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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 48 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Not surprised. Can't be arsed to read it.


    Dangerous, basically they're getting admins on their pay books that clubs have no choice but to go with, they can't find their own that will speak up against the EFL like Quant have.

    EFL needs to be investigated and overturned quickly they're literally turning into the football Mafia doing what they please, again why I'm so ****** off with Mel he had them on the ropes and just gave up. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    It won’t be long before people are making very real threats to him and his family I’m afraid.

    Wouldn't condone it but imagine some of the other fan bases around the country how theyd react, we've been very very accepting of everything that's happened, too accepting you could say!

  3. 19 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I’ve not kept up with all the moving and shaking recently, where has there been mention of a £6k wage cap? 

    I can't remember where I read it to be honest so not 100% sure if it's true, could be part of if we're not paying creditors the full amount that the wages are capped sure someone on here could confirm or deny? 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I’m trying to be avoid being a negative Nelly (no offence to anyone called Nelly) but Radio Derby seemed to think it was significant that every player asked on stage at the award said they wanted to stay. Well duh…… They’re hardly likely to say anything else at such an event. 

    In reality, I’m sure there are some that would like to stay but you couldn’t blame them for taking another offer if the takeover takes too much longer and the club can’t offer them extensions.

    If the 6k wage cap is true you can't knock any of them that are being offered more if they do leave, they have families and I know football is very well paid but it's also a very short career, fair play to all for the fight this season and good luck to any that do move on. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Yeah, he's all about pumping money in, isn't he?

    That's why he put in a monster bid at the start of this process.

    That's not the way he operates. He spends the bare minimum.

    He may be wealthy but that doesn't necessarily correlate with spending (the opposite if anything). Besides, there's far more to building a club than just having money.

    Also the reason he's got as much money as he does he's clearly a smart business man, we've seen what happens when you throw money at it doesn't guarantee you success but it's comforting to know he has the capital. I'm sure he'd get us to where we all want to be whether it be scrimping our way there or not. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    I fear you're right.

    Goodbye Kirchner.

    Goodbye Rooney.

    Goodbye Academy.

    Goodbye immediate promotion.

    Goodbye respect for the history of the club.

    Goodbye feel good optimism.

    Hello Mike Cashley. Hello Sports Direct adverts everywhere.

    Ashley has more money than anyone else we've been linked to, and as much as he gets called I still think he's the best option, he'll want to get us to the Prem and sell us for a profit we stand much more of a chance at promotion with him imo.

    Maybe he's learnt from Newcastle what not to do, so he may pump even more money into the academy.

  7. 4 hours ago, Derbados said:

    There are going to be a lot of clubs in trouble next season, the same fans that are jumping for joy at our predicament will be the same ones throwing a hissy fit toward  other fans laughing at their club when it happens to them. 

    Birmingham is a prime example, Bristol are in big trouble, as are Boro 

    chickens are coming home to roost ladies and gents, I hope you had a good laugh at our expense because it’s coming for you to


    The sad thing is they'll change the rules now to suit after using us as an example (vendetta). 

  8. For the few games ive managed to get to this season its been my favourite season in a long time, you can feel the togetherness in the team, in the fans, the city as a whole. Lets carry this on, come out in our numbers next season and get behind whichever lads we have playing for us, stick our finger up to the EFL the right way by going straight through their **** leagues! WE ARE DERBY!

  9. 1 hour ago, mrdave85 said:

    We have a great support, but do you really think we’ll continue to get 20,000+ at home in league one? I think it would take an effort from supporters groups akin to organising the march each week to keep that support going.

    I’ve a horrible feeling as soon as relegation is confirmed PP will be empty without constant drumming up of supporters

    I've not been able to go much this season with work and family commitments but I'll get a season ticket next year even in league 1, I still think we'll have over 20k and a massive away following regardless. 

  10. He reminds me a bit of the Leeds chairman, anyone who's watched the documentary will know what i mean, seems a likeable guy with a real determination to make the club great again, will soon realise he doesn't have anywhere near enough money to compete so he'll go off and get us valuable investors for the next push.

    For now i'm happy we'll have a club to support and put all the drama of the last few years behind us its been draining for everyone.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Council buying the stadium and leasing it back with a purchase options is a great idea.

    We've got some weird ducking 'supporters' on here, determined to find a problem with every solution ?

    It should be gifted to the Council as an apology from Morris for leaving the club and the citys club in so much ****, instead tax payers money will be buying it and MM gets away with his millions in tact. 

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