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Vs Middlesbrough (H) Match Thread


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16 minutes ago, ram59 said:

Likewise, I don't see where he could add on extra time over the 5 minutes nor give them their last minute free kick, but when the ball went out for a corner, he blew for full time, rarely do refs blow for full time when the ball goes out for a corner.


Not the clearest on the highlights video, but if I had to bet, I'd say it narrowly missed the top of our defender's head (Elder?) and went out off the attacker behind him.  Unfortunately the lino didn't flag either way, as the whistle went immediately.


Either way, there is no rule suggesting the ref add even more time, to allow a corner to be taken, as far as I'm aware.


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4 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

Has it ever dawned on you that some posters reaction in supporting Warne after Saturday is a response to your endless criticism of him, some of which is occasionally justified but most of the time gives the impression of being just a personal vendetta. 

I think you are right. I was not a Warne fan when he came,but he did. Sat on the fence his first season, but after getting us promoted think he deserves his chance without people getting on his back after 2 games and 3 points. My family will tell you i wont sing paul warnes barmy army but have promised them that if he keeps us up i will give in😉

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2 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

I think you'll find, despite being pretty objective, that ill feeling towards Gibson and a portion of your fan base still runs deep. Only time will fix that, but sadly a lot of yours were back on the wind up again on Saturday and none of your lot have recognised the role your owner played in 2 years of abject misery for everyone associated with Derby. Neither do they acknowledge the hypocrisy displayed by Gibson in selling the club's debt to avoid FFP constraints. His attempts to ruin Derby weren't a footballing call, or even about the money, more his vanity and a bitterness streak a mile wide over our ex-owners demeanour towards him. He's a little man, with a big bank balance and a massive chip on his shoulder. 

I don't personally blame you, or any other individual, bar your bilious hypocrite of an owner, but no amount of rationale will undo what's done and certainly not while your fans continue to sing about our club dying. We have our own idiots too, but you'll have noted (perhaps) the comments on here about chants aimed at Gibson on Saturday. Despite all, the majority on here at least, retain some measure of class. Sadly, it's very hard to say the same about the Boro fans who rocked up on the weekend. Not an ounce of humour in their collective body, just hissing and overt malice.

By all means respond if you wish, but I think for many of us Rams, this is how it is and this is how it will remain, for the foreseeable at very least. FWIW, I've been really impressed with your lot on the pitch and feel certain you will be right up there end of season. I also commend your patience and polite manner, even if there's litttle upon which we can agree.

I didn't make my earlier posts to try and convince anyone of anything, merely to offer a viewpoint from a Boro fan whose knuckles don't scrape across the floor when he walks. I do agree with some points made in here and it was unfair how the whole shebang panned out for fans of your club who aren't intent on causing disharmony or stirring up grudges for no reason, which I believe would be the vast majority. Their pain at the possibility of losing their beloved club as I've said is something I can personally identify with. I don't believe anything Boro related was the main cause of Derby's recent downfall before your rebirth, but the fact that it played a part I'm obviously not happy with.

The bother causers amongst your fans I have no particular sympathy for any more than I would the same kind of troublemakers amongst our lot, but that's universal. Part of me thinks that in some warped twisted way this element at every club actually likes happenings like this as it gives them something to grind their axes against.

Other things we will obviously disagree on, but that's what forums like this are for, no one agrees on everything. I don't bear any malice for a difference of opinion and would like to think that whatever grudge many of your fans hold towards Gibson or an element of our fans doesn't extend to myself, nor the Boro fans who in the main are only interested in supporting their club much the same as you.

Thank you also for the compliments you gave and indeed the rational manner in which you and others on this board are able to engage in frank discussion without making it a personal issue, I respect that a lot.

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2 hours ago, DE56Ram said:

It wasn’t entirely a gift of a goal.

A bloke that sits behind me is a lower league manager and said as I was peeling myself off the PP roof, I like to see a quick lad left a bit up the pitch at opposition corners.
Another shrewd positional ploy from our excellent manager! 

When the corner was taken, Kayden was inside our own box. 

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57 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

I respect your opinion but in my view I don't think that was Warnes intention. I hope it wasn't anyway because it was only through Boros poor finishing it worked. It was just the classic case of a team retreating because they're struggling to play. 

