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Posts posted by Jourdan

  1. To be honest, I think the Reading result last night will be a blessing in disguise.

    We know now that there is no room for complacency and we can’t afford too many more off days.

    You can’t fault the players. They are giving everything. But we have to step it up again.

    Earlier in the season, we brushed off some disappointing results out of a ‘just glad to be here, this cardboard tastes delicious’ mentality.

    Now survival is a possibility, we have to go full throttle and take games by the scruff of the neck and win.

    We have six home games from seven that are there to be won and will likely make up the majority of our points gained.

    But we also have to push for more away from home. 2 wins from 16 away games is simply not good enough. We’ll have to do more to give ourselves a fighting chance.

    I am still sticking with the thinking that we need a point a game plus any deficit to make up. So that’s 22 points, as it stands. 6-7 wins potentially.

    No time for hard luck stories, time to go out and win.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Scrumpyram said:

    I can't get a train back to Cheltenham until silly o'clock due to cancellations so I'll be driving up today. Just the one ? when I get to the Brunswick.

    Give yourself plenty of time.

    It took us 6 hours to get to Derby from Plymouth yesterday.

    The traffic was horrendous.

  3. My thinking is that we will need a point a game, plus any deficit we need to make up. 

    It’s not a perfect equation but bear in mind that neither Reading, even without their points deduction, or Peterborough are currently averaging a point or more per game, so that’s a good target to set ourselves.

    Of course, they could suddenly hit form but there is little evidence of that being likely.

    In fact, instead of 40 or more, it could end up being closer to 35-36 points needed to stay up given the way the form of both teams is trending downwards.

    Looking at the two sides tonight, it’s hard not to be encouraged.

  4. I am not too despondent about recent losses. Huddersfield and Forest are not particularly good but both are pushing for the play-offs and both are playing with confidence and riding momentum, which can make a world of difference in this division.

    Away from home, there is a sense that we will always require someone to step up and seize their moment and win us the game. Unfortunately we didn’t do that in recent games, but having retained the likes of Lawrence and Plange, it could happen in the future.

    The margins seem very fine to me: I see no reason to believe we can’t stay up. Of course we can. But the key to it all is making the winnable games count.

    Hull, Peterborough, Barnsley, Millwall, Coventry, Cardiff, Preston and Bristol City all have to come to PP. What greater incentive could we have?

    We are capable of winning every single one of those games and giving ourselves a genuine shot. The question is whether we can keep our heads and get the results we need.

    The Forest and Birmingham games suggest nerves have begun to creep in and expectation is weighing heavily on the players.

  5. We were staying at the Jury’s Inn and coming down Irongate just after 11, there was already an atmosphere brewing and crowds gathering.

    My girlfriend remarked how great it was to see the sense of community and different generations and different people from different backgrounds all coming together for one common cause.

    We missed the march. But the passion of our fans left quite a strong impression on my girlfriend!

    She’s already asking me when can we drive 5 hours and go again. ?

  6. 11 hours ago, Steve How Hard? said:

    Hermes is their choice of courier now, enough said. Having said that, I made an order before Xmas that on the website said it was guaranteed before the big day. When I received the confirmation email it estimated the delivery after Xmas. However it did actually arrive before Xmas so keep checking your tracking details as it may arrive before the eta. 

    Thank you for the advice! Fingers crossed!

  7. 7 minutes ago, StaffsRam said:

    Kicking the can a month down the road gives the EFL exactly what they want. “Oh look at us, we’re compassionate, we’ve given them another month”, then let the noise created over the past week the chance to die down, and then kill us quietly in a months time.

    Is that true though?

    Surely if the EFL’s ultimate aim was to see the club fold, then they would say ‘a deadline is a deadline’.

  8. We're all desperate for the club to be saved, so a deadline extension buys us time. This is good.

    But it does beg the question, if all of this can be resolved in the space of 28 days, where was the urgency before now?

    What has everyone involved actually been doing up to now? What suddenly becomes possible in 28 days that they have been unable to achieve in the previous five months?

    It's becoming a saga. To my mind, if the people involved had been proactive and responsible, this could have been resolved before now.

    Sadly, I think self-interest trumps all in this case, and it's very sad for us, the fans and the wider footballing community.

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