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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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4 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:



Rule 195

Zebra crossings. As you approach a zebra crossing

  • look out for pedestrians waiting to cross and be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross
  • you MUST give way when a pedestrian has moved onto a crossing
  • allow more time for stopping on wet or icy roads
  • do not wave or use your horn to invite pedestrians across; this could be dangerous if another vehicle is approaching
  • be aware of pedestrians approaching from the side of the crossing.

Essentially you don't have to stop unless the pedestrian has stepped foot on the crossing

Does that mean a pedestrian has to step out and just trust that the driver has paid attention to the first bullet point. I wouldn’t step out unless the car had come to a stop first. Butvwiuld that mean that no car would actually have to stop, if I’m patiently waiting. 

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Another driving related thing that bugs me (you could probably have a separate thread on driving stuff alone), and this one will be controversial. 

People who get annoyed when I filter in at roadworks, or even on a slip road. 

I just saw a Facebook post from a friend, and had to give him an angry face. It said ‘I don’t care how many cones you knock down, I’m not letting you in, cos you saw the sign two miles ago, just like I did.’

I totally disagree with that sort of attitude. It’s the people who see the sign saying ‘roadworks 2 miles ahead’ and then instantly filterninto the other lane. Everyone does it, leaving a two mile stretch of lane with no traffic, and two mile tailback on the other lane. 

Its stupid, and it causes more tailbacks and traffic than is necessary. If everyone just filtered, ‘like a zip’ as they say in America, at the actual roadworks, it would be a problem. The sign doesn’t compel you to move over, it’s just informing you that roadworks are coming. 

I’ve seen clips on Facebook of people actually moving out to stop people from going down the inside lane. What a twit! If your the kind of stupid person who likes to queue for an hour, you fill your boots, but there’s nothing stopping you from doing what I’m doing, the only one breaking any rules by blocking me off is you.

The only reason people do that is because they’re afraid no one will let them in when they get to the end. And they’re right to be afraid that they’ll be left stranded and hitting traffic cones, because people are dheads. But the people who properly use that inside lane are in the right. 

The same applies for filtering onto a road with the traffic. The amount of times I see people try to filternonto the a52 going towards the pentagon, but they choose the first 10 yards of the filter lane to merge, and look all surprised when I drive right to the bottom of the filter lane, another couple of hundred yards, and filter there, bypassing 20 odd cars. 

It’s like purposefully choosing the longest queue at the super market. I don’t get why you’d do that. 

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18 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

Another driving related thing that bugs me (you could probably have a separate thread on driving stuff alone), and this one will be controversial. 

People who get annoyed when I filter in at roadworks, or even on a slip road. 

I just saw a Facebook post from a friend, and had to give him an angry face. It said ‘I don’t care how many cones you knock down, I’m not letting you in, cos you saw the sign two miles ago, just like I did.’

I totally disagree with that sort of attitude. It’s the people who see the sign saying ‘roadworks 2 miles ahead’ and then instantly filterninto the other lane. Everyone does it, leaving a two mile stretch of lane with no traffic, and two mile tailback on the other lane. 

Its stupid, and it causes more tailbacks and traffic than is necessary. If everyone just filtered, ‘like a zip’ as they say in America, at the actual roadworks, it would be a problem. The sign doesn’t compel you to move over, it’s just informing you that roadworks are coming. 

I’ve seen clips on Facebook of people actually moving out to stop people from going down the inside lane. What a twit! If your the kind of stupid person who likes to queue for an hour, you fill your boots, but there’s nothing stopping you from doing what I’m doing, the only one breaking any rules by blocking me off is you.

The only reason people do that is because they’re afraid no one will let them in when they get to the end. And they’re right to be afraid that they’ll be left stranded and hitting traffic cones, because people are dheads. But the people who properly use that inside lane are in the right. 

The same applies for filtering onto a road with the traffic. The amount of times I see people try to filternonto the a52 going towards the pentagon, but they choose the first 10 yards of the filter lane to merge, and look all surprised when I drive right to the bottom of the filter lane, another couple of hundred yards, and filter there, bypassing 20 odd cars. 

It’s like purposefully choosing the longest queue at the super market. I don’t get why you’d do that. 

Traffic police advice is to do exactly what you say - use both lanes and zip together! 

My pet hate are the drivers who know they are turning off a dual carriageway at a junction and start to slow down half a mile from the turn off instead of waiting until they get onto the slip road to decelerate. 

Happens to me every evening at the A610 turn-off on the A38. Some cars are only doing 50 - 55 by the time they get to the 300 yard indicators, let alone the junction itself! 


