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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. I'm actually feeling a bit more confident at this moment. We may not have the strength in depth but the players we have are by no means pushovers and if we have the right kind of siege mentality we can upset the odds this season.

    And yes I'm serious.

    Let's not bring any negative energy into the ground tomorrow. Rooney is right, we can get 3 points and that should be the aim. Let's get the mentality right.

    Can't wait to be in the ground tomorrow. Imagine what a win would do for this club on the opening day. I'm absolutely certain it would raise spirits massively. It won't solve our structural and financial issues but it will show that we've got some fight in us.

    Adrenaline kicking in, I don't think I'm going to get to sleep now!!!

  2. Might be the most unceremonious signing announcements of any football club in decades.

    I mean I get why they don't want a song and dance here but I'm used the whole "HE'S ARRIVED" social media fanfare.

    It's a far cry from the Jozwiak corner flag announcement which was a stone cold classic

  3. 8 minutes ago, Chester40 said:


    I'm doubling-down on this ?. Just listen, it's already a Kamil chant just as it is. Not like we are paying the guy royalties! 

    I hope I don't get "cancelled" for this, but now I've heard it....

  4. 11 minutes ago, RamLad1884 said:

    If we sign no players we go into the season with two players who can play CB:

    Cashin, who has no senior experience and even if he's ready will he be ready to play 46+ games? 

    Fozzy, aging LB who again has had his share of injuries. 

    Lose either of them to injury we have no players that can really play CB. Not sure even the u23s have some established CBs currently as we released Wassall this year. 

    I think the argument is that if we have an opportunity to open up our transfer prospects very soon, it would be silly to snap up all of the trialists blindly if we believe we will be able to do better very soon. In that case it is worth not signing them and struggling for Huddersfield and Salford but getting in better quality players shortly after.

    Unfortunately, I can't say I agree. We need players. There's no point messing around gambling on if we can make some "proper" signings towards the latter stages of the window, we need bodies in

  5. 8 hours ago, gccrowdpleaser said:

    'Enormous pressure' is being a neurosurgeon, a midwife delivering babies day on day out, or an ambulance driver arriving at the scene of an accident.

    Enormous pressure is not worrying about whether Derby may or may not sign anyone ahead of the first game of the season or how to tell people what was said in a meeting.

    People need to get a grip on reality. 

    Derby have been in various messes before and come through them...fortunately they were pre twitter and fan entitlement or there would have been armageddon.


     Now you're just picking fights. It's subjective. I'd suggest neurosurgeons on the whole never face the enormous pressure of poverty or homelessness.

  6. 7 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

    I mean it's obviously got to be Give It Up by KC and the Sunshine Band right?

    Na-na na-na na-na na-na na na nah, Kamil Jozwiak, Jozwiak, Kamil Jozwiak ?

    Keep it simple and on the syllable count people

    Yep, 100% this is the easiest and best one and I thought this earlier but would you believe me if I told you I couldn't remember the original song title and lyrics ?‍♂️

    Of all the memorable tracks to totally be unable to place...

  7. On those who've said its very unfair that this has been put on David, I actually agree. But when the NDA was discussed, fans cried out saying "that's not fair, who wants to read the official club minutes! It'll just be all spin and PR".

    So they dropped it. And people are still raging.

    They 100% could not have satisfied everybody.

    But to reiterate, I do feel for those who've been tasked with spreading the word because it is an enormous pressure.

  8. I'm pretty sure David has quite a detailed writeup which will go through the meeting in full and disclose everything that can be disclosed.

    Rather than release their own minutes, in which obvious boardroom bias would dominate, the club is allowing him to convey to the fans his fair judgements and observations from the evening, in as much detail as he possibly can.

    I suspect for his own benefit and for the benefit of this forum, he has requested that anything from that writeup that violates the NDA is removed before it goes public. This essentially means that all of his notes and recollections are in there in full gory detail, and only the things that are legally required to be removed will be omitted.

    I shouldn't have to tell you this, but that is a good thing. Once again, there's so many valid things you can have a pop at Mel for but this isn't one of them

  9. 3 minutes ago, Rev said:

    From the looks out it's going to be kids out there, and a wookie manager.

    Pointless killing their confidence, take the protests outside after the game.

    That's probably pointless too mind, seeing as the owner wants out as much as the fans want him gone.

    Probably best to assemble around the NewCo and take if from there.

    Derby City Football Club to ground share with whom?

  10. Hi guys, so I've spent a load of energy on a weekday evening hounding David on Twitter for not sharing any info after he had a 4 hour+ round trip to get to the meeting and had to leave early, then I read approximately 5 tweets from Punjabi Rams and I've deduced that this meeting has produced absolutely no news and I don't care that the supporter groups have promised further updates tomorrow because I'm a massive tool with no life.



    Seriously, throw out the whole club and start again

  11. 2 minutes ago, Topram said:

    The others are still in the meeting according to the Punjabi lads 

    Yeah, and I think they'll release their bits tonight as will others I guess.

    Unfortunately David is going to get the wrath of some of our worst fans for the crime of wanting to go home and go to bed before reporting back on what was said.

    Pure brainlessness

  12. Just now, WestLondonRam said:

    I rarely get pissed off at DCFC but at the moment I am very close. 
    for them to not release notes when they said they was is down right disgraceful. 

    It’s our bloody club and I don’t want to wait to know what’s going on as I’ve waited long enough. 

    This...this is what everyone wanted?

    People complained about the NDA and the attendees being gagged, so they've chosen to allow the fan groups to report back, and that's still not good enough?

    Of all the things you can attack the club for now, you're picking an absolutely rubbish hill to die on.

  13. I don't particularly like it if I'm honest. Its a stark reminder that we have had so few noteworthy club heroes in the last 20 years. And I think it has us properly dining out on players and memories from up to 50 years ago. And beyond...as I've just spotted Steve Bloomer...

    I love our history but it's not a part of the club I recognise immediately. It means very little to me and many in my generation.

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