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10 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

On sale tomorrow to anyone that’s watched them once this season home or away. Next week they’ll be crawling out of the woodwork moaning they couldn’t get a ticket despite being a lifelong supporter.?

They've had two periods of sale so far, season ticket holders, 1 ticket each, who snapped up all that allocation. 

Then customers with a supporter ID who've bought 4 or more tickets this season, who've also snaffled all the tickets on offer, again 1 ticket each.

Once they go off sale at lunchtime tomorrow,  they'll go on sale to fans who have a supporter ID and have been to at least one game this season, one ticket per customer.

Pretty much in line with how we've sold Play off final tickets in the past.

I doubt next week fans will come crawling out the woodwork, seeing as the final is this Sunday.

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48 minutes ago, Rev said:

They've had two periods of sale so far, season ticket holders, 1 ticket each, who snapped up all that allocation. 

Then customers with a supporter ID who've bought 4 or more tickets this season, who've also snaffled all the tickets on offer, again 1 ticket each.

Once they go off sale at lunchtime tomorrow,  they'll go on sale to fans who have a supporter ID and have been to at least one game this season, one ticket per customer.

Pretty much in line with how we've sold Play off final tickets in the past.

I doubt next week fans will come crawling out the woodwork, seeing as the final is this Sunday.

Until they start throwing metal barriers around at 5 in the morning because they ran out of tickets like we did in 2007, I won't be impressed.  Can still see them coming out the mist from town at 3am on the Saturday night  after the clubs had kicked out.   The last time I join a queue to try and gets tickets for someone on general sale. 3000 in a queue and they had about 200.  Get your bloody own. 

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1 hour ago, Rev said:

They've had two periods of sale so far, season ticket holders, 1 ticket each, who snapped up all that allocation. 

Then customers with a supporter ID who've bought 4 or more tickets this season, who've also snaffled all the tickets on offer, again 1 ticket each.

Once they go off sale at lunchtime tomorrow,  they'll go on sale to fans who have a supporter ID and have been to at least one game this season, one ticket per customer.

Pretty much in line with how we've sold Play off final tickets in the past.

I doubt next week fans will come crawling out the woodwork, seeing as the final is this Sunday.

Which part of couldn’t get a ticket didn’t you understand ?

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6 hours ago, Crewton said:

Given that the EFL blocked us taking up the 1 year extension option on Marriott, does this mean that Buchanan is on less than £225kpa (the maximum allowed under our transfer embargo), he's on more but the EFL has sanctioned the option anyway, or that we've exercised the option but the EFL won't approve it until the takeover is completed and it's therefore currently meaningless? 

Anyone who knows the answer gets a gold star. 

Can say Nixon got very defensive when asked about Marriott. Batted it away saying he is talking about what is happening today. Certainly odd the the EFL let one through and block the other. Sounds like somebody has given the EFL a good talking to if it's not a sign the stadium deal is done as he states

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12 hours ago, BuckoBeast said:

Why’s it looking like that 

Its effectively extended his period of exclusivity by claiming he will pay the bill as of yesterday.  If the deal on the stadium has not been resolved by 31 May, he can simply walk away as the sale of the stadium is a condition of the sale.

Do you really think in the next week he's actually going to write a cheque?  He will be stalling asking fir a list of bills etc thst require paying, I'd very much doubt he's going to party with one penny until the Stadium deal is resolved by the minimum of an agreement to purchase.

Still baffled that he's not purchasing the stadium too, suggests a lack of budget to me.

I genuinely hope it goes through though, its definitely not as cut and dry as many are assuming.....  If Mel does not budge, I can see it all collapsing...

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6 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Until they start throwing metal barriers around at 5 in the morning because they ran out of tickets like we did in 2007, I won't be impressed.  Can still see them coming out the mist from town at 3am on the Saturday night  after the clubs had kicked out.   The last time I join a queue to try and gets tickets for someone on general sale. 3000 in a queue and they had about 200.  Get your bloody own. 

Haha, remember that well, spent the night at the back of the South stand, like you, on some fecker else's behalf!

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5 minutes ago, Boycie said:

I don’t think the pitch has been relaid? It’s last seasons being spruced up isn’t it?


Outline spec is in that piece from the OS. Not relaying, as you say, but quite extensive work. Main point is it don't come cheap and someone must be footing the ball, unless the company doing it are philanthropists. 

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19 minutes ago, Crewton said:

Well, unless Quantuma have found another source of funding, or Mel has decided to relay the pitch out of his own pocket, SOMEONE is underwriting current expenditure. 

I thought there was money in place until pay day.....  Thay said nobody really knows

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18 minutes ago, Crewton said:

As an Administrator, you wouldn't spend what little you have in the bank on someone else's asset. 

How do you know its not Morris footing the bill?  It depends whats on the current lease says.  Whats in the EFL rules about standard of pitches?  It maybe  requirement of the EFL to have a certain standard of pitch...

I'm not trying to be the merchant of doom as some are accusing me of, but, if it was all done and dusted why is there a condition on PPS unless the ground is sold?

Contrary to popular belief, I like CK, O just have reservations as to his funding model, surely purchasing the ground would have been a long term aspiration, if he is in it for the long haul?

Edited by RAM1966
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9 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

You have heard Ed Dawes.  Ramage was practically on a vow of silence in comparison.

The commentary under that pairing was absolutely abysmal. I was surprised it was allowed to go on as long as it did. It took Craig’s racist outburst to kill it.

Eric came in and did a far better job and also improved Ed I’d argue.

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32 minutes ago, RAM1966 said:

How do you know its not Morris footing the bill?  It depends whats on the current lease says.  Whats in the EFL rules about standard of pitches?  It maybe  requirement of the EFL to have a certain standard of pitch...

I'm not trying to be the merchant of doom as some are accusing me of, but, if it was all done and dusted why is there a condition on PPS unless the ground is sold?

Contrary to popular belief, I like CK, O just have reservations as to his funding model, surely purchasing the ground would have been a long term aspiration, if he is in it for the long haul?

Looking at L1 highlights on Quest, it seems a mud:sand:grass ratio of around 45:45:10 is OK for some.

I think the fact that they're doing the pitch is a positive sign. Remember, at one point last season, they had to turn those mobile lamps / grass-growing thingies off to save a few quid.......and at that stage Mel owned the ground.

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4 minutes ago, Ian Buxton's Bat said:

Looking at L1 highlights on Quest, it seems a mud:sand:grass ratio of around 45:45:10 is OK for some.

I think the fact that they're doing the pitch is a positive sign. Remember, at one point last season, they had to turn those mobile lamps / grass-growing thingies off to save a few quid.......and at that stage Mel owned the ground.

Damn you and your infernal powers of critical thinking! There's no room for logic on this thread matey ?

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9 hours ago, B4ev6is said:


Can we have grame Richard's back please.

Graham Richards is/was a COMMENTATOR

Craig Ramage, and Eric Steele were/are employed as SUMMARISER

There is a difference. The Commentator only needs to be able to describe in simplistic terms what is going on during the event he or she is commentating on, The Summariser should be an expert in the subject/event that the commentator is commenting on and be able to provide a more detailed analysis that the commentator would not know. With this in mind, Ramage sadly provided no more information than Dawes did, so was effectively pointless/ineffective in the role. Steele on the other hand, was able to add something to the coverage that Dawes could not. Steele was effective and successful as a Summariser.

The summariser is there to provide a better understanding of the event, not be a loud, churlish, happy-clapping comedy act.

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