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Posts posted by Miggins

  1. 3 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    So nice to see someone quoting a bit of Shakespeare on here. I think it is about time we had a cull of the riff raff that come on here, and the forum becomes exclusive to erudite, well-educated gentlemen.

    Couldn't agree more, @i-Ram Here is part of a sonnet for the poor souls who incur the wrath of other members by posting something poorly worded (usually after they have had a tipple on an empty stomach)!?

    'When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes

    I all alone beweep my outcast state...'

    In case you were wondering, I am posting on behalf of an embarassed friend. ?

  2. 23 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    It was a thing more common in the 70s/80s in compact standing areas, where to move to the toilet (and return) was difficult. I was unfortunately never a giver, being the nice boy that I am, but there were a couple of occasions when I well remember taking the warmth given by a fellow Ram (or Ewe ?). 

    Taking the warmth! I can scarcely believe what I am reading! How far we have come from reading about Jane Austen's elegant  description of balls to peeing into people's back pockets!!



  3. 6 hours ago, rammieib said:

    As a married man of four, just why the heck when you have a spare night would you choose to go clubbing and stay in a hotel in Manchester instead of spending it with your wife/4 kids, especially when you have the worlds media looking at any chance to jump on you.

    I simply don't get him.

    I agree, Rammie, and I've seen the photographs in the press. Just wanted to ask if these are recent photographs of 'historic'? If they are recent then I am sad that Wayne has let his family down again. When this happens to politicians we are reminded to keep their private and political lives separate. I don't agree with this. I'm suspicious of a leader who  doesn't show moral backbone in private.

  4. 1 hour ago, Lander said:

    I think for me it's very much similar to what others have already touched on.

    It's combination of things which has made me lose my interest in recent times. Obviously not being able to go to games has contributed, because it's just not the same. I don't get to see the same faces that I only see at the football, I don't get to have a beer with my dad and my football mates, talk about what's happened since I last saw them, there's more to Derby County and match days than just watching football for 90 minutes. But then again, even if I went now it wouldn't be the same until fully capacity, so perhaps I'm just holding fire because I don't want a watered down match day experience, I'd rather just wait.

    Restaurants opened again and I rushed out because I missed it, but I'm not doing that with the football. For the first time in a long time I've not been bothered about going to pre-season games, or getting excited about when I can go and see them again after a break. Is it due to my routine changing and once it comes back it'll be business as usual? I don't know.

    The next contributing factor is just the state of the club at the moment, it's embarrassing going from one ridiculous headline to the next and I think this is part of the reason I'm just not rushing back, I'm not looking at who we might sign (obviously this is slightly difference due to current circumstances), I'm just disinterested and letting the circus continue until the first sign of hope of us going in the right direction because otherwise it'll just get me down.

    This is how I'm feeling about Derby at the minute, I'm just looking forward to going back to a bit of normality, going to games and seeing my football mates, having a beer and having some hope that Derby make me be proud again on and off the pitch.

    Good post, @Lander

  5. Interesting question, @RoyMac5.  I care more about the Rams now since the lockdown, but this is because I lost my job at the start of it. I'd worked in a garden centre for the past 10 years, was furloughed, but then it closed down permanently. I worked every Saturday until 5pm and so couldn't go to matches or even listen to them. During the lockdown I discovered the fans forum and it re-ignited my love for the club. The sense of community, common interest, knowledge and understanding of the game (which I lack) and the general cameraderie made me feel closer to the club than ever. The downside, of course, was that I also started to be aware of all the dreadful difficulties facing the club and having that awful knot in your stomach on match days. I'm just as unhappy with our present situation as  @ram59, @MACKWORTH RAM and @Srg and probably all forum members but I feel closer to and more involved in the club and more informed about its difficulties through joining the fans forum than I have for a long time.

  6. On 22/07/2021 at 20:15, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    Oh I see,it's me draining their confidence?

    As far as I'm aware I wasn't at the stadium last season where I would normally be...that goes for 28000 other people too,so I'm fairly sure that there may have been other factors involved.

    But funnily enough,I will be at every home game this time around and cheering on the lads from there as many of us do.

    The lads out there always get my unequivocal support,inept gaffers and bosses less so if they don't deserve it.

    I'll continue to question and deliberate on the issues that face us managerially both on the pitch and off it (if that's ok with you)

    You see being a fan means that you care about the club and its future and don't just hide away from the downsides...that way you enjoy the upsides even more rather than just blindly clapping away pretending it's all perfect.



    I know that this is all chewed meat at this point but I just wanted to say that this was never intended to be a personal  attack on you. It was more of a rally the troops / community post after a glass of wine. I would never ever attack a fellow poster in the way that you thought I did. I joined this forum because I love the passion, wit and insight I read here. I understand how my clumsy wording led you to be so angry, but I apologise because it was, and will never be intentional. ? PS  I wanted to reply much sooner but your ire resulted in my laptop expiring. Just kidding! I'm now having to get used to a new laptop and it is so difficult! I'd had the last one for 11 years and this one is going to take a lot of getting used to. Keep well, and apologies once more.


  7. 1 hour ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    We can hardly draw a line under it whilst we are still in the middle of it,it's still there.

    Hiding our heads in the sand,pretending all is well is what led us into this situation.

    We can draw a line under it at what ever point we choose and I choose now.  I found this report rather sad and that's not how I want to feel going into this season. A new season, a clean sheet. A new beginning. I appreciate where you are coming from. I am not hiding my head in the sand and I am not pretending that all is well.  Starting a new season on such a negative note does not help our team at all. If the fans expect us to fail then the team will have less confidence. They need lots of support from the fans. I hope that the team this season will respond to the positive response from the fans and will rise to the occasion. It's going to be a long and hard season so get behind our beloved team and stop draining their confidence.

