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Posts posted by Miggins

  1. 7 hours ago, Archied said:

    Yep , same for all my household members , pointing out that truth to those who cocooned on good money whilst the rest tended to the needs of them and the country does not mean your crass and uncaring to those who have lost their lives or loved ones  as some on here would have you believe,, far from it 

    Sorry to hear that the pandemic has caused extra financial difficulties for your household and for @G-Ram as well and any other fellow posters out there. The country was very much split, wasn't it, by those who had to go to work in essential services, those who couldn't work but were helped out somewhat by furlough money and finally those who were left up poo creek. I really hope that things are improving for all of us.

  2. 10 hours ago, Archied said:

    Spot on ,,, made more easily understandable to those who care to look at the fact that even before the vaccine passport issue this has been a two tier society creating virus , there are those who just cannot have / weren’t given the luxury of feeling threatened by the virus because they HAD to earn a living out and about in the real world the other tier could afford to feel threatened because they could stay home wrapped up in a well payed cocoon and look down they’re noses at and feeling superior to those who can’t then don’t feel threatened ,,

    surprise surprise those of us that have had to live with covid have learnt to live with it,

    of course the cozy don’t like to have they’re cozyness pointed out 

    At the height of the pandemic I chatted to our window cleaner. He said he felt safe, doing an outside job, but he said to me, "I don't have a choice but to carry on working. No one pays me furlough. If I don't work, we don't eat."


  3. 12 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Ha. I'd suggest you read up on your history.

    As the 1918 Flu Emerged, Cover-Up and Denial Helped It Spread - HISTORY

    "Both newspapers and public officials claimed during the flu’s first wave in the spring and early summer of 1918 that it wasn’t a serious threat. The Illustrated London News wrote that the 1918 flu was “so mild as to show that the original virus is becoming attenuated by frequent transmission.” Sir Arthur Newsholme, chief medical officer of the British Local Government Board, suggested it was unpatriotic to be concerned with the flu rather than the war, Arnold says."

    Fascinating article! Thanks, Roy. Didn't know that.

  4. On 24/08/2021 at 14:22, Coconut's Beard said:

    People who leave the bathroom light on and the door closed when they're done, creating uncertainty when it comes to you needing to enter the bathroom yourself as to whether there's someone in there or not. Also people who forget to lock the door when they're in the bathroom.

    Leading to....

    - Calling out, knocking on the door to check the occupancy status - waste of breath, shouldn't be necessary
    - Trying the handle, finding it locked and having to apologise to the occupant for attempting to barge in on them taking a dump. Embarrassing
    - Trying the handle and opening the door to the sight of someone sat on the pooper. Mortifying.

    At my Grandfather's house the privvy was at the bottom of the garden. To avoid a wasted journey he would stand in the doorway of the kitchen and holler, "Is there anybody on?". There was no flush mechanism on the toilet so you had to take a bucket of water with you. There was a little picture of a ruin on the back of the bowl with the words 'The Parthenon'  inscribed underneath.

  5. I read so many different opinions on this thread and I agree and disagree with them in equal proportions. I've been double jabbed although whether or not I will regret that decision in the future depends on whether or not I develop some condition which is proven to be vaccine related. The decisions I have taken regarding my own health have been based on what I have heard and read from scientists and medics. I know that this information can only be based on what we know at present and that experts are still experimenting and learning from statistics as they become available but at present I can only act on what I have heard, knowing that it is an incomplete understanding. No doubt at some point (hopefully sooner than later) we will understand much more about this virus, but at present each person has to act on what they perceive to be the best course of action at a particular time depending on family circumstances. This virus struck quickly and the response was to develop a quick vaccine to deal with the short term problem. How this will pan out in terms of possible health difficulties in the long term I really don't know.

