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Posts posted by Miggins

  1. On 14/08/2021 at 20:01, Archied said:

    I don’t get the ashamed bit , they are just scumbags who happen to follow the same football club we do ,they do not represent or reflect on decent people??‍♂️

    Perhaps angry and disgusted might have been a better choice of words. I agree that they do not represent or reflect the views of the decent-minded fans, but I feel so sad and angry for the players singled out for this abuse, especially Joz who seems to be taking longer to settle into his role this season for reasons unknown. I guess there are genuine 22 carat scumbags in the crowd as there are out there generally in life, but I hope that it was the influence of alcohol and the feeling of being anonymous and bold in a crowd that led to some joining in with these unacceptable slurs. If not then they really are scumbags!! No club or fans want to be associated with this kind of disgraceful, idiotic and embarrassing behavior.?

  2. Disappointing result as we were the better team. If Morrison had stayed on it might have gone differently. Just talking to my neighbour who saw the match on TV and he said Derby looked very tired towards the end. Perhaps that was because of they gave it their all and had nothing left at the end? Still, a very disappointing finish to a game we dominated.

  3. I hope that Kamil settles back down into the squad in the next few games after his Euro commitments and that he, Wayne and the coaches can sort out any problems that might be affecting his performance.  He's a good player and a likeable guy and I hope he stays at Derby and becomes an indispensable member of the team. If he is unhappy at Derby and the answer is not within our powers to solve, then I guess he will decide to leave, but hopefully that won't be the case. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    I think the players really like him. He's managed to build a good team spirit despite all the poo going on in the background. I genuinely believe he wants the best for Derby, more so than the current hierarchy in charge. He's the only one that's seemingly looking long-term. I'm still no great believer in his ability to become a good manager, but at the very least I can respect that he's focused and seems to be keeping others focused. We should be grateful for that much. 

    It's early days, @Ambitious. Only 2 matches in and and possibly lots of angst ahead with (hopefully) occasional brilliance. Your post is an uplifting and honest assessment about where we are at the moment and I guess the season could go either way but I'm feeling a bit more optimistic at the moment. ?

  5. 2 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    Wayne Rooney has an estimated wealth of £122m - whatever reason he's here, it's not for the money. To put that in perspective, if he spent £90k a week, with not a penny of interest, it would be more than 30 years before he needed to worry.

    And here I am having to raid savings to pay for car servicing and a new garden shed this month!! The last shed pretty much fell down last winter. I'm only talking 8x6 here!! ?

  6. 16 hours ago, David said:

    I just want to apologise for the delay, my absence, my handling of the situation and try to explain what has happened.

    The meeting on Wednesday was scheduled to end at 8.45pm, my last train home was 9.33pm, I slipped out just after 9pm as I didn’t have clothes, medication, toiletries with me as I wasn’t planning on staying overnight.

    When the meeting had finished, an agreement was made where one statement would be written and signed off by all groups, this is the first time anything like this had been agreed, I was under the impression we would be allowed to report back as normal.

    Being completely unaware of this, whilst waiting for my train I saw a conversation take place on my Twitter timeline discussing the meeting minutes, when would they be out.

    I replied, that the meeting minutes were not taken and we would be sharing the information ourselves, which as I say I was under the impression would be allowed, why else attend? I thought I was being helpful.

    Now I can see on reflection I was clearly naive in not appreciating the number of fans waiting online for what was said at the meeting, would see the tweet whilst was part of a conversation, which was also public and could be seen and shared by others. The tweet blew up online having been retweeted, I’m not exaggerating when I say maybe hundred or more replies, some abusive to the point where I had to turn notifications off as my phone was freezing with as I came back into an area with phone signal.

    On the forum I did pre warn members not to expect anything Wednesday evening, the minutes can sometimes take a few days to a couple of weeks before being released. I was going with the intention of asking the club if the minutes could be released within 24 hours or that we could release the information immediately. Obviously once we was told the minutes would not be taken all that went out the window and believed we was free to report back immediately, and that was the plan.