I’ve watched football / derby for many years , seen the good , bad and indifferent, over the years I’ve seen so many teams / clubs struggling or stepped up a level with lesser squads and the ones that get out of it and or survive are the ones with a smart manager who strips it back to the basic defend as a team and don’t concede goals , they do that because that is the best way to get a platform to build from , get confidence then expand from there ,, we did that in spades on Saturday, so much so that I really think we have a good shot at doing ok this season , there is not a single manager ( that we could attract ) that I would swap warne for ,

you don’t like it that’s fine , you think it’s all warnes got in his locker that’s fine , I see it differently 🤷🏻‍♂️

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58 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:


Cash and Kane going off doesn't naturally dictate that we park the bus. It was still a choice. He could've brought on Ward instead of Nyambe as well. If it was all Warnes plan to park the bus how do explain the 5/10min spell at the start of the second half where we played more positive. Wasn't that his real plan.

I've never known any manager that would willingly allow the opposition to have 72% possession. The only reason they didn't score is because they couldn't find the final pass. Yes it was dogged defending from us, but if one team has all the ball then the outcome of the game is dictated by what they do with it. 

Bore off red dog

Derby won 1-0 and put a shift and a half in. 2 players off injured in the first 25 minutes which makes the result even more amazing. Those players are playing for warne make no mistake about it 

Couldn’t give a toss about possession as it counts for sweet FA 

We scored and they didn’t - end of 


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7 hours ago, Will Hughes Hair said:

Some of us were happy clappers and cheerleaders for Mel back in the day. Myself included probably. Dissenting voices were shut down then.

I wouldn’t say that was healthy then or healthy now. And for my money @brady1993 is a long way away from a wum and is as much a ‘valid’ Derby supporter as the rest of us.

Except that it admitted to not even having watched the match but was prepared to rip into our set-up, management and chances.

Upon being challenged stated that it had a ‘hostile’ post lined up but thought better of it?!

you're free to tick up or defend whoever you like but this individual is in my opinion a WUM or a non-supporter and Will spread mischief unless challenged.

 I do hope your follicles recover soon 😊

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50 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:



Either way, there is no rule suggesting the ref add even more time, to allow a corner to be taken, as far as I'm aware.


Totally agree, which makes annoying when rarely does a ref blow for full time when a corner has been given, most famously when Poom scored against us, there must have been 5 or 6 consecutive corners against us, all but the first one after the final whistle should have been blown. We ended up playing an extra 3 or 4 minutes just because we didn't clear the ball except for conceding repeated corners.

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41 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:


I've never known any manager that would willingly allow the opposition to have 72% possession. The only reason they didn't score is because they couldn't find the final pass. Yes it was dogged defending from us, but if one team has all the ball then the outcome of the game is dictated by what they do with it. 

Yet despite having 72% of the ball they failed to do anything with it. Which just might have something to do with our tactics don’t you think ? Or alternatively we collectively played very well in difficult circumstances against a well equipped side. Which again (because we did it in a well drilled collective way) is a sign of good tactics. 

If they had ripped us to spreads while we tried to play them at their own game I can’t help thinking you would be saying that we were tactically naive. Or are you so one eyed that it was just that we were lucky and they weren’t ? That is nothing more than one eyed contempt with absolutely no constructive argument to back it up. Isn’t it really that you don’t like the manager and look for every angle to justify a flimsy unsubstantiated position ?

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5 hours ago, ipad1977 said:

Your account of what yourself and your fellow fans have been through obviously had a fair amount of emotion behind it and it's an emotion that I can certainly both identify with and recollect easily enough.

You're also indeed correct, Middlesbrough football club had the liquidators called in, the gates to Ayersome Park were locked by outside forces and we ceased to exist, in 1986. Obviously a large swathe of our fans won't have that experience in living memory, certainly not all of those aged 40 and under so as such can't identify with it personally, but I do. I was a 9 year old boy who bawled his eyes out at the time at the thought of his local team gone for good.

For your Mel Morris, our villain of the piece was called Charlie Amer, a man who ran the club like his plaything and piggy bank and was guilty of a stupid amount of financial mismanagement. We shut down completely, until much like yourselves in the 11th hour a local consortium stepped in to rescue the club, with a certain twenty-something Steve Gibson involved. Not many of our fans knew him previously but he was a baby-faced kid from a Middlesbrough Council estate who had quietly built up his fledgling haulage business to become a multi-millionaire even at that young age. He would of course in the years that followed go on to assume the role of major shareholder and chairman, spearheading the club towards its greatest times in living memory and these factors mean he is held in high regard by a lot of our fans, much the same I imagine as your new owners are by your support.

We even had to play at Hartlepool's ground for a while to fulfill fixtures with their permission and wishes of goodwill, which we always remember whilst our ground ownership was sorted out.  It's no coincidence that when Hartlepool themselves nosedived out of the football pyramid and further recently with their own extreme financial troubles, they were stunned as were their opponents in fixtures no doubt that they suddenly began to get 20K odd crowds showing up to watch their games in the second division down of non-league as many thousands of Boro fans began turning up to support them and help their financial woes any way we could, chanting "We remember 86" as we did so.

