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Top 3 Best signings Paul Warne has made since arriving

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2 hours ago, Premier ram said:

     1 Ebbbboooooouuuuuuuu

     2 Nelson

     3 Kenzo

I'd agree with that. Zetterstrom is getting close and I think that Jackson is a perfect fit for a Warne team - he covers almost Bryson levels of ground, but does half of it faster than anyone else on the pitch.

Ebou is the key though. Igor had the footballing authority to refuse to allow anyone in the team to be less than than brilliant. His experience and charisma transformed Jim Smith's team into a Premier League side.

Ebou has the same footballing authority. His comes from being absolutely loved by the fans and I suspect the players. Rather than a 'skipper' like Stimac, he just sets such a magnificent example, that the rest of the team would be embarrassed not to try to match his effort and enthusiasm...he's also a pretty decent footballer. To me, Adams presence makes the rest of the team 10% better.

I absolutely love the team.

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1 hour ago, CornwallRam said:

I'd agree with that. Zetterstrom is getting close and I think that Jackson is a perfect fit for a Warne team - he covers almost Bryson levels of ground, but does half of it faster than anyone else on the pitch.

Ebou is the key though. Igor had the footballing authority to refuse to allow anyone in the team to be less than than brilliant. His experience and charisma transformed Jim Smith's team into a Premier League side.

Ebou has the same footballing authority. His comes from being absolutely loved by the fans and I suspect the players. Rather than a 'skipper' like Stimac, he just sets such a magnificent example, that the rest of the team would be embarrassed not to try to match his effort and enthusiasm...he's also a pretty decent footballer. To me, Adams presence makes the rest of the team 10% better.

I absolutely love the team.

Totally agree mate , to me Ebou is the heartbeat of the team , he does all the dirty work allowing Kenzo, NML , Yates etc to play their game 

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7 hours ago, TheHomunculusLives said:

JWZ. A transformational signing and looks a Premier League standard keeper to me. Great work scouting and securing him and Kenzo.

He has to improve his kicking quite often puts it out although not under pressure so we lose control. 

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Adams - We'd still be in League 1 without him

Nelson - Bar his first couple of games he's been an absolute rock

Nyambe - I still can't fathom why other clubs didn't take a punt on him before us.  Yes he could offer a little more going forward but he just doesn't get beat one on one.  I know it would mean selling a little bit of our soul, seeing as it was a favourite chant of those cockstains up the road, but we really should be singing "You'll neeeever beat Ny-ambe" every single game.

Don't get me wrong, I could watch Kenzo all day, and the fact he's already running our midfield after 9 games in really impressive, but it is just 9 games.  A full season of playing the way he does and he'll definitely cement himself into the top 3.  

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At the moment, Nelson  Adams  JWZ 

But then you look at the rest of the team, and realise that we have some

great signings

obviously Nyambe  Kenzo  and Ozoh,  however  Yates and  Jackson have been

fantastic, and we are just starting to "gel"  so def looking up ..  rather than down😍

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Warne has made some astute signings, I will say before choosing what I consider his best so far in order of magnificence.

1: Jacob Mikael Widell Zetterström  I cannot praise this signing enough.  Signing a quality keeper with many years left in him with rather limited funds is an incredibly impressive feat to pull off.  Bravo to all who took part in making that our reality.

2: Kenzo Goudmijn  My goodness, what an exciting player he is, flair, quick thinking, creativity, bravery, anticipation, tackling, you name it, this boy has it in abundance and at 22 there is still plenty of room for improvement.  Bravo again.

3: Ebou Adams  Cardiff's stupid loss became our clever gain.  The missing piece for the spine of the team, such an important role.  Bravo.


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Kenzo is miles ahead of this for these reasons:

1) Not a single person on here knew who he was before he signed. The ability to pluck an unknown and have them almost be our most important player is a huge bonus. Whoever found him in the scouting team and then made it happen - well done to them.

2) He's by far and away our smartest player. His football intelligence is pages ahead of everyone else on the team. 

3) He'll be worth £5 Million when we have to sell him next summer or the summer afterwards.

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Difficult one to answer because last season’s signings were on a different budget and with a different objective. 

We made pragmatic signings to get us out of that wretched league. Some of those are struggling in the higher level and some have been brought in who are at that level.

Kenzo, for example, is the most talented player we’ve had in years but may have been ineffective in League One where he would have spent most of his time watching balls sail over his head and being kicked by thugs.

JWZ is a great shot stopper but is perhaps not the best under a high ball, so again League One might not have been for him.

Neither, of course, would have signed for a League One club, but whilst Adams and Nelson are excellent additions, the two named above are streets ahead in value. 

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On 07/10/2024 at 22:53, i-Ram said:

Anybody mentioned Conor Washington yet?

Kenzo, Adams and JWZ for me, with notable mentions for Nelson and NML.

Washington is probably the closest to being a poor signing, although in mitigation he has had a terrible time with injuries and he was signed for the League One campaign. 

Jim Smith signed some fantastic players, but he also signed some awful duds. Warne has done well so far. 


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Nyambe, Nelson and Adams.

Done it consistently and raised levels. Got us promoted and still look good a league above where they were signed.

Goudmijn, Zetterstrom et al have to produce consistently over an extended period to get into the conversation.

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1 hour ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

Kenzo, Adams and JWZ for me, with notable mentions for Nelson and NML.

Washington is probably the closest to being a poor signing, although in mitigation he has had a terrible time with injuries and he was signed for the League One campaign. 

Jim Smith signed some fantastic players, but he also signed some awful duds. Warne has done well so far. 


NML was a Liam signing I believe 😊

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Nelson, Adams, Kenzo.

Nelson has been cracking value for a free. I'd consider him a perfect age for a CB at this level. Old enough to have learnt how to defend properly, but still with plenty of miles in the tank. Cashin's great, and I love him to pieces, but sometimes he's too aggressive, then gets caught high up the pitch without the pace to recover it. Nels is able to balance it a bit better - I've no doubt that Cash will learn plenty from him.

Adams - not since Stimac's signing have I seen one player complete the jigsaw so beautifully. I did have my concerns about the step up to the Championship, and the signing of Ozoh, but if anything, I think it's spurred him on to improve. It helps a lot that he's a very genuine guy on and off the pitch, I don't know how anyone couldn't warm to him. My only criticism is that he could be *a little* better with the ball, but that's not his role. Besides, if he had that too, he'd be in the upper reaches of the Champ - every team needs a destroyer with a winning smile.

Kenzo - I love watching him play. I was a little worried it would take him a while to adapt, but he's learnt very quickly. He has the vision and the ability to make passes nobody else in our team can, but is still willing to stick a foot in and do the dirty work too. I'm excited to see him develop, and could be one heck of an asset .

Honourable mention for JWZ. Just wish his kicking long was a bit better - but I said the same of Wildsmith. Definitely an upgrade, and definitely worth the wait.

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On 11/10/2024 at 11:27, Anag Ram said:

Difficult one to answer because last season’s signings were on a different budget and with a different objective. 

We made pragmatic signings to get us out of that wretched league. Some of those are struggling in the higher level and some have been brought in who are at that level.

Kenzo, for example, is the most talented player we’ve had in years but may have been ineffective in League One where he would have spent most of his time watching balls sail over his head and being kicked by thugs.

JWZ is a great shot stopper but is perhaps not the best under a high ball, so again League One might not have been for him.

Neither, of course, would have signed for a League One club, but whilst Adams and Nelson are excellent additions, the two named above are streets ahead in value. 

Disagree as I believe he is excellent under a high ball and was instrumental in Warne’s reasoning in buying him 

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