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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. Watching the EFL show on u21 players they've mentioned Knight and Bird, it's got me thinking Q have actually screwed us even more dragging their feet.

    Had they actually done their job and stuck to original deadlines, even if the PB couldn't fork up all the money we'd of had saleable assets in place for the new owner to then make the additional needed to not get a -15 next season, we let Shinnie, Plange and Festy go for peanuts, we're letting valuable saleable contracts run out.

    If anything they've hindered us more than actually helped, they need investigating into what they've actually done other than as I've said before line their fat pockets.

  2. What the **** have Q actually been doing all this time it's beyond a joke now especially if we end up with a deal that lands us with a points deduction, we've lost x amount of players too while they've dragged their feet lining their fat pockets.

    How hard is it to work out the debt, what needs to be paid and find out how much money three bidders have, should be weeks work not months. 

  3. As much as it pains me to say i do think its the best thing for us, with the amount of players we'll need to sign we dont want a repeat of whats gotten us in this mess, throwing money around and hoping for the best. Need a complete rebuild with our youngsters at the centre of it, we might even be down in league 1 for a few seasons for it to happen but if thats what it takes then so be it.

  4. 24 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Wayne has said he is worried about the situation. I’m sure if he was to invest some of his £170 mill fortune in DCFC , others would follow. Then perhaps fans could have say a 25% stake in the club.Put in whatever you can afford.

    If a £500m man can’t afford to keep running us…

    Football needs a complete remodel it’s no longer sustainable, look at the amount of debt even the big clubs are in the figures are scary. Wages need to be capped throughout the whole of Europe and these daft transfer fees need to be capped also, I’m surprised anyone would want to buy us in current climates.

  5. 59 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    I'm not going to get dragged into too much of this because I have family directly involved but I thought I would offer a few words that might help some understand the perspective from the other side.

    - Putin is not a despot, he is not in this for personal gain or infamy. He rationally believes that Ukraine was ripped away from Russia at the break up of the Soviet Union. Kiev is the historic founding of the Russian people, Russians view Ukraine as their cousins in much the same way that Scots and Irish do - they are Slavs by 'tribe' in the same way that Scots are Celts. BTW - I do recognize that Ukraine is a divided country itself and many Catholic Ukrainians (in the West of the country) would not share this view. Ukraine has been independent since 1991 but this is not a country with thousands of years of independence, for most of it's history it has been a part of Russia, Austro-Hungary or Poland. Again, I repeat, this does not entitle invasion but Putin is merely of the belief he needs to reset things to what they were.

    - Consequently, Putin is repeatedly saying that what he is doing is for Mother Russia. I don't say I agree with it, but it's not as simple as the 'evil regime' some in the West are trying to put on him. Back in Russia he is very popular and has done (without doubt) a huge amount to lift up the standard of living of nearly all Russians. Moscow, and many other cities, are great places to live and the support networks that most Russians enjoy put ours to shame (schools, local councils, healthcare etc).

    - This goes back to the breakup of the Berlin Wall, at the very latest. At that time the Soviet Union was dissolved, and the Russians were largely humilated in the years after with the ways they were forced to (for example) decommission nuclear weapons unilaterally in return for aid. And, as Putin says, 'even this was not enough for the West' as they then funded seperatists in Chechnya, Georgia and other areas. The West, largely the US, has interfered in Russian domestic matters consistently while at the very same time castigating Russia for doing the same (e.g. Syria).

    - Without doubt, and again not trying to excuse anyone, Russians are endemically paranoid - and have been way before the WWII (or the Great Patriotic War as they call it) and are bathed in the belief that the actions of their fathers (and let's not forget without their laying down 35 million lives it is pretty clear the Second World War would not have ended when it did - at least) should not go to waste. Churchill famously described Russia as a riddle inside a mystery inside an enigma (or something maybe not in that order) and the West has repeatedly failed to see this over the past thirty years, consitently failed to take the opportunity to calm the situation and understand it from the other side.

    - The West has systemically tried to undermine Russia since the Berlin Wall dissolved. Of course, in later years, Russia has reacted to this (Salisbury poisionings, election interfering etc) with clear hostility but don't forget, it's not too long since British spies were caught laying cameras outside influential locations in Moscow.

    - There is a unique moment here for Putin to act. America is weak, the world is still reeling from the pandemic, Germany is in political transition, the US and the UK have (let's keep it polite) leaders that will not be remembered as the greatest to serve their country. And alongside this, Russia has been told to step back on watch the US try to control the Middle East (Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan) among other activities. If you are interested in American foreign policy look up a concept called 'manifest destiny' - Russians reject the American belief that they have the right to go imposing their views on other people in their countries - even President Xi of China said the same thing the other day. Now when Russia says they want to 'integrate' Ukraine back under their control (again, let's not forget that Ukraine has declared intent to join NATO, to have NATO military right up against Russian borders - for a country that remembers being invaded in 1941, like it or not, this is just not acceptable so Russia sees this as the best way to prevent that) there was no reasonable way to look at that (note: in 2014 the referendum in Donbass and Lugansk clearly voted to be part of Russia. Yes, you can question the result but it was a bit more than 52%, if I may). BTW - there are already seven states reintegrating back into a sort of CIS style trading block, including some of the 'stans, Belarus and Armenia. This is not just about reinventing the Soviet Union.

    So, what is happening is horrific, it's undefendable as an action but it is also possible to take a moment to understand why it was done and what the rational is behind it.

    Final point - it would help a LOT if someone could get Liz Truss to read this post as her references and statements are so incorrect in their frames of history that they are insulting and completely unhelpful. That, above all, is my biggest fear - not Putin (who let's not forget has been in power since before Boris even got into politics in any form) but that the, frankly, amateurs on this side of the fence simply don't know what they are dealiing with. We desperately need a Merkel, even a Thatcher, who can handle this in the way that is needed, not some of the faux Churchillian bombast seen from too many (not just UK) leaders.

    Hope that helps, as I say I'm not doing debate on it - if you disagree please feel free to do so but, with all respect, I have friends and family to be looking out for at this time so please excuse me if this doesn't answer all the points.

    BTW - for anyone reading this who is Ukranian, my heart goes out to what your country is being put through. My prayers are that this can be resolved quickly and without more bloodshed.

    But, and be sure, this is the single biggest threat to all our lives since at least WWII (may even including, given we didn't have nuclear bombs then). This only takes one person to misunderstand one signal, one command, one movement and we are all toast. Very, very worrying.

    Just saw a news interview CNBC from 4 months ago where the reporter asks Putin about moving assets away from the US Dollar to diversify and to stop sanctions having "less of a bite" Since then US and NATO have intensified "training" on Russia's boarder, aint painted Putin out to be Hitler. History repeating itself Gaddafi wanted an independent African currency and look what happened to him. I dont trust a thing thats put out in our mainstream news US and our government are corrupt to the core, as you say horrific what is happening to the Ukrainians but keep poking at Russia and trying to cripple their economy i dont know what the world expects. 

  6. Watched and loved boxing since i was a boy but i think that's me done now, disgusting from the judges, if there isnt one in place there has to be an independent panel put in that can overturn wrongful title decisions. Fair play to Ben Shalom for his honest interview but it cant stop at that. I was a Josh Taylor fan before but his interview was even worse than the decision.

  7. 1 minute ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Thought he had a real swagger about him when he came on last night. Hopefully he can give us something different and another option from the bench. 

    Its refreshing to see the fearlessness him and Festy bring, Wayne's obviously given them the freedom to express themselves on the pitch, both raw and exciting to watch, hope we can keep hold of all our youngsters whichever division we end up in.

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