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The Administration Thread


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I'm pleased things seem to be making progress regarding buying the club but why oh why, after all the bad press we have had do we have to end up with this guy? 

I don't like his tweets, old or not, and I don't like his response when he failed with his bid previously. It won't stop me supporting the club as always but blimey, do we ever get a break!! 

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16 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

So all is forgiven then, Does he still hold those thoughts when he posted them?, Were they quotes from songs and films?, It maters not a jot to me if CK, MA or AA become the new owners, What would concern me would be the very negative comments from the media who have the sole purpose to make hay while social media shines, There's plenty of historical posts from those in the spotlight that have come back to haunt them.

What was initially good news for some is now turning inwards, No doubt there's more digging to come

As I said I'd expect him to completely dissociate himself from these remarks, apologise, say they were stupid and thoughtless and he understands how offensive they are. That he's grown and learned and improved. 

In which case - unless there's any evidence he has said anything like that more recently - then yes, I do think he should be forgiven. 

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Get your torches and pitchforks here. Let's hound Kirchner out and go into liquidation, because, and you better believe this. no ducker else is going to come charging in at the last moment.and save DCFC. Still all the holier than thou brigade will be happy then. I will not be answering any comments on this as I don't give a flying duck.


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5 minutes ago, Sidd10 said:

Amazing to see how many saints we have typing amongst us. 

I agree that a lot of people will be acting very hypocritically when discussing the content of those tweets.  They're awful things to say, but you can accept he was a younger and probably a bit of an idiot.  It screams of being a bit of a yank 'jock' type.

For me, it's the fact he was not wise enough to cover his tracks before deciding to be so vocal on a public forum.  He was actively putting his name out there, flying across the World to come to Derby, so he was well aware of publicity and the need to generate positivity to his name.  But he's been stupid enough to not consider the other side of that.  

If he had a smart support team, they'd be telling him to just take it on the chin, say he said some very stupid things as a younger man growing up, they're not representative of him now nor his beliefs and he deleted it all to move forward and present the true version of himself in readiness for entering football ownership.

But no, he said, 'they're just movie quotes' via a 'spokesperson'.  Maybe one or two of them are, some blatantly aren't and it just makes him look stupid.  

I don't think any of us can judge what his potential ownership may look like off the back of tweets, but it does say something about his maturity, awareness and perhaps ignorance to what owning a football club of this size in the UK. 

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4 minutes ago, BobdeBilder said:

Get your torches and pitchforks here. Let's hound Kirchner out and go into liquidation, because, and you better believe this. no ducker else is going to come charging in at the last moment.and save DCFC. Still all the holier than thou brigade will be happy then. I will not be answering any comments on this as I don't give a flying duck.


It isn't hard to be holier than Kirchner when you see some of the things he's been putting out 

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21 minutes ago, Carnero said:

Ah, the classic "pick out one part of his tweet and ignore the main part of his message" attack.


Don’t worry, not trying to nitpick to suit an agenda, mainly thought it was a funny line.

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18 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Jesus Christ, how many stupid tweets has this guy sent out?? It’s like every thought he has in his brain just automatically transfers to Twitter. 

Hardly multi-cultural, bro!









*Sis/non-specific relative/whatever/whoever/whomsoever/etc...

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Lots of us were onboard when a possible Saudi relative was going to take over. 
That issue was related to human rights and most were willing to let it be. 

Now the media are dragging up over a decade old set of tweets without asking for an explanation. Tweets mind you, Ill advised and in some cases very wrong by most of societies view. 
No context, no recourse, no room for change or maturing over 10 years but let’s post them and make it a massive issue. 

I hope these same people are on twitter daily calling everyone to repentance who doesn’t say things they agree with or say things that are wrong by the society they live in. 

As long as he treats everyone at the club with equality and doesn’t discriminate either directly or indirectly he can think what he likes (even if they were not taken out of context).

Sodding words over 10 years old and we have this rigmarole. Ridiculous.  

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