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Bad behaviour by Derby (& coventry) fans again


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2 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

The real question is should they be doing it. Some people such as Sam Harris believe this kind of stop and searching is an efficient, effective mechanism to strengthen security at airports and other venues. Others believe it's inefficient and ultimately constitutes unreasonable searches that shouldn't be happening. I'd err on the side of the latter rather than the former i think, as I think singling someone out should come from a material basis that is likely to be relevant. 

Now that is a question that is a tough one for me to really give an honest answer too, If someone is stopped and searched and has something they shouldn't or are someone who they look like but aren't then yes and no...not sitting on the fence, The Brazilian who was shot and killed on the Tube all those years ago after 7-7, He looked like one of the bombers, Caught on the Tube and shot/killed, All because he had the same skin color and carrying a rucksack.

As i've gotten older(65)i'm more security conscious now, Back in the day, I fought for freedoms ex Senior Union Official, I was at Orgreave during the miners strike just like 100s if not 1000s of Football lads, All kicking off against Thatcherism, The Met took more beatings as they wore white shirts then so it was easy to single them out, We also got what was coming...it was always them and us, Would you stop a female who was walking to the M25 with her Orange vest on and a placard?


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28 minutes ago, David said:

Not that different, you have a choice in what you wear and the impression you want to give. 

I'm not saying everyone that wears Stone Island is automatically a hooligan, just that's how they will be seen rightly or wrongly as the reputation those wearing the brand have created.

Go look at the pics and videos, that badge is everywhere.

Let's say Calvin Klein became the next "uniform" of the thugs/hooligans, I would retire any items of Calvin Klein clothing, as I don't want to be associated with that kind of thing.

Each to their own though.

Yeah each to their own, I disagree with the judgement if folk which unfortunately seems to happen a lot now a days.

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44 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Well it depends in what context. 

Profiling someone on the colour of their skin, where they live, the car they drive, the clothes the wear is the same to me, its wrong.

If its borne out of statistical analysis then they are doing their job properly. Rightly or wrongly. In the same way that you will pay more for your car insurance if you live in a high crime area. If the vast majority of troublemakers are in a certain age group, wearing certain clothes and you choose to adhere, you will be targeted. Skin colour is a different angle though.

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15 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

If its borne out of statistical analysis then they are doing their job properly. Rightly or wrongly. In the same way that you will pay more for your car insurance if you live in a high crime area. If the vast majority of troublemakers are in a certain age group, wearing certain clothes and you choose to adhere, you will be targeted. Skin colour is a different angle though.

Even if borne out of statistical analysis?

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6 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

I'll make one statement on this, as I appreciate this is a football thread in a football forum, but this is part of the society we have created in the past six or seven years - and it will get a whole lot worse before it gets better. People are angry and that anger comes out more and more, plus people with extreme views feel legitimised for the first time in a generation to openly vocalists those views. Football is just a very convenient place for it to be released.

Give over ,it’s been there since the seventies , never gone away 

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was hit on the head by an object thrown by the Coventry fans yesterday , luckily no treatment needed, stewards not interested , left the ground after the match , Coventry fans everywhere looking for trouble , myself and my mates grew up in the eighties so yesterday was nothing compared to then , but the half dozen Cov fans who decided they were tough enough to try it on with us and spitting and kicking their chosen attack method were quicklly despatched by us with the minimum of fuss , no i am not proud of it but neither can we stand back and be spat on . and in relation to earlier posts we dont wear Stone Island 

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10 minutes ago, Topram said:

Seems to be happening all over football at the minute I’ve seen videos of fans fighting at a lot of games this week 

Where? Can’t say that I’ve stumbled across many.

It’s a problem that’s never gone away but nothing like as bad as it used to be IMO.

Edited by Tamworthram
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36 minutes ago, Archied said:

Give over ,it’s been there since the seventies , never gone away 

And the next generation are waiting in the wings. 

We sometimes catch the Matlock to Derby train to home games. At Belper a group of 5 or 6 lads (maybe 14-15 yrs) get on in their wannabe Stone Island clothes and start effing and jeffing as soon as they got on. The train is full of Zimmer frames and prams, and that compiles their audience. 
At Derby they go quiet if the away fans might be around.
And same again after the match. if the away fans are on the same platform they are quiet as mice until back on the train. Pathetic really.  
I’m sure they go back to school on the Monday bragging about how they ‘owned’ the 2 carriage shopper express. 

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Football is a vehicle and has been a vehicle for violence for decades, Why are we seeing more and more today, Sociaty, Lack of Policing, Lack of Parenting, Teaching has in some cases gone to the dogs, Where left wing teachings are common place in Schools and Universitys, Where Freedom of speach has been swept under the carpet in the name of "we fear a backlash" Where Pupils now know there's very little that can happen to them if they missbehave, Prisons are full to capacity, They know if caught and it's a 1st time offence then they'll walk out of court with very little damage, Where crime is now easy to get away with, Where smacking someone in a pub is very rarely bothered with.

I've been Caned at school, Walloped by may parents, Thumped by OB, Beaten at football matches by away fans, I never complained, Probly because I deserved it all.

Welcome to the UK 2021.

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5 hours ago, Jayram said:

It’s not so much that but it’s their general behaviour. At Brentford a couple of seasons ago I and a mate went to our seats only to find a couple of these Stone Island wearing pipsqueaks sitting there initially refusing to budge. It was only when I basically told them I’d remove them myself that they eventually slouched off. It put me on edge because it could quite easily have gone wrong and while I can handle myself I shouldn’t have to get into this sort of crap with fellow Rams fans. They have no respect for other Derby fans, standing up all game in front of older people who have no option but to stand themselves even if they are physically struggling to do so and spending the entire match facing the nearest home fans giving it the big one. Something has got to be done because they are actively ruining decent Rams fans away days. Absolute ******** the lot of them.

Agree totaly. I used to go away 2 or 3 seasons ago but got really browned off with how some fans have got no respect for older fans or children. Wasnt enjoying a good day out anymore, shouldnt be like that.

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