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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 13 minutes ago, Albert said:

    Except such models make no assumptions regarding 'same circumstances' or the like. That's just not how they work. 

    Also, by your logic, bookies could not exist. They make their money on the fact that you actually can stick a probability onto outcomes occurring. 

    Nearly. They make their money from people who think you can stick a probability on to outcomes.

  2. 1 minute ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    Lockwood and co on Netflix looks to be a very good prospect,I've watched the first episode and it's excellent.

    Produced and directed by Joe Cornish (attack the block and Adam and Joe fame),it's a decent watch

    We sat and watched this all the way through last Saturday. We found it highly entertaining.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Normanton Lad said:

    Someone on here said everyone here would find the above "heart breaking and disgusting". 

    I don’t find it “heart breaking and disgusting” because I don’t believe a seven year old child would remember a teacher saying that. I think it is probably a false memory. We have very few accurate memories from that age. Also the question the teacher supposedly asked the child with its unstated implication would probably be too difficult for a seven year old to understand. A developmental psychologist would probably say that the child would require "Higher order theory of mind" to get the sarcasm in that question.  "Higher order theory of mind" only kicks in after about the age of eight.

    I’m afraid most people are gullible. They believe what they read in the papers and what they are told on TV or on the radio. Some of them even think the government cares about them. You can’t just believe something because someone tells you it is true. You need evidence and you need to use critical reasoning.

    I’m not saying everyone is a liar but I do think people tell you things for a reason. Perhaps they want to you feel sorry for them. Perhaps they want to sell you something or get you into bed. Whatever the reason, you have ask yourself why are they telling you this. You could ask why am I writing this. What is my objective? My answer is that it a weakness in old people that they like to give advice. Even though this advice is often unwelcome advice and possibly wrong we can’t stop doing it. It is connected to the fact that most old people stop feeling self-conscious and they will start conversations with strangers in a way that would never have done when they were younger.

    This is the most depressingly cynical thing I've read on this forum for quite a while.

  4. 12 hours ago, SKRam said:

    I met Steve Bruce a few years after this, he was great mates with a luxury car showroom owner, I was the postman. I did explain Deano had him on toast that day, he was with his wife so his answer wasn’t too unsavoury 

    Bruce was sent off in the fixture the following season for a foul on Sauders

  5. 22 minutes ago, Normanton Lad said:

    It is well over half a century since I left school but by some freak of nature I still have children at school. I know what is going on in schools today. Teachers are commissars. They are instructing children on how they should think and behave in accordance with government guidelines. Any teacher who goes against the current woke zeitgeist is punished. For example, if they said a man cannot become a woman for obvious genetic reasons then they would be harassed and publicly humiliated. If a teacher today expressed the political and social views of an average person of my age they would probably be arrested as well as being sacked.

    This summer I was walking through the park with my youngest son and we passed a heavily tattooed woman with a crewcut and half a ton of metal work on a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp. When she passed my son said she was a teacher at his school and she was "transitioning". When I was at school such a person would not have been allowed to teach. She would not have been regarded as someone who could be trusted to pass on the social norms required by the government of the day. Teachers have always been agents of the government.

    You think teachers are doing the government's woke bidding? That's just cobblers.

  6. 52 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    It’s worse though because they play Everton next and should have been without the option of selecting those players against them 

    lovely winning goal though 

    I think cards are competition specific these days

  7. On 27/01/2023 at 16:02, Normanton Lad said:

    All sensible parents must know by now that our government has been lying to them all their lives. If you don't expect them to tell the truth why would you trust our government or their agents (teachers) to be able to tell your children what is right and wrong.

    It is up to the parents to pass on moral standards and the traditions you want your children to keep.  If the schools are brainwashing your children with nonsense you need to teach your children about cults and deprogramme them.

    If you accept all this nonsense yourself then there is no hope for you or your children.

    I thought teachers were the enemy within. Now they are the agents of the government? Blimey.

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