    But that is my point. It would be much better if we could respect each others opinions without resorting to intolerance. Everyone on this thread has an opinion based on experience, mind-set, personal circumstances etc. Conspiracy theories?  None of us (I think) are scientists, experts, medical professionals. We are a disparate group of people, united by our love for Derby County and whilst we put forward opinions, none of us really know. Keep safe!❤️

  6. On 23/08/2021 at 23:47, uttoxram75 said:

    Dove Bridge, the old road bridge between Staffordshire and Derbyshire now part of a public footpath right of way, tis a thing of beauty guiding weary travellers back home to god's own country.

    Screen Shot 2021-08-23 at 23.44.10.png

    Absolutely beautiful! I love bridges too. I have some lovely sepia postcards of old bridges that I've collected. Must admit that I like the old ones better than the more modern ones. What is it about bridges that touches our souls? Must be an answer somewhere! ?

  7. He was so mild-mannered compared to his flamboyant band mates and very dapper when he chose to be and for me this made this slightly enigmatic man much more interesting than the others. Charlie and the band have made a huge contribution to the music industry over an incredible number of years. I was always a Beatles fan but I thankfully came to appreciate the Stones in later years. I  loved that the family referred to him publicly as their beloved. No greater tribute could be paid. RIP Charlie.

  8. 3 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I sometimes forget that supporters are watching a football match rather than a performance of La Boheme in Covent Garden. 

    Having watched the dramatic and OTT performances by some  Middlesborough players on Saturday and their diva-ish behaviour, you might well have thought you were at Covent Garden or even a pantomime. The dirty bar stewards! ?

  9. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    I know you might be neveouse but sooner or later you going face your fear head on you cant let cov19 win mate life is way to short for that.

    Thanks, B4ev6is. We are going out lots more places now as I hope you are managing to do as well. I just like to stick to places for the time being which I think are fairly low risk. If it was just myself to consider I would be much bolder!! In the meantime I'm sure you'll agree that it's great to get back out amongst people even if we still socially distance. Keep safe and enjoy!?



  10. 2 hours ago, Tombo said:

    I can easily get down to go for a slash in the middle of the half, not have to squeeze past people on the row, and only miss about a minute or so of play, quite good really.

    You selfish creature! Only ever thinking about your own needs! ?

  11. There is a huge shortage, @Ellafella, you are right. But a ticket office at the beginning of the season is vital! It's like a theatre putting on a play with no one to man the phones or the ticket office! Derby might be beginning to sort out the ticket situation now but they've had loads of time to put things into place. I was made redundant in July of last year because of the pandemic. How about we go down and offer our services if they are short staffed? ?

  12. I'm glad to get back to normality  but I will still do everything I can do to protect my 90 year old mum who I care for and my father-in-law who had a second operation in April for lung cancer. I am enjoying freedom with lots of walks and picnics but because of the above scenario I am hesitant to mingle in crowds, even if outdoors.

  13. I was shopping in Belper last week and my ears pricked up at a conversation between two elderly gents in the aisle at the supermarket. They were lamenting the fact that getting tickets (or season tickets?) was beyond them at present because they couldn't print their tickets. One said that he thought he might have to cancel his direct debit.  A club that is in such dire financial straits should surely be encouraging as many supporters into the ground and removing obstacles. The confusion over season tickets and a closed ticket office just before the start of the season is financial madness or am I missing a huge point somewhere? Surely the income generated by opening up the ticket office and telephone outweighs the cost of staffing it? I really feel for those of our older fans who can't access the system.

  14. 1 minute ago, DanS1992 said:

    This ref is a disgrace. Are there any decent refs in the EFL? They seem to get worse and worse, and they are immune to any form of criticism. This bloke is a twit.

    I thought that this game would be a tough one, but it doesn't help when the ref is the 12th man for the opposition!

  15. With the squad we have I think we will be safe this season. It's a close knit squad on a tight budget and they seem to have bonded really well. Points deduction coming soon, possibly, but I still think we will survive and if we get a win tomorrow that will be so welcome, but a draw will be OK. They are a good team. COYR!!

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