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The Administration Thread


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Another star performance from Rooney and the players today that fills us all with so much pride.

Fans' support is outstanding.

It's clear though, from Rooney and Lawrence's interviews, that it's over now. The key phrase both choked on was "if we could only keep this team together".

The Administrators in one of their statements said it will be weeks now to get the money together. They also took the decision to accept the bid for Shinnie.

No matter how well the team have done to date, the fire sale starts now. No one could blame any of those heroes - Rooney included - if they left to secure their futures.

Relegation is now certain.

The only real question now is can we avoid liquidation or are we heading for a Phoenix club. COYR ?

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15 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I've hidden some posts as they purtain to showing Rick Parrys mobile number. Please don't share his contact details. Email I think is fine, less open to abuse. 

Still, please engage brain before messaging him, everyone. 

Why? The blokes trying to kill you’re football club the very reason this forum exists, duck him I hope we keep him up all night calling him.

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14 minutes ago, Derbados said:





You know what these type of ‘beating about the bush’ responses are just as annoying as anything else. I get you can’t say anything, but also childish ‘misleading info from people who should know better’ shouldn’t be coming to a fan from the EFL Chairman.

With respect, both replies are crap responses and most of us could make an even better automated reply that would be more helpful.

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Again who do you believe? Are we being massively blindsided by the Admins who are milking it for everything they can? Or are the EFL as corrupt as we all think? 

This is where there should be an independent regulator to be the middle men in these situations, to have the clubs interest at heart and not the people lining their greedy pockets. 

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39 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I have now seen two emails Parry has responded to; I think he replied to @uttoxram75 too. He is at least in dialogue with fans, and therefore a simple grammatical error whilst typing at pace is no big deal in the overall scheme of things. I might drop our Rick a line myself tomorrow. Too pissed now ?. Bloody Lawrence to blame. I had no plans to drink tonight. I will drop you a line tomorrow @richinspain

RIP Betty 



Come on guys, if these ARE from Parry’s email account they sure as hell are not typed by him

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My reply from Mr Parry


Dear Laura

It is unfortunate that so much misleading briefing is going on. It is helping no-one.

We have no agenda against Derby County and there is no vendetta.

We want the club to survive.

We do know how important it is to supporters but it is also important to the EFL.

We do have to apply our insolvency policy consistently for obvious reasons but no other club has failed to come out of administration.


Rick Parry

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3 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:


3 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

childish ‘misleading info from people who should know better’ shouldn’t be coming to a fan from the EFL Chairman.

If their position is misrepresented, is the EFl not entitled to defend itself ?  Why is it ‘childish’ if they do? Sorry, any restructuring expert who reads the admins’ latest release can see it is misleading and disingenuous. Q are seeking expensively to avoid blame for the sorry situation we are in 

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3 minutes ago, LauraH said:

We do have to apply our insolvency policy consistently for obvious reasons but no other club has failed to come out of administration.

How many other clubs in Administration have been subjected to ridiculous claims like the parasite clubs have raised? How many times have the EFL supported such claims?

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32 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

Let’s enjoy today.

Fans having a go at the EFL will achieve nothing but harm.

We are also relying on the stories we’ve been told being true.


30 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

My response from Parry.....


Thanks for your email.

Let me assure you that the EFL is acutely aware of the history and importance of Derby County.

We are not being pressured into anything at all.

What we are doing is following our own regulations consistently and without any prejudice.

What we are not doing is briefing selectively when there are many complex issues to be resolved.


Rick Parry 



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40 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I've hidden some posts as they purtain to showing Rick Parrys mobile number. Please don't share his contact details. Email I think is fine, less open to abuse. 

Still, please engage brain before messaging him, everyone. 

If his phone numbers on the email, he obviously likes to be called.

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9 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Why doesn’t someone ask Parry if the rumours are true about 1 st Feb deadline 

I mentioned it yes but he didn't address it in his email. Unless that's what his first paragraph was referring to. 

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9 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

Another star performance from Rooney and the players today that fills us all with so much pride.

Fans' support is outstanding.

It's clear though, from Rooney and Lawrence's interviews, that it's over now. The key phrase both choked on was "if we could only keep this team together".

The Administrators in one of their statements said it will be weeks now to get the money together. They also took the decision to accept the bid for Shinnie.

No matter how well the team have done to date, the fire sale starts now. No one could blame any of those heroes - Rooney included - if they left to secure their futures.

Relegation is now certain.

The only real question now is can we avoid liquidation or are we heading for a Phoenix club. COYR ?

Fair enough mate, if that's how you feel, but I'll not be giving up just yet. To my mind the prime reason we are doing so well is that the lads keep stepping it up. Every single challenge and set-back is met with an even fiercer resolve. Whatever you think, they don't think they're beat.

There are better squads than us, there are better starting 11's, but there's not a team in the entire EFL who can match our unity, determination and dogged will to win. We won't win every game of course and losing further players will provide an even stiffer challenge, but any team that plays us will know they've been in a game. United were running on fumes inside the last 20.

I'm with these lads all the way, as this will be a season that I'll remember forever. Throughout all the time I've followed this club, I don't think I've ever been so proud of the team and coaches. One through eleven and the subs as well, literally giving their all.

I can't be giving up on that mate.

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1 minute ago, kevinhectoring said:


If their position is misrepresented, is the EFl not entitled to defend itself ?  Why is it ‘childish’ if they do? Sorry, any restructuring expert who reads the admins’ latest release can see it is misleading and disingenuous. Q are seeking expensively to avoid blame for the sorry situation we are in 

Are you Rick Parry?

Sorry mate, you ain’t getting a rise out of me. Been down this path with people claiming to be ‘experts’ before! I’ll stick to my opinion it was a bit of a silly unnecessary comment from the EFL chairman in response to a fan of a club. 

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