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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 36 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Abuse/position of power is immoral but not illegal. Look at Clinton and Lewinsky. Sex trafficking always illegal, but that's never been proven in this case. I don't suppose we'll ever know.

    It can out you in prison and it'll put you on the sex offenders register.

    Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

    The defender dancing with the attacking player to stop them gaining possession and allow the ball to go over the byline. Anywhere else on the pitch it would be a foul 

    Not so. You are allowed to shield the ball anywhere on the pitch

  3. 20 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Nationwide takeaway delivery overlords, who appear not to care/to turn a blind eye/openly encourage their public-facing representatives to break highway laws, and c*** a snook at decency, morality... and the safety of others.

    Reg-plated motorised scooters on pedestrian walkways.
    Pedal cycles without lights... after dark/before daylight... ridden by deliverers without any visible clothing beyond the black spectrum.
    RLJ's by the daily dozen.
    On the phone whilst driving/riding.

    All emblazoned by the very names and logos of said takeaway delivery overlords.  Advertising the very worst... and in some cases, potentially the most likely to result in severe injury/death... of highway safety and consideration to others.


    Oh... and give those back boxes a wash will yer... yer filthy b*******!  

    I nearly hit one the other day. No lights, dark clothes. Pulled across me to turn right just as I pulled away at traffic lights.

    Also one nearly hit pedestrian me as he ploughed through a red at a pelican crossing. He then stopped to give me a hard time for not watching where I was going.

    Won't ever use them. Or their taxis.

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