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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. He needs to come out in the media and lambast the EFL now, enough is enough the Festy rumours should tip him over the edge and I want to see a full blown rant! He needs to be making as much noise as the rest of us, Rooney is more highly regarded in football than the EFL that is a fact, time to use his platform! 

  2. 5 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I’ve read several reports stating it is not the vaccine but the virus itself.

    Ultimately it’s up to you which reports you believe.

    Anti-vaxxers will certainly claim its the vaccines.

    If you use Twitter check out a page called theysayitsrare, literally 10s of thousands of people claiming they’ve had issues following the vaccine, not all anti vaxxers, a lot of DRs and verified accounts, actors etc.

    I wasn’t an anti vaxxer but I did choose to wait and see for this exact reason, it was a money race by the pharma companies who could get it out first, never enough time for proper testing. 


  3. It won’t let me add the link but has anyone seen the Matt Le Tissier interview about the vaccines? Saying what everyone else is thinking about all the young sports players around the world suddenly having heart issues. Not only sports stars it’s happening week on week at the football grounds too and all they fob it off with is “it never used to get reported” In my near on 35 years going to games i recall one occasion it happening. Something deffo isn’t right! 

  4. 3 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    A bit optimistic, and league 2? Maybe lower. Maybe the players have been kept on because there are plans in place for funding but that’s just a guess. I doubt they would bring in a lot of money or a lot of the money needed at least. 
    Im resigning myself to AFC Derby County in the conference or something so if we survive it’s a bonus ! 

    It was reported a few weeks ago im sure that the EFL were making contingency plans for us to be in League 2 cant remember where i read it though.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Topram said:

    That’s so depressing could well be the end 

    I don't read it that way, its obvious if we dont get a PB that the money will run out end of Feb because we're keeping hold of our players. So they're either quietly confident they have a PB or we are just chancing it not selling anyone and hoping something works out over Feb, which could lead to us surviving both as a club and even in the championship and have a new owner. Or we end up liquidated but had a good go and we start again in league 2, we wont die either way UTR!

  6. I can’t see an arbitration ruling against us with all the pressure being applied by media and MP’s, the days of doing what they like against us are numbered. I suspect it’s just getting dragged out for the transfer window so we can’t sign anyone, after Rooneys comments about bringing in players that would be seen as a **** take with all the millions we owe. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    I checked with a few of the offended Boro fans on Twitter last night : they felt that the death of any vulnerable DCFC fans was fair retribution for some idiots singing an offensive song.

    Some people these days have no sense of proportion. You see it in some of the responses to DCFC's financial crisis. Allot of it is social media grandstanding, but there are those who are utterly convinced and can't be reasoned with. 

    I’ve not long rejoined Twitter and remember the reasons I stopped using it during all this, not got a brain cell between them in that region by the looks of it. Once the corruption is ironed out and they no longer have a board member in the EFL they could find themselves where we are, their owners clutching at straws trying to get any money he can to cover his own overspending and they can’t see it, and when it does happen I won’t feel sorry for them after this. 

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