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Kirchner- A risk or a potential reward

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The Chris Kirchner case is strange.

Many have suggested Wayne Rooney left because his deal fell through.

But what if it was the other way around? Maybe Kirchner pulled out because he caught wind Rooney and Stretford were cutting ties.

After all, Rooney’s DC move was evidently in the pipeline before our takeover was completed.

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5 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

The Chris Kirchner case is strange.

Many have suggested Wayne Rooney left because his deal fell through.

But what if it was the other way around? Maybe Kirchner pulled out because he caught wind Rooney and Stretford were cutting ties.

After all, Rooney’s DC move was evidently in the pipeline before our takeover was completed.

But there you are suggesting that Rooney actively left Derby for DC United. That is a laughable suggestion.

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I imagine he's still got most of the money that was in his personal account, the amount he cashed out and used as his proof of funds (however much that was) but isn't willing to part with it because it's now all he's got, since his one big business idea has flushed itself down the toilet.

Likely he didn't want to / couldn't face up to just how f***** his business accounts were after crypto-crash, maybe even got distracted with all the goings on here and simply took his eye off the ball.

Possibly once reality dawned on him he was in too deep with promises & commitments made to people at Derby he could no longer realistically keep, instead of accepting / owning his mistakes and dealing with the situation properly, he doubled down on the excuses, hiding from responsibility.

A bit like like Mel Morris really, the intent may have been honourable but the actions haven't followed suit.

We'll simply never know.

Edited by Coconut's Beard
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38 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

But there you are suggesting that Rooney actively left Derby for DC United. That is a laughable suggestion.

He did actively leave Derby for DC United. He left us, days later he joined them.

That’s not a decision you make overnight.

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6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Why not, he knows the club and the town.

Well Stretford recently paints a pretty terrible judge of character and business man...

so I can only imagine he's a bloody good agent and if the managerial vacancy at Rooney's previous club hadn't already been on his radar then I have no clue how he ever made a cent in his life!

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5 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

Hang on. If SSS lent CK the money, then CK paid the wages. End of

But that doesn’t mean CK can get the money back from the club. That depends on what the deal was between Q and CK.

Who knows but there are some interesting possibilities:

- Stretford has given the club 1.6m ?

- CK has given the club 1.6m ?

Seems more likely the club  will repay the dosh, but is that the old club company (rip) or the new one ?

We need some incisive analysis I hope @iRam’s missus is around 


Well as I have read it, Stretford gave or provided the club money on the surety/assumption/promise that CK would give it him back. Got suckered by a premier league snake oil salesman. Not our problem ! 

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34 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

He did actively leave Derby for DC United. He left us, days later he joined them.

That’s not a decision you make overnight.

You are suggesting that Rooney left Derby for the sole reason of joining DC United. That simply is not the case. 

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23 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

You are suggesting that Rooney left Derby for the sole reason of joining DC United. That simply is not the case. 

So why did he leave? If he had just left and sat on the sidelines for six months or furthered his coaching badges qualifications you could buy that he was ‘burned out’ and needed some family time.

But instead he jumped into a job a few days later at a club he previously represented and a club which happens to have ties with Stretford.


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7 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

So why did he leave? If he had just left and sat on the sidelines for six months or furthered his coaching badges qualifications you could buy that he was ‘burned out’ and needed some family time.

But instead he jumped into a job a few days later at a club he previously represented and a club which happens to have ties with Stretford.


Perhaps he'd just had enough of the stresses and strains of being Derby County manager (not surprising) - plus no CK and his promised 'moneypot'! - things can get a bit much at times. And if you care to remember the old saying ' a change is as good as a rest'!

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1 hour ago, Rammy03 said:

But there you are suggesting that Rooney actively left Derby for DC United. That is a laughable suggestion.

It's laughable as in much of a potentially poor career move by Rooney, can't see what else is laughable about it unless you mean the idea that Rooney left us to join DC United is absurd which it patently isn't as other posters have also stated.

Edited by Tyler Durden
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Just read the Glassdoor reviews of his staff over at Slync. Seemingly all the while he was trying to buy us his loyal staff in his business weren't being paid and were fobbed off, repeatedly as well. Dim view of him trying to buy a football club while they were borrowing money to pay bills as no salary landing. Makes you wonder how on earth we got this far with such a chancer. Emperor has no clothes sort of guy quite obviously, ultimately his celebrity lifestyle and his ambitions don't match up to his actual wealth. Compare and contrast to someone like Clowes. One gets up at 5am most probably looking over property deals while another is on the golf course tweeting.

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