    Again, I was clearly naive to the fact fans on Twitter would not be aware of this, so when I wasn’t replying to all the tweets with thumbs up or down if it’s good news, or are we going to have a club next week the levels of abuse increased, despite my plea for being understanding I wasn’t in the position to do so.

    With my write up, I had no intention of adding any personal opinion, it would be just what was said and allow you all to read and take it as you will.

    As you will be well aware, all fans see things differently and I didn’t want to raise any expectations or disappoint fans, then receive more abuse as it wasn’t what they were expecting.

    I put myself in this situation through naivety, but I don’t accept that the abuse was warranted at all, I have removed the twitter account from my devices and will no longer be active on that account, opting now for a private account as I have no interest in twitter fame.

    I would seriously urge anyone that did send me abusive tweets to have a think how they talk to people online and their demands, if this is this what celebrities have to deal with on a daily basis, I’m glad I’m just a nobody!

    Punjabi Rams, who I honestly can’t thank enough stepped in and put some tweets out from their account to give some information in my defence. You guys are awesome, didn’t need to do that but again, I honestly can’t thank you enough. Quick plug www.punjabirams.co.uk, @PunjabiRams on Twitter, go give them a follow if you are on there.

    On the train home I started to do the write up on my notes app, realising I need to get this out asap, first thing to defuse the situation I felt I had created.

    Thursday morning, as I was consulting my notes and finishing off the write up, there was a few things I wanted to fact check with the club were totally accurate, there has been times where things have been misheard in the past (Boycie ahem) and needed correcting, I didn’t want this to happen. We’re human, mistakes can happen, I believed I had time to ensure there were none.

    I decided, and this was not requested by the club but to send my write up to them, asking if they could read it over and everything I had written was totally accurate, leaving ??? <—— fact checks where I was a little cautious over.

    They agreed and I again naively yet again assumed that this would be back with me in a few hours……despite the previous night listening to just how busy they have been.

    Now whilst I understand and totally agree that this meeting is important, the club staff are as I’m sure you can imagine really busy, now I need to really stress here that this is in no way the fault of the club, this is on me 100%.

    No tweet, no forum post, none of this situation exists.

    Meanwhile The Supporters Charter Group are scratching their heads as to why I’ve gone it alone, I can only apologise to them also, as I say I was under the impression that we would all be reporting back ourselves which I have explained privately with them.

    A single statement isn’t something I would have been personally happy with but that is what was agreed in my absence.

    I haven’t felt comfortable coming back on the forum if I'm honest, ignoring the fact I insinuated what was said at the meeting would be out Thursday on the forum, I feel like I have let you all down and for that I’m sorry.

    Just to add, this apology wasn’t asked for, it's something I feel is owed to you all.

    Should someone have gone that could have stayed all evening? Ideally yes, although Paul (Boycie) was unavailable to attend. Since the formation of 2017 it has only been either myself or Paul that has attended, I didn’t feel it would be right to send someone new which in hindsight was the correct call, they may have also not been able to attend until the end of what I’m led to believe turned out to be almost a 4 hour long meeting, putting themselves unwittingly into a similar situation I have.

    I know you are all frustrated, the accusations of attention seeking, sitting on information, teasing, trying to get more views, followers etc. and even censorship on the forum are simply not true, they come from people that do not know me or how the forum is run at all, which is disappointing hearing it said by members that have been on the forum for a number of years now.

    Finally, I do want to say thank you to those who have sent supportive texts, PM’s, DM’s, tweets you name it over the last few days, despite asking to be given time, it’s you who I put the hours in for, I will learn from this and work on handling things better in the future.

    I would also like to thank the moderators who have been trying their best to keep on top of the situation, without them this forum would have crashed and burned over the last few days so please be respectful to them, even if at times you do not agree with decisions they have made. 



