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Posts posted by Miggins

  1. 1 minute ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Everything I heard so far from last night doesn't make me think it's going to be fine.

    Realistically I feel the same and I suspect 99% of fans do as well. But a lot can happen in the next 8 months so let's hope for a successful EFL outcome and takeover and a season where we at least manage to stay up. My hopes are not high but I'll continue to whistle in the dark at least up until the end of September!

  2. 5 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Fade to Black (and white) - with appologies to Metallica

    Prem, it seems, will fade away
    Drifting further, every day
    Getting lost with EFL
    Nothing matters, no one else
    I have lost the will to live
    Simply nothing more to give
    There is nothing more for me
    Need  Alonso to set me free

    Things not what they used to be
    Missing one Butterfield
    Deathly loss, this can't be real
    I cannot stand this hell I feel
    Wayne Rooney is filling me
    To the point of agony
    Growing darkness, taking down
    I was me, but now he's gone

    No one but Steve
    Can save Derby
    But it's too late
    Now I can't think
    Think why I should even try

    Yesterday seems as though
    It never existed
    Death greets me warm
    Now I will just say goodbye

    Not a happy, optimistic bunny, I take it? ?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    What was the gist @Miggins?

    Mel has been wanting to sell for the club for the last 2 years Right now there are more than 2 buyers with good credentials at the table. Mel said he had been looking forward to the meeting and for some reason hasn't been able to put his side of the story but has had to endure the abuse. He said it was a relief to be able share with the people present. He asked everyone to get behind the club as protests etc at this time might be off putting for potential buyers if they saw the fans turn against the owner. NDA was one of the first questions but by the end of the meeting Jim understood the reasons for it.  Wayne was not discussed as the manager was not within the remit of the meeting. Hope this helps. Jim talked for about 10 minutes and gave a very thoughtful view of what had been said which I know @David will do later.


  4. 32 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Are you referring to the aftermath of the Meeting with MM?

    If so, I’d say all optimism has drained and realism has replaced it.

    I don’t believe there’s any good news.

    We need to get behind the players and WR because they’re going to need our support more than ever. 


    I feel as though I have a better understanding of the situation but I feel sad. Hearing Jim Wheeler speaking this morning  on Radio Derby brought home the 'human' side of the problem and I felt sorry for Mel, Wayne and the players. 

  5. Absolutely understand all the posts on this thread and sympathize with you all. My sister has an adopted son who is now 31. As well as issues with being adopted he also has all sorts of problems connected with his cerebral palsy and not all problems are physical. He has especially low self esteem. He is only about 5'2 and now weighs about 13 stone. He is pretty much immobile won't go out of the house. He has a job but works from home and never goes out and meets anyone. He won't use a wheelchair. I know that all he desperately wants is to be normal and to have a wife and children, which I guess he knows he is unlikely to ever have. He went to university but had to come home after a year because of mental health problems and serious self harming. He is an alcoholic and has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. I think that sometimes cerebral palsy affects mental as well as physical disability. You just don't know which part of the brain has been affected. My sister is on anti depressants to take the edge off her anxiety. For a while we were trying to find answers to help him, but eventually you have to confront the fact that there are no answers and you are faced with a damage limitation situation and you have to find a way of dealing with the situation calmly and pragmatically so it doesn't impact your own mental health.

    I appreciate all the brave folk who have posted on this thread. We are not alone. ?

  6. 5 hours ago, David said:

    Ha maybe!

    In fairness though, I do understand where those that are angry are coming from.

    When I received the email, I questioned it immediately, looked for assurances, took me by surprise.

    I asked was it not possible for the meeting to take place without the NDA, and only share information that could be shared.

    I was given assurances that this would be like any other meeting. It’s just the paperwork side which as I say, protects us and themselves and might not even be called into use.

    So I signed it and returned. Not entirely comfortably as I knew if this got out we would see the reaction we are seeing now. 

    Shortly after it did, leaked on to Twitter which I am hugely disappointed by as it didn’t give us as a group the opportunity to question it further prior to the meeting tonight.

    It’s been difficult the past 24hrs as I have been contacted several times, I’ve been careful not to confirm or deny until a conversation had taken place with the club tonight.

    Feels like I may have lied, however everything I have said is true in that I have been given assurances this will be like another meeting we have been part of several times before now.

    I do get it though, every Derby fan would love to be in that room tonight, I am very fortunate to be invited due to this forum. 

    It’s good to see calm and understanding heads, I just want us all to be given a chance as scrapping the meeting over this which could potentially happen if all fan groups put pressure on their reps, helps nobody.

    I think the meeting has been called partly to try and fulfil DCFC's 'obligations' to listen to their fans and engage with them and address the concerns felt by loyal fans who only want what is best for the club and to reassure the fans that their voices have been heard and listened to and to make them feel part of the 'ownership' of the club and therefore more confident and reassured about how the club is being managed and moving forward. This kind of approach is common in every kind of business (including schools) and it's a very good approach as long as it's not just a public exercise to placate people and make them feel involved without actually listening and reacting to their genuine concerns and suggestions. We had to do this as a school to ascertain parents' opinions about any perceived strengths and weaknesses but then we always had to draw up an action plan which we were held to scrupulously by the Governers and OFSTED.

    I'm not very savvy on these matters but I doubt that the club will share any sensitive information at this meeting. I think they will be very careful not to leak sensitive information which could affect the club going forward and rightly so. Some information will be given freely, some less confidential information will be subject to NDA and some will will not be disclosed at all where there is a risk of damaging takeovers etc.  