Regarding the recent rift between OUR clubs or more importantly it's cause, it's clear that there's no love lost between Gibson and Morris and it's sad that your fans have borne the brunt of it it seems, rather than the real charlatan, whom those from both clubs can identify. I have to confess to having no legal knowledge of how each party may be pursued through courts for any perceived injustice or whether it is possible, but disregarding this the honourable and logical course of action would have been for Gibson to hold Morris personally accountable for whatever financial disadvantage he perceived MFC to have had. Honourable as he was the man ultimately responsible for all the financial decisions involved, whereas your fans of course had no input into any of this and logical as he was about to emerge from your club with his saddlebags full to ride off into the sunset, whereas Derby County no longer had a pot to piss in thanks to his mayhem?

Again I don't know whether this is legally possible as the finer points of such laws are not my area of expertise, but it's the course I'd have thought he would have taken if it was.

In truth I don't think the vast majority of our fans actually wanted Derby County to fold, certainly not almost all of the ones old enough to remember our own darkest hour. You will of course get the mindless element who support any club who will gleefully jump all over any perceived grief plus some stupid kids, the kind that were out living it large during the recent riots, but it's always a sad truth that empty vessels make the most noise and get focussed upon, merely as they're the extreme. This in turn will produce the same reaction from the opposing mindless element and as such toxic feelings will escalate. Its unfortunately what always tends to happen.

While most of your fans as you say may well have not wanted to see us cease to exist. Your owner used the dire position we were in to gouge as much money out of us and showed no concern in the damage his actions was causing to the club and the ability of finding a new owner. It's for this reason that I and many other Rams fans have a dislike of your owner. 

I wonder what your fans feelings would be towards another clubs chairman Who used the desperate situation you were once in, to get money out of a dying club?

So while he may be your white knight we see him in a very different light.

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2 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

I'm actually surprised at how rapid Kayden really is. We all know that in full stride, Nate has afterburners, but I'm pretty certain Kayden would dust Nate, especially over a 30M split. In rugby parlance, the lad's got some serious wheels 🤯

Yep, 👍🏼 Nate at full chat is seriously quick but he needs 5/10 yards to get a head of steam up. There are a fair few fast players but the real destroyers are the ones that do it in the first 2/3 yards. In car terms it’s throttle response, rather than terminal velocity

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2 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

While most of your fans as you say may well have not wanted to see us cease to exist. Your owner used the dire position we were in to gouge as much money out of us and showed no concern in the damage his actions was causing to the club and the ability of finding a new owner. It's for this reason that I and many other Rams fans have a dislike of your owner. 

I wonder what your fans feelings would be towards another clubs chairman Who used the desperate situation you were once in, to get money out of a dying club?

So while he may be your white knight we see him in a very different light.

If I remember rightly, we put money into buckets to help boro when they were locked out of their ground. If I'd known what the future held, I'd have dropped a turd instead. 

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5 hours ago, ipad1977 said:

Your account of what yourself and your fellow fans have been through obviously had a fair amount of emotion behind it and it's an emotion that I can certainly both identify with and recollect easily enough.

You're also indeed correct, Middlesbrough football club had the liquidators called in, the gates to Ayersome Park were locked by outside forces and we ceased to exist, in 1986. Obviously a large swathe of our fans won't have that experience in living memory, certainly not all of those aged 40 and under so as such can't identify with it personally, but I do. I was a 9 year old boy who bawled his eyes out at the time at the thought of his local team gone for good.

For your Mel Morris, our villain of the piece was called Charlie Amer, a man who ran the club like his plaything and piggy bank and was guilty of a stupid amount of financial mismanagement. We shut down completely, until much like yourselves in the 11th hour a local consortium stepped in to rescue the club, with a certain twenty-something Steve Gibson involved. Not many of our fans knew him previously but he was a baby-faced kid from a Middlesbrough Council estate who had quietly built up his fledgling haulage business to become a multi-millionaire even at that young age. He would of course in the years that followed go on to assume the role of major shareholder and chairman, spearheading the club towards its greatest times in living memory and these factors mean he is held in high regard by a lot of our fans, much the same I imagine as your new owners are by your support.

We even had to play at Hartlepool's ground for a while to fulfill fixtures with their permission and wishes of goodwill, which we always remember whilst our ground ownership was sorted out.  It's no coincidence that when Hartlepool themselves nosedived out of the football pyramid and further recently with their own extreme financial troubles, they were stunned as were their opponents in fixtures no doubt that they suddenly began to get 20K odd crowds showing up to watch their games in the second division down of non-league as many thousands of Boro fans began turning up to support them and help their financial woes any way we could, chanting "We remember 86" as we did so.

