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10 hours ago, rammieib said:

2) Why not go forward and publicly declare a PB. If Ashley hasn’t offered anything, then it’s Appleby. You want momentum - what better way than to say “here are out new owners with funding ready to go”?


Who knows, maybe they have told the EFL in confidence that we have a PB and that if this all goes pear-shaped, they will disclose the position we had to all and sundry, post the NDA term, which will present the EFL with a rather terminal poison pill?

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I heard on radio Derby this morning that Carl Jenkinson had emailed back to a random fan yesterday and said words to the effect

"we have remained quiet for a couple of weeks deliberately, but will now start a more in depth media campaign, particularly with local media. We held discussions yesterday with MPs and we all came out feeling better (I forget exactly the word he used). Also we hope the MPs etc can continue to apply pressure and help us in any way they can"

What I get from all that is, they had a plan they thought the EFL would agree to and it has catastrophically backfired. Quantuma have hit the panic button and buried themselves away trying to find a way out the mess.  Everyone and their dog has come out and blamed Quantuma, even one of the MPs who the admins said came out the meeting feeling better, said something completely different. And now Quantuma are busy writing statements and responses to the many MANY concerns raised. 

We are 12 days away from oblivion and Quantuma literally said, they are hoping the MPs can apply pressure and do whatever they can. That single line fills me with fear.

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14 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

heard on radio Derby this morning that Carl Jenkinson had emailed back to a random fan yesterday and said words to the effect

Carl Jackson CEO of Quantuma. They had a meeting with Margaret Beckett yesterday and another one scheduled for today, with her and other MP’s .

Would like to know what Ed Dawes means by “bid”. ? Can someone Twitter him.

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4 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

Carl Jackson CEO of Quantuma. They had a meeting with Margaret Beckett yesterday and another one scheduled for today, with her and other MP’s .

Would like to know what Ed Dawes means by “bid”. ? Can someone Twitter him.

He meant bid for an interview with Quantuma. He's just explained it.

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14 hours ago, i-Ram said:

Chill out you lot. Leave them to do their job, which believe it or not is not to keep you up-to-date on all matters. The EFL, Boro and Couhig have all made public pronouncements in the last 24 hours, and what happened you slagged them all off, finding holes in most of everything they said. What do you think people who are not so keen on Derby are going to do if Quantuma release information. Yep twist and turn and spin it to their advantage. Keep your powder dry guys; we have the other side rattled.

Quantuma have got a pretty impossible job what with dealing with Parry and his cronies, Gibson and Morris, none of whom I would want to be in a room with personally (unless I had a chainsaw). They all have egos much larger than their brain power. Quantuma have the law on their side and a pleasant bit of momentum in the last 24 hours I would think, after being stonewalled by the EFL, in spite of statute, last Thursday. Hopefully at the moment all their spare time and energy is being spent with Ashley and legal counsel to make sure there next meeting with the EFL spells out fully that they will not be messed about. This is no time to be challenging their professional abilities.

Brilliant post mate

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