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January Reinforcements


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Just now, CBRammette said:

Its really starting to feel like that now

It'll change in the Summer. Keep the faith. I know you go to a lot of games and it must be harder in some ways when you do. Driving back from the Reading game, anybody would question the sanity of investing so much time and energy into something so frustrating, but this is Derby we're talking about and the very same team will probably slip back into form as suddenly as they dipped out of it. I hope so anyway. 

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10 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

It'll change in the Summer. Keep the faith. I know you go to a lot of games and it must be harder in some ways when you do. Driving back from the Reading game, anybody would question the sanity of investing so much time and energy into something so frustrating, but this is Derby we're talking about and the very same team will probably slip back into form as suddenly as they dipped out of it. I hope so anyway. 

Yes you are right. Have kept the faith since 1983 but seems a long while now since good things happened! You are right about the journeys - we travel from Cambs every home match setting out with that feeling of optimism every game but after "those" matches, often midweek, on the drive back and shattered at work next day you do just think why?

Anyway tomorrow is the day and two choice signings next week 😂😂😂

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18 hours ago, Hustler said:

I hate these transfer windows. They are like Christmas as a child. You secretly hope for a Raleigh Chopper but in reality know you are getting a chocolate orange and a bag of nuts!

And then ending up with this another winger


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Not sure if its been said elsewhere or if anyone would even know the answer, but could/are TJJ wages covered by insurance whilst he is injured meaning we could now bring in 2 players? It seems likely he will be out for a good while now.

I know years ago under Clement we did when Hughes & Bryson got injured & im sure it was said earlier this season that Washingtons wages are covered due to him being injured on international duty, might have been Dom Dietrich who said that.

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29 minutes ago, Topram said:

Anymore incomings after a striker would result in us having to let a couple go… which for a decent midfielder I would let a couple go

I guarantee Paul, when asked for an update tomorrow will say something to the effect

"I've got half the targets in I would have liked, there is one more I'd like to do, it's footballs worse kept secret who that player is, we've tabled an offer, it's a good one, well I wouldn't turn my nose up at it, but it's down to the club. If we don't get him, so be it, will we have enough? That remains to be seen, but it's up to me to get the best out of them"

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4 hours ago, StarterForTen said:

If Derby don’t get reinforcements in by the end of the window then it certainly won’t be for the want of trying by the coaching staff. They know they will be out of a job if we’re not at least in the playoffs come the end of the season so not getting quality players in will all be down to the finance guys

If the finance guys are doing their job and ensuring that the club lives within its means, we should perhaps be applauding that. 

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11 hours ago, europia said:

If the finance guys are doing their job and ensuring that the club lives within its means, we should perhaps be applauding that. 

I don’t disagree at all. Just making the point that, while the football department receives all of the brickbats, they are not in full control of the situation. It’s all down to cash really. 

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18 minutes ago, simmoram1995 said:

Sadly folks, the news I’m hearing isn’t great. With Wednesday dragging their heels, don’t expect any new players in. 

also I’m hearing Max has rejected a new contract. 

Surely best to sell now then and get in what we can to hopefully take us over the line, if it's true he's not signing a contract can you expect his head to be fully in it for us in the latter part of the season? I'd rather have someone here who wants to be here and that's nothing against Max I don't blame him for wanting a new challenge he stuck by us when many didn't I'd wish him all the best.

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Just now, YouRams said:

Surely best to sell now then and get in what we can to hopefully take us over the line, if it's true he's not signing a contract can you expect his head to be fully in it for us in the latter part of the season? I'd rather have someone here who wants to be here and that's nothing against Max I don't blame him for wanting a new challenge he stuck by us when many didn't I'd wish him all the best.

Well if he wants a good new contract elsewhere presumably if he has a brain he knows he needs play well and get us promoted to get the best he can.  Wont get dream move if he plays half arsed will he?

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