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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 7 minutes ago, LauraH said:

    This has probably already been said but what use is a huge stadium to MM if we are kicked out the league. Is he allowed to offer funds to DCFC as proof of funding for the remainder of the season. 

    I was thinking the new potential owner could buy the stadium and the money be gifted to keep the club afloat then the potential owner still has a stadium even if they decided to not go ahead and purchase the club so its risk free, unless MM wouldnt agree to gift the money or its against EFL regs i dont know?

  2. 1 minute ago, Derbados said:

    Owen Bradley indicating on Twitter that the EFL moved the goalposts yesterday at the meeting, effectively blindsiding the admins.

    If true, and it will hopefully come out in the admins statement later, as a fan base we can’t sit back and tolerate this any further. 

    Protests, media campaigns, the lot - I’m not prepared to sit back any longer and let these spiteful cowards destroy my football club. 


    Something needs to be done everyone can see the vendetta against us, get within touching reach of safety and yet another possible deduction, it’s painfully obvious what they’re doing and I can’t believe they’re getting away with it.

  3. 10 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Just to cheer you all up, here's the latest from Cowboy Couhig


    No point "liking" us if you're determined to screw our club, Rob, it won't be 

    PS : 75% of the Championship spend more on wages than their income. 


    Can we all counter sue him for defamation, being from Derby I feel deeply hurt he’s calling me a schemer and it’s greatly impacted on my life, I don’t dare leave the house… 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    What makes you think “the kids” that are good enough to be bloodied in the first team will still be around next season?

    Maybe some of our best saleable assets are actually the kids.

    For me, I’d say keep on fighting but continue to play the youngsters alongside the more senior players. They’ll learn a lot over the coming months.


    That’s where Rooney should be asking the questions who wants to stick around and who wants to go, you wouldn’t begrudge any of them for wanting to play at a higher level. The fight should change for me to prove yourself and fight for a place next season rather than fight for the impossible. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Let the young players sink and rest the players we hope someone will think can play?

    That’s part of the risk do you leave them in the shop window and risk injury or like you say hope someone will pick them up on previous form. I can’t see anyone being critical of the young when we’re sinking anyway. 

  6. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    AT the moment, with players we have at our disposal now, I would say yes he should be getting more out of Jason Knight, Louis Sibley, and so on.  Early season form seems to have evaporated. 

    How does a captain motivate a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean with no life rafts?  I don’t think any manager in world football could do anymore with our situation. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How would a team prepare for the Championship in the Prem? How does a team prepare for League 1?

    Blood the youth as much as possible and rest the ones we’re moving on, even the most optimistic Rams fan surely knows deep down we have zero chance of staying up. 

  8. Not a doom and gloom thread, not a Rooney bashing thread, but a realist thread. Should we now be preparing for League 1 and stop the “we’ll fight till the end talk”? 

    The task was neigh on impossible with the -21 points, even adding them back on we’d still be heading into a relegation battle, so for me we should start the preparations now. Any saleable asset that will save our club and reduce the hmrc debt we should be looking to move on for a fee in Jan, if this means resting them and “playing the kids” to avoid injuries then so be it, and if that makes us a lot less competitive that’s on the EFL’s head not ours. We should be giving as many minutes as possible to the ones that will be staying for the rebuild. 

  9. Anyone else finding it really frustrating that MM started this fight with the EFL, runs away from it, puts us into admin then we have the book thrown at us and the EFL can carry on with their bullying ways and we’re left to look like the bad guys hated by everyone.

    He had two options for me keep fighting what he started whatever the cost, if the EFL are in the wrong let everybody see it.

    Or option two should’ve held his hands up, he’s not as smart as he thought he was, take the 9 point deduction and sell the club for whatever he could.

    Instead he’s royally shafted us it’s unforgivable, no matter how much he put in, his ego has ruined our club. 

  10. 55 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    Who negotiated the contracts for Anya, Blackman, Bent, Butterfield, Johnson etc? Was this down to Rush we over paid on any transfers and wages too.

    The final sign off would’ve been down to MM though, and for how poor the signings look in hindsight other than Bent, all of them were signed after good runs of form for their previous clubs and looked good signings on paper. Had they performed for us and we’d of gained promotion the fees wouldn’t have looked bad. 

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