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Posts posted by Tombo

  1. 7 hours ago, Rampant said:

    I'll read more about Rams TV later but I'll ask here for now.

    1. How much is it?

    2. What do you get for your money? (U23 games live, 1st team matches 'delayed' etc)

    3. What do overseas Rams get that UK based ones don't?

    4. Is it PC friendly or just laptop, phone and ipad? 

    5. Does one subscription allow you to watch on different platforms?

    £110 a year

    First team matches not already televised will be streamed live for overseas fans only. Also essentially everything that the old ramsplayer had.

    Live streaming, as above

    Good on all devices. My laptop, my phone, my tablet and my dads PC all work fine with it.

    Yep. Sign up for the account and watch it on any device. 

  2. Fury would be a very different test for AJ. Going to be hard to get inside him with Fury having the size and superior reach. He's going to have to work hard to unlock the door with Fury I think, otherwise he'll just be jabbed to death and Fury wins on decision.

  3. 21 minutes ago, tomsdubs said:

    I agree but my only exception is Martin was kind of a handout, the guy he fought collapsed with knee ligaments gone after a round or two. It was a total gift, Martin was always losing to AJ even if AJ had a bad night. Martin was lucky to even get a title shot for a vacant belt against an average opponent. Breazeale has since shown he has an awesome chin against Ugonoh so the fact AJ did that to him tells me that AJ's power is supreme in the division. Fury, Wilder, Tyson or whoever you look at had just as steady if not easier building fights than AJ. You need to balance learning the pro game and making sure you don't throw your guy in the deep end too quick.

    Intrigued to see how Hughie fairs against Parker, it's a massive step up for him but it opens up a lot of big fights if he does it. Wanted Haye to win just for all the potential HW possibilities. Fury, Fury, AJ, Haye, Wilder & Parker. Plus loads of fringe contenders moving up.Think Wlad is past it and will be retired by AJ.

    Yeah he was a handout, but he was in that opportunity, end of story. He may have been about on par, perhaps only marginally worse, than the guys AJ was beating before.

    But yeah, exactly right that most guys have easier runs than AJ did early on. They used to say early on that he needs to be tested with someone who can take him the distance and nobody can. It's going to have to take Wlad to do it, and if he can't, then nobody can. If he knocks out Wlad, old or not, then we'll just have to accept that every fight he has will end in a KO one way or another. There's probably no safer and more careful fighter in the division than Klitschko.

  4. 59 minutes ago, tomsdubs said:

    Honestly reading Twitter replies to boxers is just mind boggling, some of the cowards that have a pop is absolutely astounding. The way the media went after Fury after becoming the best HW on the planet was a joke. He may have said some stupid stuff but I just wished they'd leave the guy alone. Fighters want to stay as healthy and relevant for as long as possible, they always take the safest route to the most money it's simple common sense and we'd all do the same. Blows my mind that casuals all moaned about Joshua's early fights, he moved way faster than most HW prospects.

    Joshua vs Wilder is my dream match up right now, that fight would be huge assuming AJ does the business in April. Think Wilder gets schooled, he lost all the rounds to a poor Washington. Straight forward KO IMO for AJ there.

    You're right about the danger though, these casuals don't understand how hard these guys punch. They treat these fighters like video game marionettes, just there for their entertainment. They wouldn't be so flippant if they were taking sledgehammers to the head for a living.

    The problem was that there hasn't really been anyone to test Joshua. Early on, yes he was facing guys who he was expected to beat. That's how it always works, you build confidence and get a good undefeated streak to start you off.

    AJ is similar to Tyson in many aspects. Firstly back in the day, people would ask Tyson the same questions - "When will you face someone who'll take you the distance?" And the response is always the same for both "We're trying to find someone!"

    AJ, just like Tyson, walks into a match with a guy that his corner are thinking "okay, this guy will be a big test now" and he demolishes them way early than anyone expected. The only guys to really test him were Breazeale and Whyte, not to be taken lightly, they were big big contenders. Even so, Breazeale he dominated fairly well, the guy just had a good chin.

    So I too never understand why AJ gets accused of only fighting 'bums'. They've always tried to fight guys to challenge him and he's always exceeded expectation. The fact that he effortlessly knocked out a guy who was world champion to win his first world honours says a lot. Maybe Martin wasn't the strongest champ in the division but he's got some quality, otherwise he wouldn't have been anywhere near the belt. They don't just hand out world titles.

  5. 1 minute ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Eddie Hearn has done wonders for British boxing. How many world champions? His shows are by far the best too. Much better than Boxnation, BT Sport and that joke of a show ITV put on.