    I've been away for a couple of days and so I'm 17 hours behind! Just wanted to post something before I read the replies from the wonderful forum fans, although I think I already know what they are saying. ? Thanks for your post and thanks for the detailed explanation, all of which is perfectly understandable. Not sure how you could improve on handling things better in the future. I thought you handled things fine this time round and not your fault that it was not all plain sailing due to things beyond your control. Certainly not your fault or DCFC. Really sad that you have had to put up with unwarranted crap. Totally out of order and undeserved comments, lacking understanding, moderation and common decency. Ignore! I don't respect those who are  abusive and I ignore their opinions which are more a reflection on themselves than those they choose to criticize. Keep well, David and thanks for this forum which is enjoyed by so many! 


  7. 35 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    Are you for real. It’s a football song, do you want us to sing some classical. 

    What do you think to the Colymore song? Is that childish? 

    Honestly, you must be a real delight at any party you attend. 

    @Bald Eagle's Barmy Army! I normally enjoy reading your posts but I have to disagree with this one! The song is childish but it is also very unkind, thoughtless and potentially distressing to the family. I'm sure that Colleen has got used to this kind of abuse, but I still don't like songs like this to be thought of as acceptable. I know that David Beckham has had to put up with the most vulgar and derogatory comments about his wife and no one should have to listen to those kind of vile chants. I'm posting because silence gives assent and I want to register my objection. Just don't make these songs so vile and personal. Aim them at the club generally and not at individuals especially when it involves wives and children.

  8. Well done, Derby! A point is a good start and at last we didn't lose it. With a couple more signings and we will improve. The fans backed them today and made lots of noise and were very positive. Pride Park sounded like a very exciting place to be today. Well done, Curtis! I hope that all the forum members who were there today had a day to remember!! Hairs raised on the back of the neck! 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    We appear to have little choice at the moment, given the ridiculous circumstances we find ourselves in - I agree that it's far from an ideal situation.

    When life deals you lemons, you either squirt them in someone's eye or make lemonade. I wonder which option we will choose.

    Let's hope that there is plenty of support for these youngsters being thrown in the deep end before they are ready if they have problems. I agree with you that we have limited choice at the moment. ?

  10. 2 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    If your a supporter why would you not look forward to the first game of the season 

    In my case it's because I feel excited, happy, anxious and very apprehensive all at the same time. I guess a lot of fans feel the same way. I am looking forward to the first game of the season but not looking forward to it at the same time. So much joy that fans are back in the stadium supporting our team and yet anxious about our prospects. Mixed emotions! Do you feel the same? ?

  11. 2 hours ago, G-Ram said:

    Not all players come through an academy are going to make it. Some are there to make up numbers for the academy squad so we can put out a team. Throwing them all in isn't right isnt right

    Some players develop faster than others, some burst onto the scene & can play every game, some need bedding in, some are ready at 18 years old some don't develop until they're 22 - 23 year old. Thats both physically and mentally

    It isn't about chucking them in and seeing if they sink or swim. You could chuck someone in & they sink but they could have well swam with the right guidance and bedding in. 

    We're reliant on throwing in too many academy products in one hit. Some aren't ready for a 46 game season & it'll be damaging to their development 

    It also shouldn't be morris' decision that academy players are ready. He employs far more qualified people than him to decide what is best for our team.

    Im not saying mothball youngsters i just dont think its fair to throw 18 year olds in to match day squads potentially before they are ready   

    Thanks, @G-Ram you put it far more eloquently than me. ?

  12. 3 hours ago, Eddie said:

    what's the point in having an academy if the players are mothballed as opposed to bringing them through?

    Some will sink, others will swim.

    I agree, Eddie, that some youngsters will sink and others will swim but it should leave us all feeling uneasy as to their treatment. Some who sink might well have become an future asset to the club if their induction into the first team had been handled sensitively and gradually. Just because you are two years into a course to become a doctor you aren't qualified to carry out an operation. I agree that players shouldn't be 'mothballed' indefinitely but their coaches should decide when they are ready.

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