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The Administration Thread


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Q need to move forward with the sale, today should have been the last deadline for ck.

Ck pays up by 5pm today, or Q dismisses him from being in the running to buy the club. Failure to provide funding.

We then move forward with MA.

Why is it so hard for Q to do this.

I know they've removed the preferred bidder status from ck, but in itself, that doesn't seem like it's enough.

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Just now, Oldben said:

Q need to move forward with the sale, today should have been the last deadline for ck.

Ck pays up by 5pm today, or Q dismisses him from being in the running to buy the club. Failure to provide funding.

We then move forward with MA.

Why is it so hard for Q to do this.

I know they've removed the preferred bidder status from ck, but in itself, that doesn't seem like it's enough.

Would be mad to remove him when in all likelihood his money will clear first?

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