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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. 2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    I live deep in enemy territory, so even if the pubs would show the game (unlikely, with Prem footy on at the same time), it'd be full of knuckle draggers. No thanks.

    Sofa & SKY for me. A mate or two coming round I think.

    I'm not planning to come round until about Sunday tea time!  And even then, I wouldn't risk driving!  🤓🍻



    #warming the Emva Cream as we speak

  2. 4 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    ...That said, for me, I'd change the format: 

    3rd goes straight to the final, 4th place becomes the semi vs. the winner of 5th vs. 6th.
    Single games, at neutral venues, final at Wembley.

    Will never happen, mind.


    3 hours ago, ram59 said:

    I've been saying that this should happen for many years. It has so many advantages over the current unfair system.

    It rewards every single place from third to sixth, with each place having a better chance of promotion than the place behind.

    Not quite, as a neutral ground was suggested, so no advantage finishing 5th over 6th.
    If the higher placed team was to get a home tie, then you'd be bang on.


  3. At 61, my life is very much geared to a happy/successful retirement... Marriage and hobbies in particular, but also health, social life, family etc. 

    The problem for me lies solely on the financial side.  All the above can only continue with my current income (and a bit of savings), so I really don't envisage retiring any time soon!
    (House is basic at best, but has been long paid for, and tidy enough, so we have that security at least, I guess.)

    I was always very blasé about private pensions etc... In truth, with my family history/genes, I truly didn't expect to be here this long!  (Both mum & dad failed to reach their 50's!).  Just my luck I'm as fit as a fiddle!  🤣


    Hey.  I'm very much a "Take each day as it comes/what will be will be" kind o' guy, and that ain't gonna change now, so I'll plod on, and see what happens.  


    Best of luck to all of you who have retired recently and/or are about to. 
    I won't call you lucky, as I'm sure you've earned it, but I won't deny there's a teeny bit of envy/regret creeping in now I'm almost "at that age"! (But only on this subject... no regrets elsewhere!) 

    Enjoy... yer owd buggers!  😁🍻

  4. 13 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I'm going to sign up for Sky Sports and then cooling off a few days later as per my legal right and will be watching at home here in Cornwall with Mrs Badger.

    I was tempted to drive up and spend time with @Eatonram and some other mates before and after the match. But watching them go off to the game would just result in some unseemly begging and offering favours in the toilet for tickets, again.


    Wait!  WTF!  You offer tickets to watch you and your mates "exchanging favours in pub toilets"?  😲

    ...Or do I need to go back and read that again? 🤷‍♂️

  5. 4 minutes ago, CapeTownRams said:

    Gonna be interesting on the pitch at the end of the game (irrespective of the  result) as there will be many ‘goodbyes’ to the crowd…. Max leaving, Ebou last game (and possibly no return), lot’s of out of contract players who will know they won’t be offered new deals (Hourihane, Waggy, Smith etc).

    Emotional times.

    Think they may have to tweet their goodbyes after tea, mate.  There's an illegal pitch invasion afoot, from what I'm reading!  👀 

  6. Same old Eurotunnel now booked for 1st June.
    Same old France the expected final destination.

    ... But a whole new, previously unexplored region... Alsace!  Chocolate-box villages and all!  

    *Unless the last minute weather forecast is crap, (and better elsewhere).  In which case, we'll head somewhere else!  Gotta love semi-planned and unbooked campsite holidays in France, where you can just rock up, pitch the tent, and do whatever yer want!





  7. 1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

    You know if you watch slowmo footage of someone kicking a ball, that the foot touches the ball, the ball compresses at the point of impact and then the momentum force transfers into the ball and the ball, uncompresses and changes direction, and then contact between the foot and the ball is lost. This process all takes about 0.2 seconds. Depending on the frame rate of the video footage, you could be looking at anything from 5 to 10 frames in that time.

    There is no way at that distance that you can see the precise moment that a gap appears between the foot and the ball, so you can't possibly choose the "correct" frame. At which point you can argue that sub-conscious bias has to come into play. That Coventry decision could have been interpreted either way but it went the way of the "big" team

    For me, the only solution is to introduce a rule that says, where there is doubt/borderline footage - just give the advantage to the attacking team and accept that VAR can never be a precise science. As the saying goes "it will all even itself out over a season"

    That's the only way to preserve the entertainment factor. Otherwise you just kill the game and goal celebrations become a thing of the past


    I see you refer to "the precise moment that a gap appears between the foot and the ball" (i.e. when contact twixt foot and ball is completed.)

    I'd argue it needs to be when that gap first disappears... when foot first makes contact with said ball, and thus before all compressions are effected.
    Firstly, that would occur sooner, thus giving the "advantage" to the attacker.  And secondly, I'm a complete arse, and just wanted to pooh-pooh your theory for the craic!


    Either way, we need to add more cameras, more eyes in the shed at the bottom of the garden, more monitors, some "infra-red tangent threads" (Patent pending) on the ball, and some sort of beeper that marries the ball contact with the attacker's position.
    Oh... and more time for the experts to digest the given information before confirming to the excited audience whether they have just witnessed a goal... or not!


  8. Just so you know, it ain't cool to bear grudges.  It ain't mature to swear in public.  It ain't uplifting to dwell on previous negatives.  It is not sagacious to disrespect the hierarchy.  


    But come Saturday, from 90:00 and throughout the additional minutes... with the resuscitated Rams on the verge of a new life... throw all that in the bin, and let's give 'em the rousiest, passionest, Black & Whitest, most heartfeltest rendition of "They docked us 21 points..." British football has ever... EVER... witnessed.


    To hell with dignity!  🐏

  9. Paramedics called.  ✔️
    Rushed to A&E.  ✔️
    Transferred to ICU.  ✔️
    Went into a coma.  ✔️
    Had the last rites read.  ✔️
    Switching off life support considered and rejected.  ✔️
    Miraculous recovery evident.  ✔️
    Derby County Death Party cancelled.  ✔️
    Recovery continues to improve at a quite remarkable rate.  ✔️
    Currently sitting in the despatch lounge, awaiting transport home.  ✔️

    Bit of delay... should hopefully be home by Saturday... TBC.  🙏
    Welcome home party provisionally booked for Saturday evening.  All welcome.  Bring several bottles. 🍾🍾🍾



    #we're on our way


  10. On 21/04/2024 at 10:17, Steve How Hard? said:

    Is this some weird kink where you make love to a bread roll? 🍞 🍆

    Bread roll for you maybe.

    Some of use a baguette!  🤓





    No, not baguette... the other french one... petit pain, is it?  😕

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