    He's brilliant at promoting and selling fights. 

    It's hard for him to strike the right balance between fights which the fans want to see and making sure he has his fighters' best interests at heart. 

    The Brook/GGG fight wasn't the best of calls. But fans still wanted to see it, and no other British fighter seemed to want to get in the ring with him. He did well to get GGG over to England.

    He will naturally get some wrong. But he's often in a no-win situation with some fans. They curse the fact some fighters never fight the best out there, then when they do it's criticised for safety reasons.



    I think the problem might be just how much he loves the limelight. He loves getting his mug in front of the camera with that ****-eating grin. In plenty of cases, he overshadows the guy he is actually promoting. He gets talent and just stands in front of them going "Yeah, this guy is a real threat to the division. Also, I'm promoting him. Me. I'm the best. Don't I just always get the best guys? King Edward of Hearn proudly presents..."

    No doubt his shows are always good though.

  6. 40 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Very harsh criticising Bellew. He's a cruiserweight. He took Haye's shots and lasted way beyond the point anybody thought he would

    He's a WBC cruiserweight champion of the world who just fought a top heavyweight. 

    He might not be Evander Holyfield but if you think that's embarrassing ... I don't know what to say.

    If one man was an elite boxer and the other was a clown then it would never have gone to round 4, 6 or 11.

    Highly debatable. He had no punching power left when he had both legs, let alone when he had one.

  7. 38 minutes ago, McLovin said:

    Prime Haye was what Joshua is now but he turned arrogant. Hopefully Joshua doesn't do the same

    Disagree. Joshua now would still beat Haye. And Haye didn't turn arrogant, he turned old. He's only been really arrogant since the hype for this fight. There was no hint of taking De Mori or Gjerjaj lightly, and he was pretty switched on and sensible for those. No bragging, no nonsense. He was even being nice to AJ at that point, said he was a fantastic talent and would love to take him on and may the best man win and all that. Bellew called him out and suddenly he decided to play the bad guy. Because that's where the money is.

    He was the good guy when he was taking on Andre the Giant Nikolai Valuev.

  8. Just now, Norman said:

    They were wrong. Haye was the fitter man, the stronger man as the rounds went on. Feel so gutted go Haye. The man showed more heart than Bellew ever could.

    No rematch, please. Haye took 2 rounds to find his range and timing. If it wasn't for the Achilles Bellew would have gone in 6 or 7

    If not for the Achilles, Haye would have finished him. He started to look better before the injury. Then we might have had AJ vs Haye sometime down the line, and that would have been over in the first round. Joshua would have had him on toast in front of a packed Wembley Stadium. So be thankful you will never suffer that anticlimax.

  9. Truthfully though, it's hard to say "boxing fans want to see the best vs the best" because clearly if that was true, the money wouldn't be in fights like Haye vs Bellew. You'd have more unifying title matches, if that's what people really want to see, because that would be money. 

    Clearly fight fans prefer a good story to "best vs best" because that's what gets the most bums in seats and PPV buys. Fighters going for the money means that fans get what they want.

    ...in theory anyway.

  10. I realise I might be crucified for this comparison, but David Haye has undergone what the professional wrestling business calls a 'heel turn'. Anthony Joshua is the biggest babyface around right now and it's building to that. 

    Not comparing the 'sports', just making a point about fight promotion. It works just the same. To draw money in a big fight, you need a guy people like, and you need a guy that everyone wants to see with his face caved in. 

  11. I can only apologise for the atrocious boxing cliche but it's one of those recurring tropes - if Bellew survives the first few rounds, the ball is in his court.

    That said, Haye could surprise us and have a go at the conservative approach, make Bellew rethink his plans to just hold back the storm and actually surprise him late on instead. It's not his style, granted, but it depends how he rates Bellew truthfully. He says Bellew's a nobody and he'll knock him out early doors, and I'm inclined to agree that he's not as good as he thinks he is, but who knows if Haye really believes in the threat of Bellew or not.

    I don't think Haye will be in as poor shape as people think. I wouldn't believe the photos of him in Miami, the guy is a dedicated athlete and he's only 36 so he's not exactly over the hill. What he's lost in speed he'll make up for in power. I don't think he needs to knock him out early on, I reckon he'll be prepared for the distance if it comes to it. He does need to hurt him early on if he's going for that approach but I don't think he's going to be gassed 4 rounds in. He just needs to use the time he has early on wisely because as I said, it's Bellew's fight later on and Haye needs to have made enough of an impact before that.