  8. This all happened in the past and watching it makes me feel sad and confused. I'd rather draw a line under it now and concentrate on moving forward. Sorry, but watching this makes me feel sad. I know that it happened and this is like a post-mortem but I'd rather concentrate on this coming season. It's informative as to how we got to this point, but it is not helpful and we need to be positive and move forward with the players we have.

  9. 2 hours ago, RamsFan10 said:

    I think the best in the world can do either, but it’s just how your body is naturally positioned when u play with your stronger foot passing it out. The angles of passes to the fullbacks and wingers are wider. Also I’m fairly sure I read something about how your preferred foot/hand impacts how you think about the position of your body in some way.

    When we taught especially 'clumsy', poorly co-ordinated children, one of the first tests the educational psychologist would do would be to get them to throw or catch a ball several times and watch them kick a ball so that they could establish left hand/ right hand dominance and left foot / right foot dominance. Many children who had co-ordination difficulties were 'cross-lateral'  eg. left footed but right handed and vice versa. I am right handed but if I couldn't use my right hand I could learn to use my left but I doubt it would ever be as efficient. Trying to kick a ball with my left foot is possible but my instinct would be to always go with my dominant foot as the other way doesn't feel right at all and I feel unbalanced.  I'm guessing that the same might be true of footballers. There are very few people who can switch from right to left with ease with their hands, so perhaps it is true with feet as well.

  10. Burton Albion because I was born somewhere between the brewery and the marmite factory and lived in a village 5 miles away from there for the first 18 years of my life. I'm equally at home in Belper and Burton.

    I also look for the Aston Villa result because my mum was born next to the Villa ground in 1931. My grandpa loved the Villa. One Saturday morning he had loads of teeth taken out and still went to the match in the afternoon. Mum always knew what mood he would be in by looking at the faces of the men as they walked past the window after the match.

  11. On 13/07/2021 at 12:25, Scott129 said:

    I always think about this when it gets mentioned on the news or whatever.

    I'm so glad I got out of retail a couple of years back. I was threatened/abused enough as it was, and I can only imagine some of the possible situations where a staff member tells someone to put a mask on.

    I despair whenever I read notices in supermarkets asking customers to be kind and patient to staff and not to be abusive. What kind of society have we become?

  12. On 12/07/2021 at 19:16, B4ev6is said:

    I already said I perhaps misunderstood but borris got clear in what he is saying.

    I sent you message on PM you.

    I just over excited that's all.

    B4 ! I wish you could put your excitement in little bottles and share it with the rest of us! If you sold it you could make a fortune! ? Just remember, I suggested it first so you have to share any profits with me! ?

  13. On 12/07/2021 at 18:05, B4ev6is said:

    Well all I am saying what I have seen same as you but masks wearing for me been major challenging and something I have not enjoyed but I have had both my jabs and I know what dangers are. But I do think borris needs to be more clear.

    Even through I hate the masks but if they want me to continue to do so I will but even my mum has had enough of them she struggles to breath in them.

    But like you wear by food and drink things how suppose to eat and drink stuff with out removing face covers.

    Alright perhaps I miss understood stuff but for people like me with autism and any learning disability needs to be more clear.

    Given your health situation B4, I would have thought that you might be exempt from having to wear a mask anyway. I totally agree with your comment about the complicated messages we are receiving. Many people are unsure about what to do and they don't have your issues. Keep safe and I hope you get your season ticket soon.

  14. I'd be relieved just to stay up.

    To be satisfied  a) Bielik would have to come back and be a cornerstone of our team 

                                b) the take over would be sorted to everyone's satisfaction

                                 c)   We would have to end the season at least 3 places higher than last season,

                                 d) Wayne would have to show some progress as a manager,

    For me, satisfaction depends on seeing even a small amount of improvement over last season otherwise we will be getting nowhere and that is not satisfying.

  15. On 15/07/2021 at 16:08, Miggins said:

    Delivery drivers who leave an expensive, hardback book outside the front door in the rain to ensure that it resembles papier mache by the time you find it! We were both in, two cars in the drive and in a 2-up, 2-down house you can hear anyone at the door no matter where you are. In their defence I'm told by a family member that the schedule for some of these drivers is very punishing. 


  16. On 26/01/2021 at 14:36, Tyler Durden said:

    Delivery drivers who throw your parcel over next doors gate when they are on holiday for a week. Leaving item totally saturated from the rain. Delivery drivers who leave parcels outside your front door in broad daylight.

    Royal Mail postal workers who forget to post cards through your door to advise that your collection is waiting at the local sorting office. And then use the excuse that they had run out of cards. Royal Mail postal workers who put cards through your door with the wrong sorting office address on it incurring a 15 mile round trip for no reason.

    Dog owners who allow their dogs to roam off the leash in public parks which quite clearly state dogs need to be on leads at all times who then chase and  harass innocent runners. Dog owners who don't clear their pets mess up or dispose of correctly.

    Fly tippers.

    Workmen who arrange to come round to your house then don't show up without any warning. 

    Middle lane motorway hoggers.



    Agree! How rude, especially when you have been waiting in for them. We had this problem. We needed a bathroom cabinet putting up, grouting doing, an over-bath shower installing and a glass shower screen putting in. Three firms said they were interested, made an appointment and never showed up. Then a Polish guy phoned from Nottingham and he did a brilliant job for far less than we had budgeted. Needless to say he received a generous tip!

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