    Just read the above and it sounds cynical but that was never my intention. This is the way that organisations work and I just hope that our representatives are not only listened to but that the club begins to act on their and our concerns as soon as possible wherever they can. I am optimistic that this is not just a PR exercise.

    Good luck, David for tonight. Look forward to reading your feedback and thanks.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Think it's a sell out for Forest's first. I have no doubt whatsoever that ours would be too if we weren't a basket case.


    If that's so then it is very disappointing to hear. I was hoping that the constant advice from the government not to let our guard down and be vigilant in public places had put people off going and it would be the same for most clubs. Whistling in the dark, I guess.


  8. 31 minutes ago, rammieib said:


    I'm at 14,000 Derby fans plus the Huddersfield section.

    Now I'm beginning to to think we won't get to 17k as its remained on roughly the same since the weekend.

    It's sad that the first game of the season is looking like being a quiet one attendance wise, but it will be interesting to see what the attendance is like at other clubs generally.

  9. I was going to cook duck breast, apple sauce, puy lentils, shallots, carrots and savoy cabbage but then Mr. Miggins went and ate some ham out of the fridge which was within its sell by date but had been opened for 4 days. He is confined to bed which is the nearest room to the toilet. The best laid plans of mice and men....

  10. 6 hours ago, Sidd10 said:

    I think 1-0 down and things being ugly will largely depend on the team. If it's as young as Sunday's friendly, i don't think it will. But it Captain Tom decides to chip a penalty down the middle to a keeper who just stands there... then maybe it could get ugly. 

    But that's nothing new, the players that have always had stick will continue to receive it. If Bird dares pass sideways he'll have the moans and groans, if Roos doesn't claim a corner he'll have the moans and groans, if Forsyth misplaces a pass etc etc. 

    Can never understand why people don't just get behind players. 


    As long as the team give 100%  I will applaud their efforts whatever the result. Perhaps protests against off the pitch issues should take place off the pitch especially if the lads are doing their best. 

  11. 20 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    If only there was someone on the books who is being massivly overpaid for their ability who we could get rd of to ease the financial pressure without weakening the club. If only.

    Speaking of which, we enjoyed mashed potato for dinner tonight. I know it's not a summer thing usually, but sometimes it's just right for what you need.

    Comfort food? ?

  12. 21 hours ago, chewbacca said:

    Chris Coles on Radio Derby saying very unlikely to sign anyone in next couple of days, Thursday will be crucial day for us. Rooneys wish of bringing in large number of players not going to happen more likely to be 3 or 4.

    Another example of 'It's the hope that kills'...?

  13. ?

    16 minutes ago, Ramslad1992 said:

    Does Mrs Miggins make good pies?

    Yes and she runs an excellent coffee shop too, though she doesn't have a lot of time for those romantic poets who frequent the place and demand that she brings them a cup of that juice-ed bean called coffee 'before they die' especially that 'Mr. Byron', who she regards as a 'Big Girl's Blouse'. ?

  14. Great thread, @kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong! It's been interesting to read the comings and goings of 'The best supporters in the world' as @BodminRam says. A little sad to read how a couple of moves have been due to bereavement or family breakups - sending a hug your way. 

     Born in Burton, brought up in Barton-under-Needwood (5 miles south of Burton). My uncle used to take me to the Derby home games during the week in the early 1970's and he made me a little box to stand on so I could see. On the way out he would keep a tight hold of me but we still got parted and I remember that weird sensation of moving forwards in the tightly packed crowd but my feet were not touching the ground. I can still tell you the name of every player at that time (my favourite was John McGovern because the crowd were not always kind to him.) Left school and went to London Uni for 4 years. Loved London, but wouldn't have wanted to stay there. Got a job teaching in Glossop, North Derbyshire. Great place to live. 5 minutes and you are out in the Peak District whereas 20 minutes in the opposite direction and you are in the centre of Manchester. Best of both worlds. Lived in Glossop for about 20 years. Met the love of my life and moved down to Belper. Left teaching after 31 years as a teacher/ deputy head. Worked near Lichfield for 10 years looking after plants in a garden centre but the family owned business was a victim of lockdown and closed completely. I still live in Belper which I love! Go over to Barton 4 days a week to spend time with my wonderful mum who is now 90. Hoping to get to more home games this season! Finis!!?


  15. I know this is all about pitbulls but I'd just like to put in a kindly word for staffies. Brought up in a firm but loving family they are soft and loving dogs and very entertaining. They are wonderfully vocal and they leave you in no doubt about what they are trying to say. They even answer you back in a teenage kind of way if you tell them off. I might be wrong but I've heard that they one of the most vocally expressive dogs. My sister looks after a staffie and she says it is true! Having said that, they are very powerful dogs and all dogs can be unpredictable. Clare is always kept on a very stout lead just in case. People should only own a strong dog if they can physically cope with it and it should be brought up in a calm, firm, responsible loving home and even then it shouldn't be totally trusted in any situation. Caution and commonsense.

  16. 10 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I have a weird obsession with wanting to know where all my things are. Does that count? It’s a bit broad, so as an example, I hate being unable to find things which my girlfriend has moved in the house. Little things like a lighter for the gas stove. I go to grab it, and it’s not where I left it... The TV remote. Nope, not where I left it. Phone charger, likewise. The list goes on. I spend the next few minutes building up a rage as I look for said items. After finding them I calm down, but man it’s annoying!

    I agree 100% although with me it's annoyance, frustration and panic! What makes it worse than your scenario is that I'm the one who had it last! Car keys, bank card, purse, mobile, charger etc. I try to console myself with the thought that my mind is always buzzing with stuff and perhaps I lose the above because I'm on automatic pilot when putting them down but even when I try to be more mindful the result is still the same. Annoying!


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