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Jury Service

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Just been called up for jury service in a few weeks. Bit unsure what to expect tbh and wondered if anyone on here had done it (jury, not crown court) and what their experience was like (obviously, inside the rules of what you are allowed to divulge).

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38 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

Just been called up for jury service in a few weeks. Bit unsure what to expect tbh and wondered if anyone on here had done it (jury, not crown court) and what their experience was like (obviously, inside the rules of what you are allowed to divulge).

Make sure you return a "not guilty" verdict. There are no prison spaces left, nor police available to offer you protection, so a "guilty" verdict will mean the felon will show up at your house later that day.

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A man was brought before the court to recieve his verdict.
"For the murder of your mother-in-law with numerous blows to the head with a hammer, we, the jury, find you guilty."
A voice in the back yells:
"You b******!"
"For the murder of your wife with numerous blows to the head with a hammer, we, the jury, find you guilty."
The voice in the back yells:
"You bastaard!"
"For the murder of your daughter with numerous blows to the head with a hammer, we, the jury, find you guilty."
"You bastaaard!"

The judge having had enough, calls out the man in the back.
"Sir! I understand your reaction due to the heinousness of these crimes, but I must ask you to be silent or be charged with contempt!"

"I'm sorry, your honor...
It's just that I've been living next door to this b****** for 10 whole years and everytime I wanted to borrow a hammer, he said he didn't have one!"

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My wife has done it, got quite heated as they tried to come to a verdict apparently. Couple of loud voices on the opposite sides in the room that wasn’t interested in others opinions.

Work were a bit funny with her taking time off as well, even though they have to. 

Don’t worry yourself too much with others experiences, every case is different, some crimes more disturbing as others, just go in it open minded and be prepared with food, drinks, papers, magazines that kind of thing if there is a lot of waiting around.

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20 minutes ago, Eddie said:

In my 70's now and never been called, I'm glad to say.

I looked up the chances when I was called up. Apparently it varies by area but over a lifetime each person has about a 35% chance of being called up once.

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3 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

Just been called up for jury service in a few weeks. Bit unsure what to expect tbh and wondered if anyone on here had done it (jury, not crown court) and what their experience was like (obviously, inside the rules of what you are allowed to divulge).

I got called up, turned up on day one and got told I wasn't on a case and to go home. They sent me a message every morning for the next two weeks telling me if I needed to go in or not. Ended up not doing anything.

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Never been called, probably because of an old conviction from 1982?

The wife has been called twice, first one was a harrowing rape case at Hanley Crown Court in Stoke which she found very difficult. Second time she never had to go but had to wait for a text every day to confirm that.

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I was called for jury service about 14 years ago.

I was on the jury for 2 cases.

The first case lasted for 3 days including deliberations and verdict.

The second case started on the 4th day and was abandoned part way through the day as the defendendant and half of the witnesses appeared in court pissed-up.

I was sent home on the 5th day and wasn't required for the 2nd week.

The days in court were very short - start about 11:00 do a bit, adjourn for a long lunch, do a bit more in the afternoon then knock off for the day.

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I’ve been called three times, one of which I was excused.

The last one was a few weeks ago, which I deferred because it was when we were playing Portsmouth away so I deferred it till after the end of the season.

Everything is explained to you in great detail including a video of what to expect.

There is a lot of waiting around, often when the Judge is discussing points of law ( or having a long lunch).

Even if you re called there is still a fair chance you won’t get  trial.

They will call up more people than they need initially, for if some don’t show.

Then they select by ballot 15 people for the trial, this will be where you actually get into court.

The accused then gets the chance to eliminate any of the jurors, but they must have a good reason.

You will have been allocated a number and these will again be chosen by ballot to decide the final 12 jurors.

It’s an interesting experience and I was happy to do it.


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6 hours ago, Ewetube said:

The second case started on the 4th day and was abandoned part way through the day as the defendendant and half of the witnesses appeared in court pissed-up.

Well I did invite you along too. Turns out the wheels of justice turn in your favour after you buy the jury plenty of drinks!

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