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Krystian Bielik - Joined Birmingham on a 3 year deal


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38 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

Where is the transfer news about Bielik. page after page of comment and speculation thats all

A couple of clubs hedging their bets that we'll be that desperate to get shot of his wages and allergy to League 1, that by July we'll give him a free

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4 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Wonder if the story and the rumoured price getting out might tempt rival bids? Anything to squeeze just a bit more money out of clubs

I just think we're in a weak position for bargaining given his injury record and likely exorbitant wages.

Even the "up to £1m" I'd expect to actually be something like £250k plus £250k for every 25 appearances up to 75 appearances.

Just to have him off the payroll is the main thing unfortunately.

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Just now, Millenniumram said:

1m is really disappointing for Bielik. I know he’s had his injuries, but I’d really be hoping to get closer to 3m. His quality is unbelievable. Genuinely think there’s a top half Prem player in there when fit.

  • Doesn't want to be here
  • We can't afford his wages for him to be here
  • 1 year left on his contact
  • 2 ACL injuries

The fact we're getting money for him to go permanently and we're not just loaning him before he goes for free is a bonus.

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5 minutes ago, TomTom92 said:

You’d think Bielik would be attracting more interest than he is. But maybe he’s got his heart set on Birmingham so touting him to a random Turkish team may be futile.

I’ve never met anyone with their heart set on Birmingham…..


like buying a house… no other interested party….take best deal 

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9 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

You’d think Bielik would be attracting more interest than he is. But maybe he’s got his heart set on Birmingham so touting him to a random Turkish team may be futile.

Maybe other clubs will come in later in the window if their other targets fail to materialise. It currently appears to be like an auction but with only one bidder. The auctioneer (Derby) don’t need to bring the hammer down yet and can wait to see if new parties enter the auction or if Birmingham up their offer. Of course, the risk is, Birmingham may walk away. Birmingham don’t need to increase their offer yet - in the hope that no other club shows a real interest but, they may want to tie up a deal in case it becomes a bidding war (we wish). It could be a case of who blinks first.

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