know how much our club means to the people of Derby and it would be the same for any city bitter rivals or not. 

  11. Again who do you believe? Are we being massively blindsided by the Admins who are milking it for everything they can? Or are the EFL as corrupt as we all think? 

    This is where there should be an independent regulator to be the middle men in these situations, to have the clubs interest at heart and not the people lining their greedy pockets. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    It could be seen as bringing the game into disrepute, Clubs officials are not allowed to critisise an organisation that they are a member of, Remember how all this started, MM and the Sky deal.

    Those outside of the club then it's fare game, What WR says in public will be very different to what he says in private.

    Where are we North Korea? Whats the worst that can happen we have every possible sanction against us in place already, if something doesnt happen soon itll be too late.

  13. 1 minute ago, Rammy03 said:

    He doesn't know all the details though that's the problem, like the rest of us he doesn't understand what's going on. But yes its becoming clear now that the EFL have an agenda against the club. I think he should say it, he has nothing to lose. He is one of the most prominent figures in English football. Everyone would side with him.

    I cant knock him because what he's doing is remarkable, but he has the platform to cause a serious noise whether he knows the full details or not, the more noise he makes the more chance of something being done, again its just like the EFL can bully away and we just keep taking it on the chin.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    Rooney on RD basically saying that he believes we will stay up as long as the team is kept together. If not, then it will be very difficult. He says it's now out of his hands, he wanted to keep Jagielka and Shinnie but things changed. He doesn't know what group of players he'll have for the rest of the season. The EFL and the administrators need to find a way to resolve the situation as soon as possible. 

    Should WR be doing more off the field with these interviews? If he came out and said its disgusting how were being treated by the EFL with his stature people would start listening and more could potentially be done to resolve it.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    Stinks to me like the EFL are telling the admins one thing and the press another. 

    Like they’re trying to paint the admins as incompetent 

    There has to be an investigation into the EFL at some point, even Forest fans on social media are calling it wrong, just who and what has the power to start proceedings because at the minute they're being allowed to bully as they please.

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