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14 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

The same applies for filtering onto a road with the traffic. The amount of times I see people try to filternonto the a52 going towards the pentagon, but they choose the first 10 yards of the filter lane to merge, and look all surprised when I drive right to the bottom of the filter lane, another couple of hundred yards, and filter there, bypassing 20 odd cars. 

Whilst I agree with filtering and most peoples inability to understand it, the cross over at the A52 flyover is not a good example.  It is, however, a great example of extremely poo road design.  It's like the planner decided they wanted a real life scalextric lane change.


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Pet hates and driving, love it.

My pet hates:

People who cannot pass a broken down car or an accident without having to slow down for a good look. 

People who are too hesitant at junctions and islands almost needing an invite to pull out. Its amazing how much congestion one or two very hesitant drivers can cause.

People who can't go faster than half the speed limit on a road very capable of it.

People who dont let people out of junctions when they cant go anywhere anyway due to traffic or a traffic light, or those that block junctions when sat in traffic.

People who cant seem to drive without main beam on...what is it about motorcyclists who seem to enjoy doing this a lot?

Lorry Drivers.



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5 hours ago, admira said:

Fly drones at airports and cause a real risk of ruining my Christmas holiday

If they catch those responsible,  they should promise to get them close to the runway. Make them stand on the runway while planes land and take off.

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19 hours ago, Paul71 said:

If they catch those responsible,  they should promise to get them close to the runway. Make them stand on the runway while planes land and take off.

Just put them in the departures terminal with 110,000 people that have had their holidays ruined. That should do it ....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once a month at the KFC car window


Me:  Yeah, i would like a family bucket for 6...

KFC Employee:  What sauce would you like with that?

Me:  No sauce, but just legs and thighs would be good

KFC Employee:  Yes but what sauce would you like?

Me:  i want no sauce whatsoever under any circumstances

KFC Employee:  Huh?

Me:  What part of no sauce are you not understanding?

KFC Employee:  Huh?  We have this sauce and that sauce...

Me, through my teeth:  Jesus Christ almighty.  No sauce no sauce no sauce no no no soy filled sauce

KFC Employee:  But you ordered the family bucket and it comes with the sauce of your choice

Me:  Here's an idea, pick one sauce of your choice and throw it in the bin for me, will ya

KFC Employee:  So you don't want sauce?

Me:  You catch on quick

KFC Employee:  Huh?

Me,  thinking of tearing what's left of my hair out:  You are correct, no blessed sauce

KFC Employee:  Thank you, that will be an exorbitant amount payable at your next car window


i must be a masochist

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One more complaint before i pass out from cognac

What's with the ??? ?  Is that a question questioning the question?  Is it more of a question?  Is it a demanding question?

And this !!!.  What the heck is that?  Exclamation of the last exclamation and then another exclamation in exclamation of the second one?

Don't get me started on 4's and 5's

And ?!?!?!  What in God's name does that mean?

If you want to make a point, then make a point.  If you want to ask a question, ask

i bet these same folks wave their hands all over the place when describing what they had for lunch

This is not aimed at you Parsnip

Uhh, yes it is



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People, well I say people. When women get to the drive through pay window, be it McD's, Burger King, KFC, Starbucks, well all or any of them, after being in a queue for about 10 minutes, then they suddenly realise they need to locate their handbag, then their purse, to actually pay for the junk they have ordered, shock horror what a suprise, as it happens on every occasion and all you can  see from the view of any car from behind, is a figure with wavey hair ducking down, waving her arms all over the car as lots of customers are kept waiting even longer thus including the remaining women that are about to repeat the same process all over again!.....Arghhhhh!

Right don't get me started on them people that stand in the supermarket queue for 10 minutes and eventually get to the front of the queue to pay the person at the cash register and then they try to locate their handbags in their shopping trolleys, and then try to locate their purse and all the rest.........

You know what.....I'm going to have another drink!

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1 hour ago, ramit said:

One more complaint before i pass out from cognac

What's with the ??? ?  Is that a question questioning the question?  Is it more of a question?  Is it a demanding question?

And this !!!.  What the heck is that?  Exclamation of the last exclamation and then another exclamation in exclamation of the second one?

Don't get me started on 4's and 5's

And ?!?!?!  What in God's name does that mean?

If you want to make a point, then make a point.  If you want to ask a question, ask

i bet these same folks wave their hands all over the place when describing what they had for lunch

This is not aimed at you Parsnip

Uhh, yes it is



I don’t know what you mean??? Poor @Parsnip!!!

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