Regarding the recent rift between OUR clubs or more importantly it's cause, it's clear that there's no love lost between Gibson and Morris and it's sad that your fans have borne the brunt of it it seems, rather than the real charlatan, whom those from both clubs can identify. I have to confess to having no legal knowledge of how each party may be pursued through courts for any perceived injustice or whether it is possible, but disregarding this the honourable and logical course of action would have been for Gibson to hold Morris personally accountable for whatever financial disadvantage he perceived MFC to have had. Honourable as he was the man ultimately responsible for all the financial decisions involved, whereas your fans of course had no input into any of this and logical as he was about to emerge from your club with his saddlebags full to ride off into the sunset, whereas Derby County no longer had a pot to piss in thanks to his mayhem?

Again I don't know whether this is legally possible as the finer points of such laws are not my area of expertise, but it's the course I'd have thought he would have taken if it was.

In truth I don't think the vast majority of our fans actually wanted Derby County to fold, certainly not almost all of the ones old enough to remember our own darkest hour. You will of course get the mindless element who support any club who will gleefully jump all over any perceived grief plus some stupid kids, the kind that were out living it large during the recent riots, but it's always a sad truth that empty vessels make the most noise and get focussed upon, merely as they're the extreme. This in turn will produce the same reaction from the opposing mindless element and as such toxic feelings will escalate. Its unfortunately what always tends to happen.

I've skim read your post and broadly agree with it's narrative but do take exception to the comments apropros whom we know the true villain of the piece is in the demise of our football club - Gibson nust have known the impact he would have on the football club by trying to sue its owner for perceived loss of earnings but he still did it anyway.

I'm sure Gibson isn't an idiot by any stretch of the imagination so it's a safe bet that he would have known what a detrimental impact his course of actions would have on our club but persisted with them anyway.

Even wild animals or primitives follow some basic code or rules but this seems to have been beyond Gibson. I think he's despicable for doing this. 

Rather than say it's sad there's some kind of vendetta between Gibson and Morris it's equally sad that Gibson knowingly chose to involve our club in this personal vendetta. 

I truly feel sorry for you that you seem to have a chairman at your helm that possesses these atrocious character flaws so the outpouring of pity needs to be directed inwardly.

That said I wish you club well for the season and thanks for the 3 points 😉


Edited by Tyler Durden
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6 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

The way this thread has descended into a debate about luck and bad luck reminds me of the rather tiresome conversation about “deserved” we had a few months ago.

The facts are: We won 1:0 and picked up three points. Boro failed to score not because they were unlucky but simply because none of their attempts on goal were both on target and good enough to beat Vickers.

I find it annoying that some people seem to putting the result purely down to luck and giving little or no credit to the solid defending and tactics adopted by PW.

If you watched that game and didn't see how incredibly lucky we were, and that was the main reason we won, then we'll just have to agree to disagree. 

I've said that they defended doggedly. It was impressive in the same way as when a lower league team occasionally beats a PL team in the FA Cup by defending for their lives. Some people on here are speaking as though Warne had no other way than to set up like this because Boro have better players than us. They do but we are still in the same division. The other promoted teams Oxford and Portsmouth aren't playing like this.

Edited by DCFC Kicks
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4 hours ago, jono said:

Not the game I saw. We won the game. Tactically we recognised their superior ball play and athleticism. With that knowledge we set up in a specific way to do our best to counter their strengths. That was to absorb pressure and defend as a unit. Probably the only way a weaker team can tactically match an opponent. We matched them in that sense and got a breakaways goal .. Lucky ? Perhaps. But the tactics were spot on 

We're playing a team in the same division as us. We aren't a non-league team playing Man City. I can understand us being defensive but I don't think it was necessary to be that extreme. We do have quality in the squad and good athleticism. How can the tactics be spot on when the only reason we won was because Boro failed with the final ball. Derby gave them the space to find it for the entire game and they didn't. Its difficult to even analyse our tactics because of how little there was to them. All it was was a basic Low Block any old team can do. We didn't really use two-thirds of the pitch and our attacking play was almost non-existent    

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5 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

you might wanna re-watch the goal mate. 

Out of curiosity did you go to the match.I go, but my husband dosnt and when he watches on telly it sometimes seems as though he has watched a different match to me, so at the end of the day everyone has a different perspective of matches.

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4 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

You forgot that quickly not so long along before Warne, we used to shuffle the ball crab like along our defensive line then all the way back to the same side again rinse and repeat to no effect whatsoever other than having possession for possessions sake?

Rosenior didn't get enough time implement his system. He almost got Hull in the play-offs while playing quite well.

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