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When did this become a thing?

Bob The Badger

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7 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

When I were a lad, I used to think him and Harry Gration (TV News/Sport presenter) were the same person

I didn't get the Everard joke until about 25 years after it was no longer on TV.

One day I was like, 'Oooo, ever hard, I get it now'


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Commentators apologizing for "any bad language you may have picked up there". Either say once, at the beginning, "if there is anyone so soft of temprament that an overheard curse of frustration is going to mess with your biorhythms then we suggest the following programme may not be for you".

Or, if you still feel the need, I want apologies for every misdemeanour that happens - when players scratch their gonads, when they are seen spitting, when they don't put the cap back on the water bottle. Let's not discriminate just because it's swearing - let's make it all good in the world.

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On 25/07/2023 at 13:31, Bob The Badger said:

When did 5th on the grid in Formula 1  become P5 on the grid? And 3rd place tun into P3? 

When did footballers start to have foot races to the ball instead of the more traditional race that must have been so confusing to everybody?

When did a new series on TV no longer come out, but drop?

And when did presenters stop covering all the stories so they could be across them all?

And when, or more pertinently, why, did British people start saying baby mama and baby daddy? 

This is what 4 months without alcohol does to you. It sends you all bitter and twisted.

Name some more that I can wind myself up with.

"Stream now or watch Live".  It's a pre-recorded show, so how can it be live??!?!?!??!?!!!?!?!!

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33 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

The OK hand gesture used by divers internationally and is widely available as an imoji is apparently now a hate sign used by white supremacists.

The origins of this are pretty funny. It's a joke from an internet forum where the users decided to try to fool the media into falsely reporting this by spreading rumours that the three extended fingers in the "ok" gesture represent a "w" for white, whilst the circle and wrist is a "p" for power. Obviously it worked like a charm because modern media is chock full of lazy hacks who don't check sources and only care about clickbait.

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55 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

Wearing trainer socks, with shoes and trousers.  For work.  In an office.  WTF!!  Dress properly!!

That's positively power dressing nowadays.  Have you seen the state of BBC flagship presenters.  Jeans, white trainers and T-shirts.  

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