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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 12 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Best of luck there mate - you know it's all just a ponzi scheme right

    Classic hallmarks of a Ponzi

    1. Investors buy in the expectation of profits.

    2. That expectation is sustained by the profits of those that cash out.

    3. But there is no external source for those profits; they come entirely from new investments.

    4. The operators/brokers take away a large portion of the money.

    I got stung by a few Ponzi's early on, I  started off investing in node projects which are built on ponzinomics.

    If you look properly into the tech and the use case of both Blockchain and NFT's, also the companies that are already highly invested in them, it's only a matter of time before every big institution switches. I agree alot of crypto are Ponzi's you have to do proper research before investing which I didn't at the beginning. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    Another day of crisis for crypto. 

    It's all part of the plans, scare the little guys into selling or push them into liquidation, the big boys will buy up cheap, when mass adoption of Blockchain tech happens the rich get richer, so if you're a little guy like me buy and hold during the fear reap the rewards in the coming years.

  3. 1 minute ago, Rammy03 said:

    World cup semi final, Nations League semi final, European championships final

    Absolutely shocking that

    Flatters him I'd get that team as far as he did and I've not managed since LMA manager on PlayStation 2. 

  4. I'm at the stage now where I think let Ashley take it for the low ball offer he wants, we take the -15 points build a decent team get out within 2/3 years, Ashleys happy he's got his deal pumps loads of money for us to get to the Prem in another 2/3 seasons then if he sells up for a massive profit he's done his job and we're all happy.  

  5. Just now, twelveincher said:

    If he’s declared it as income and paid tax then all the traceability is sorted… if he’s not paid tax on it then I doubt he’d have declared it.

    I can't speak for CK and wouldn't want to speculate but I'd say a large majority of people who have done well in crypto have an office on a little tax haven desert island somewhere ?

  6. 3 minutes ago, TINMANTED said:

    it does not help us,but,IF the money check story is true,and the authorities cannot trace the trail of the money,ck has dropped himself in some serious s***

    If it is from crypto the traceability of funds is very complex, the only reason he'd be in the **** is if he's not declared it all when he's "withdrawn" to a stable currency and avoided tax. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Exclusive, but believe someone else posted something about this before.

    Final nail for me. Get Steve Morgan on the phone and get him installed. Balls to the 5pm deadline.

    Making a mockery of the EFL and their OADT too.

    Alonso Erik is that you! I did have my doubts i know times and people have changed with social media and what not but he speaks way too much trying to prove something.

  8. 27 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    A lot of our future will depend on attendances to generate income.  I tried to set up a poll to seek the general views but failed.  Maybe someone better than me can have  a go. 

    I think it will average or at around 15000.

    I think we'll still hit 20k season tickets, a few decent signings and some wins the numbers will come, people will just be happy to see us challenging again even if it is a division lower.

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