  12. 1 minute ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Buddhism has interested me.

    Also the meaning of life. If you can accept that there is absolutely no meaning to your life other than being alive then it does make things easier. We are alive. There is no reason or meaning outside what we ourselves choose. We are simply alive.

    Some very interesting spiritual teachings with them. Sometimes listen to this when I'm at my worst. Shamelessly, it's because I heard it sampled in a song, but the full clip is very useful so it doesn't matter where you find it.


  13. Related note, I've started to find some help in cryptic crossword books. I know, I'm too young to be that boring but it's a good way to exercise your brain. TV and internet will leave you hollow, and just like when you've neglected your physical body, you've got to even things out with a gruelling run on the treadmill, you have to give your brain a run every now and again. Sometimes you realise you're just going through the motions and not thinking at all. Or sometimes you think but you get stuck on worrying or stressing about something. We've all had those nights where your brain just thinks up horrendous scenarios when you're trying to sleep, in which the missus leaves you and takes the kids and dog or whatever. You know it won't happen really, but the more you obsess the more you convince yourself. Practice 'mindfulness' as they call it. Don't stress about the past, don't worry about the future, focus on the very now. Cryptic crosswords and quiz books will do your head in but you realise how much you relish the challenge once you start. Something to get your teeth into.

    Also, dust off the cobwebs on your brain and always find new ways to relax. Some of you might be like me and you get stuck in 'relaxing' routines. Watch the same TV, play the same video games etc... You tell yourself you're unwinding but you know you're not. If you get like that, think of something you haven't done in ages and do it. Even something as simple as just this very morning, I was on the bus with my headphones on and there was a newspaper sat on the seat next to me. I can't remember the last time I killed a bus journey with a newspaper. I did this morning and somehow things felt different. There was a bit more colour in between the lines. Variety is the spice of life.

    There, those are free for yous. On the house.

  14. 1 hour ago, sage said:

    Maybe it has always been this prevalent and it just seems on the increase as there is greater awareness and openness. This is the case in child abuse, your child is no more at risk of being abducted than in the 60s, 70s or 80s, we just perceive a greater risk 

    Yeah, that's a fairly feasible theory. But then if it has always been this prevalent, we've on the whole been living a miserable existence as a species for centuries. Like I say, I don't think I can just accept that life is just the way it is and we are the way we are because we always have been, only awareness has increased. Surely we would not have survived as a species if we had this kind of emotional flaw in us.

    I'm inclined to say it's just a modern thing and that our lifestyles are just unhealthy. It's like the obesity crisis for the brain.

  15. What the **** is wrong with the world that we live in that it does this to so many of us? Are any of us truly happy? Christ sakes...

    I know it's brain chemistry, I know it's not as simple as life is ****, but what are we all doing wrong fundamentally that puts us like this? I just can't accept that this mental health crisis is just the way things are. There must be something we can change.

    Is it our diets? Lack of sunlight? Technology? Aliens with a depression ray?

    There's more of us than you think, and it's bittersweet to think that. On one hand, we're not alone. On the other hand, how and why is it this way?

    P.S. Politely, don't ask me to share my story, because I haven't got one. I'm just miserable as **** and everything is useless and pointless, same as the rest of you. I'm just looking to see if anyone knows what the **** is happening? Seriously? Why are we all ****** up?

  16. On 21/12/2016 at 09:59, mrdave85 said:

    MyHermes can eat a bag of d*cks.

    Absolutely useless couriers with even more useless customer service. They've lost one parcel, won't attempt to redeliver a second until I get the person who sent it (ebay seller) to tell them to.


    Old post so sorry to quote you but this happened to my housemate.

    MyHermes were supposed to deliver a paint set to him. Nobody was in when they came, so they put an attempted delivery note through the door. It didn't say to collect from someone or that it was with a neighbour. The 'other' box was ticked with a little note saying "delivered over back gate".

    Not "left at the back gate". "OVER back gate". The back gate was locked, so best guess, he went round, and threw it over quite a high back gate.

    Anyway, we found it battered and upside down in the back garden and when we opened it up, the paint had exploded everywhere. Neither MyHermes nor the people he ordered it from were willing to give him any kind of replacement or refund. Apparently the sellers relinquish responsibility by handing it over to MyHermes. If the parcel is damaged, it's their responsibility to refund or pay for a replacement. MyHermes have the policy that if you don't give them adequate alternate delivery instructions for if you're not in, then it is not their fault if the alternative delivery method results in damage or loss.

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