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The Administration Thread


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Just now, DCFC Kicks said:

Ashley should have been first choice all along. Everyone knows he's got the funds. He's got past experience running a club.

It's obvious the only reason he wasn't picked is because Mel/Quantuma want an unrealistic amount of money and keep trusting these dodgy characters out of desperation.

If the deal collapses we won't have time to complete another one. Rooney will go. If we're not kicked out the league entirely we'll highly likely get relegated to League 2 next season.

Did he actually bid?

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5 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Well, he's not going to say "lolz not happening." Is he?

Why? Now, more than ever is the time for truths. He’s been bashed from pillar to post on the social’s this morning. Think he’d be trying to salvage some sort of credibility if it wern’t happening, not putting his neck further on the line? Glass half full here. 

Edited by dajstrawb
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12 minutes ago, w8sey said:

Don't know if this has already been posted but the BBC article now says that "Kirchner has told BBC sport that he expects the deal to be done today"


He’s not going to say it’s over is he? He’ll just come stringing people along until the admin pull the plug, abit like Alonso who kept saying it’ll be done whilst everyone around him said he wouldn’t 

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1 minute ago, Topram said:

He’s not going to say it’s over is he? He’ll just come stringing people along until the admin pull the plug, abit like Alonso who kept saying it’ll be done whilst everyone around him said he wouldn’t 

Time for your little cartoon Hinton......

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9 minutes ago, RipleyRich said:

I'm not sure that starting the season in administration is possible without a squad and under a Transfer embargo.

Unless of course the EFL are prepared to bend the rules.

Wouldn't EFL authorisation for DCFC to compete in L1 'as expected' follow from a funding guarantee?

If funding, then players signed, and wages. and overheads sorted....ohh, wait!

It's all a real muggers buddle.

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7 minutes ago, dajstrawb said:

Why? Now, more than ever is time time for truths. He’s been bashed from pillar to post on the social’s this morning. Think he’d be trying to salvage some sort of credibility if it wern’t happening, not putting his neck further on the line? Glass half full here. 

He's quoted as saying it will be done today...fair enough, What else can the fella say, He's playing golf...so what, There's nowt more that can be done, The EFL would have been all over this, Q would/should release a statement saying we're done with him, Nixon, Maguire and Percy would be wetting themselves.

Too many folk trying to say I told you so...or making a very small Mole hill into a very large Mountain.

If this goes Tit's up nowt we can do, Lets take a deep breath and wait aye...I've put my washing in and it will all come out sooner rather than later.

Edited by Unlucky Alf
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7 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Are the funds in an escrow account in the UK? I must have missed that.

I'm just trying to make sense of the delays being attributed to the funds transfer. If they have arrived and are in an escrow account awaiting distribution then that's great news and I don't know why anyone (including Radio Derby) are suggesting the deal may collapse.

It's in one of the Nixon releases buddy, maybe 4 or 5 pages back. Obviously we need to take his word at face value, but if we're prepared to give Dawes the benefit of the doubt, then why not Nixon.

If true, then the use of escrow is quite telling, as it would seem to suggest that the release of funds is dependent on conditions being met by the destination account holder. In so much, the hold up may well be nothing to do with CK.

This is of course conjecture, as none of us know for sure what the situation really is, hence my plea for patience.

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I know its down to interpretation, but looking at Ed’s replies this morning, he might be looking to backtrack a little bit. I can’t share the tweet due to Ed not allowing sharing and my signal is bad so I can’t upload a photo so I’m going to write it out. I’d appreciate if someone could possibly screengrab the thread that it’s from because I think it’s probably better to have the context, but for now.


”I stand by my source at 7am this morning. It is fast moving story with people briefing different versions of events from all sides…”  


written at 12.16

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9 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Well, he's not going to say "lolz not happening." Is he?

The golf round he's playing is obviously something he has paid for, DCFC something he hasn't.

The golf is bad optics - but of cK is playing it straight then he can't do anything to speed up the money so might as well play golf  If he's not playing it straight the playing golf is irrelevant.

I love Derby, but if I had the chance to play at that tournament with Poulter and Garcia (let alone the business connections) I’d happily make every Derby fan wait for another week. Sorry. 

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14 minutes ago, Ram@Lincoln said:

It's not just any round of golf. It's a invitational only tournament between pros and amateurs that's owned by the public purse of Saudi Arabia. There's a Saudi Prince playing in this tournament, who's worth circa £20 billion according to various articles. Just by attending, the loser of the tournament finishing 48/48 takes home at least $120k. The winner receives more than the winner of The Masters or the PGA Championship. The game is on the 11th June, so Kirchner will be practicing for this. 



Edit - Then on this, you'd only get invited to this if you're either massively loaded or you have strong relationships with very influential connections who are massively loaded or royalty. A basic commoner isn't getting to play in this tournament, you have to be a someone or know one.

might start watching golf now if a win here for CK might mean another couple signings... ?

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9 minutes ago, DCFC Kicks said:

Ashley should have been first choice all along. Everyone knows he's got the funds. He's got past experience running a club.

It's obvious the only reason he wasn't picked is because Mel/Quantuma want an unrealistic amount of money and keep trusting these dodgy characters out of desperation.

If the deal collapses we won't have time to complete another one. Rooney will go. If we're not kicked out the league entirely we'll highly likely get relegated to League 2 next season.

No, he absolutely should not have.

The man is a well-known business vulture - he waits in the shadows until the business is on its knees before swooping in and putting a tenner on the table.

He will let us get to the point of having absolutely nothing to our name - no Rooney, no player re-signings - before offering a derisory amount that will see us start with -15. All for the sake of getting something a little bit cheaper than market value.

I promise you, he should only ever be a last, last, absolutely final choice.

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Just now, tomsdubs said:

Has Dawes jumped the gun here to get an exclusive? Seems like it's quite more complex than saying it's going to collapse.

In fairness, whether we agree with what’s he’s saying, he’s actually started the ball rolling this morning and forced a few into gear. We’ve found out more this morning than we have in the last 10 days!

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