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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 2 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I've seen there are a lot of animated Japanese (I think) films on Netflix recently. Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, etc. No idea why, but I've always felt like they'll be really depressing and so I've avoided them. Am I being ignorant?

    I dion't find them at all depressing. They can be dark; very dark in the case of something like Princess Mononoke; but I find them incredibly uplifting. Give one or two a go. You might find you want to watch them all. I did.

  2. I have a soft spot for Paul Blades, so...




        Sage  Wright Blades Forsyth

    Micklewhite  Gregory G.Williams Mcminn   

                   Saunders Goddard




             Stimac  McGrath West 

          Eranio  Carsley  Asanovic  C.Powell

            Sturridge  Wanchope  Baiano

  3. 34 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    They can’t hear what the players are saying to the ref though can they? And watching a player cheat on the pitch doesn’t really compare with someone sitting near by shouting out some of the stronger swear words we hear. I don’t have a problem with my grandson seeing Grealish go down like he’s been shot but, I would feel a little uneasy if the person sitting next to him started shouting out one of the strongest examples of industrial language. 

    It is completely the opposite for me. Dishonesty is worse than swearing.

  4. 1 minute ago, Ewe Ram said:

    The point of the family area is that you respect the families who sit there, in my opinion. The one at fault is the person shouting and should not be surprised to be asked to calm the language down. 
    In the stadium as a whole, I explained to my kids when they were little about the places and people who do not want to hear it, as you just know they use that language with their mates. 

    Having a family area in a football ground is like having a no pissing area in a swimming pool.

  5. On 12/02/2023 at 13:11, Bob The Badger said:

    Just ove rhalf way through Operation Mincemeat and I'm very happy I waited and didn't pay to see it.

    I'll see it through tonight but it's a bit of a yawn as of now.

    Having said that, when I think about it, it must be a tough book to make exciting. Especially when you have to strip 80% of it out and you lose a lot of the really interesting detail.

    The book had me in awe whereas the film had me in bed.

    Try The Man who Never Was - Clifton Webb with a whole host of familiar actors of British film of the 50s and 60s.

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