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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. Only 3 losses this season, if anything were hard to beat! Bournemouth and West Brom the only two who have lost fewer games than us and a few on the same amount. But draws aren’t enough we can’t afford these stupid mistakes if we’re to survive we have everything else against us we don’t need to add to it! 

  2. 24 minutes ago, Scott129 said:

    The article says there were two others besides Lawrence and Keogh in the vehicle. And of course Bennett on his own in another car.

    I think one of the other two passengers is pretty much confirmed at this point. Haven't got a clue who the last one is and I really don't want to speculate.

    The thick idiot says he doesn’t want to name them then drops one right in it with a name drop in the same article ? I’m so glad the brainless moron is out of our club. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    It was blatant in real time but on Rams TV I waited for the replay, just to be certain. Extraordinary not to give the penalty. The player is 8 yards from the cross with no one around him and blocks it with his hand a mile from his body.

    Linesman had a clear view too, anyone would think the forces at be have some sort of vendetta against us…

  4. 2 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I see where you're coming from.

    I just feel the tragedy of it all is there was no need for it to have ended this way. So many different moments where a different decision could have left us without the baggage.


    He’ll 100% regret turning down the £50m American offer back in 2019 now. He was hedging his bets we’d get promoted and he’d sell us for more, and let’s be honest no honest person could begrudge him for wanting to make some of his money back he’s a business man at the end of the day, but his bets gone majorly wrong left us in the **** and him massively out of pocket. He’ll be remembered for all the wrong reasons and he only has himself to blame, he’d of got more respect admitting that rather than blaming everything else. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    He has invested a fortune. 

    No doubt about it Mel Morris put his money where his mouth is and backed Derby to make the Premier League

    Going into admin doesn't change that. Neither does the fact he spent huge amounts of his own money on Derby change the fact that we are now in administration and suffering because of his management 

    As often is the case in the real world people aren't always angels or demons. 

    People have to be mature enough to judge people as they see them and not get caught up in any hysteria. Don't start doing stupid things. 

    I keep battling with myself because on one hand he’s left us right in the **** through years of mismanagement and fallouts with the EFL. And handled his leaving awfully with no communication to the manager and staff.


    On the other he’s not taking any money back owed to him from the club and he has pumped millions into us during his tenure, also he’s put us into administration after the transfer window allowing us to potentially keep our players, so I don’t believe he’s just wiped his hands with us and hasn’t done what he believes is the best for Derby, just wish he’d of come out with a better apology and better communication then the feelings towards him wouldn’t be as bitter as they are. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Basically we've been here before but the last time we owed a bank money -co op -30 million quid which we cleared on promotion , hence the reason we got Andy Todd and ilk.  A least the debt was contained to a degree on that occasion.  This time its a myriad of poo and could see us go out of business in a few months and result in player sales to fund various creditors.  I expect to see us in League 2 barring a miracle in 2 years if there is a club at all .  the EFL are responsible for this putting off sale of the club by osmosis but no more than Morris who has effectively talked baalocks for 12 months.  With the cost of running this club at the minute - we are still getting TV money, gate revenue and sponsorship- putting it into admin is just disgraceful .  He should be ran out of town 

    So why hasn’t Mel just sold us for £1 we take the 6/9 point deduction and hope a new owner can save us from relegation this year? What’s the benefit to him or the club putting us into admin?

    Or is he to be believed that we can’t find a buyer and we’re simply losing too much money to carry on?

  7. Were gonna fight 'em all
    The EFL army couldn't hold us back
    They're trying to rip us off
    Taking their time right behind our back
    And Mels talking to himself at night
    Because he can't forget
    Back and forth through his mind
    Gibsons a massive ? end 

    And the message coming from my eyes
    Says, "Leave us alone"

    Were the black and white army! 


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