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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 9 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    You park your car in a crowded Supermarket carpark, when you come out some one notices you loading up and waits for you to vaccate the parking space. All of this is fine but the people waiting for you to pull out the parking are so worried about losing the space they park very very close to you meaning that you have to do a 27 point turn in order to back out the space and head torward the car park exit.?

    The thing I love about this thread are the little snapshots it gives of people's lives.

    I want to think this happened to you this morning and the first thing you did when you got home was to post it on here. Even before unloading the shopping.

  2. On 06/12/2022 at 18:41, Bob The Badger said:

    How do you know there is no reward if you haven't given it your full attention when you yourself say it needs your full attention?

    Riddle me that one Batman.

    We watched it all. 

    Red Dwarf did it better

  3. 1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

    How do you know there is no reward if you haven't given it your full attention when you yourself say it needs your full attention?

    Riddle me that one Batman.

    I can't do it. Probably because I don't care enough. I get 'Lost' vibes and that's bad. As @86 Hair Islandssays, it's not for me. Haven't managed to convince Her Indoors, however, so will probably watch anothe episode after the football.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I must admit that the 7th episode is the best and it's starting to make sense, so looking forward to seeing how the last one pans out this evening.

    Things should make sense earlier than the 7th hour.

  5. 7 hours ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Just bailed on 1899 after 3 episodes.

    Partly due to the sarcasm from the Mrs, but it was difficult to see where it was going. Was going to look at the Swimmer on Nflix as someone recommended. Any good?

    I've made it through 2 episodes of 1899. Because of my short attention span, I tend to look at other things - phone, computer etc - while I'm watching TV. 1899 demands my full attention for no reward. I don't want needy TV.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Brazil have had it easy. The hype around them and of course cult leader Neymar has been so ott. Everyone has let them play. The few times Switzerland and Serbia didn't fall over their own feet coming forward then Brazil looked ordinary.

    I think if they were to face a top European side they'd be gone. Including the ones that have gone out like Belgium and Germany. 


    Brazil beat teams before they make it out on the pitch. The opposition buy into the hype and either freeze or do something preposterous. Or in the case of South Korea, both.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Mount been dropped too. Not surprising. Was really poor, particularly against USA. 

    Reminder this game is on ITV and we are usually crap on ITV. 

    Mount was dropped for the last game

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