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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 19 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    The other possibility is that the "constructive talks" (EFL's words) are about points of mitigation but that we have breached is, in itself, clear

    Say, for example only (I am not ITK), Mel is arguing that although the accounts resubmitted show us to have breached S and P, we wouldn't have breached at all/by most of the amount if the EFL had raised their objections to our way of amortising sooner than they did. The fact that we did it our way repeatedly and consistently without anyone saying anything will count for something.

    It could also be that the talks are about more technical accounting matters such as what constitutes a breach of the FRS code thingy.  If we've come up with a wizard wheeze that isn't straight line nor our way but one we think still meets FRS and under which we still don't breach S and P or do so only a bit.  That's probably harder to reach agreement on than the possible mitigation.

    Whatever, m'learned friends and accounting chums have probably been hard at it for several weeks now.

    Or say for example only, The EFL have read/seen the accounts, Can't find anything to throw at us, But telling MM that the said accounts are in the hands of specialists and your system is taking longer than normal.

    Meanwhile we're still under an emargo, Unable to sign anyone, So the EFL can take longer hoping that our wafer thin squad will lose enough points that they would have done the work intended, Once achieved they can tell the world that DCFC have been warned about thier future condunct and any more repatitions and the EFL will come down very harshley on the matter.


  2. 35 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    Good posts @duncanjwitham.  The problems we have now stem from the signings made when Clement was appointed and Mel took sole control.  We gambled on going up and it didn’t pay off.  It was a here and now approach rather than a strategic plan.  And moving between managers and style of play at a rate of knots.



    Can the stattos on here confirm or deny when Clement was sacked...were we top or near the top of the Championship.

    We certainly gambled, It didn't pay off as the Manager was removed from duties.

    The excuse of not playing the "Derby way" was the biggest con since Sepp Blatter said the Qatar world cup bid was free and fare.

  3. 1 hour ago, atherstoneram said:

    Especially when Venus is just rising over Uranus

    I always thought his name was Steve, And how did that red dog get in the picture next to the old man?

    PS I still would ?


  4. 45 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I'd resist any EFL sanctions on that very basis, though I appreciate that stance leaves me in a diminishing minority. When I read posts saying 'let's just take the 9 point hit and move on', I can't help but ask on what basis, but then perhaps I'm just being stubborn ?‍♂️

    Welcome to my world, I'm unable to post on here as to what i'd like to do to those snivelling, Ballsack tea bagging piles of excrament without being given a lifetimes ban from hereGood Night Goodbye GIF by FOX TV

  5. 7 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I think there used to be a close correlation between crowd size and "big club".

    Now the correlation is between rich owner and "big club". 

    The world has changed, we haven't changed with it.

    I'm sure some of it is serendipity though - Leicester springs to mind. I am sure the owner didn't have their heart set on owning that particular club. They were just available at the time

    The fans must wake up every Morning and pinch themselves just to make sure this is real, It shows that you can break the mould, Right owner, Right Manager, Right players and the right time, We just look back at the last few years and think "if only".

  6. 8 hours ago, Eddie said:

    We've under-performed for all but 10 years of our entire history. I would put us on a par, entire history-wise, with Bolton, Burnley, Portsmouth and Preston.

    You're not to far out there fella, Arsenal would i'd have thought be seen as a very big club, Spent circa £150million and sit propping up the Prem.

    What constitues a big club?, Crowd size, Income, Stadia, Manager, Players, Sky TV profile, Constant Euro qualification, Are Leicester over achieving? not in my opinion, They are there on merit(except for their scullduggery a few years back)Wolves, Burnley Southampton also, The Sunderlands, Ipswiches and Boltons of this world are where they should be, Badly run, Employing poor players and managers, Which equates to a loss of revenue and support.

    At the end of a season teams deserve to be where they finish, And deserve to be where they start a new season, We're a football club just the same as other football clubs...it's all in the mind of how BIG supporters think their clubs are.

  7. 11 hours ago, Black Country Ram said:

    I'm going to take my 5 year old to her first game against Stoke. Over the years I've sat in most stands, most recently my season tickets have been in the South Stand. I want her to experience the atmosphere, but be able to sit down. Would anybody recommend South West Upper?


    Yes, I had a season ticket there for 2 seasons, Just a little advice, Take a packed lunch and have a breather halfway up, Those stairs were made for the next Space movie...Stair Trek

  8. 12 hours ago, Shipley Ram said:

    I'm trying to read a Roger Penrose book at the moment, it's tough going. The 120 pages of the mathmatical appendixes he keeps refering to make the EFL judgment as easy read.

    Pah, I flicked through it, It was so easy, Scary ending tho.




  9. 31 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    Which players are the outstanding transfer fees assigned to.

    Assuming Derby had contractual terms on how long they get to repay transfer fees.

    So unless Derby changed their contractual repayment period which fees are outstanding.

    Another club can't just recall all fees with immediate effect, so I assume it can't be all transfer fees, just outstanding fees.

    Who were you talking too in the home end? and did he/she become your friend?

  10. 51 minutes ago, erathirea said:

    Probably with the inevitable heat death of the Universe.

    Oh - you meant the situation at Derby?


    Probably around 7.5 billion years time when the sun absorbs the earth.

    Professor Brian Cox says around 4 billion years time, By which time Steve Buckley's Dog will have got his email reply from DCFC ?

  11. 12 hours ago, Bianoic said:

    Is this thread a parody ? A kind of Monty Python/Not the nine oclock news pisstake ? 

    I have been in the away end manys the time - out of choice 

    The idea that people on here want to claim it as some kind of conquest is astonishing

    Like throwing bricks at other people somehow made them proud

    Its the kind of thing 13 year old boys and girls might want to brag about and glorify

    All very pathetic and sad 

    Some folk like to go ballroom dancing, Some like to walk in the Country, Some like to go to Church, There's a multitude of things that people did and still do, Not sure how old you are or if you were a around in the 70s-80s, But for some it was a way of life, It wasn't all Council house lads, I knew some posh lads with very wealthy parents, Teachers, Soldiers, The Police(not the band)Females, Professional people who on a Saturday would be just as much up for it than us.

    Over the years while travelling away watching DCFC we'd go into a local boozer and see a group of Derby supporters(shirters and scarfers) being bullied by home fans, To see their smiling faces when we entered was a sight to behold, The home fans would soon back off.

    I understand your "pathetic and sadness" of it all, Many many years ago I watched "World in Action or Panarama" where a Psychologist tried to explain "football violence" this was his opinion.

    The British are an Island race of different peoples, What they have in common is an ability to fight/go to War, Something they have done for 2000 years, Beer was a big reason for this, Water wasn't drunk by the common man centuries ago, It was Beer, As all the c**p that was in the water was boiled away when making beer or mead even Children drank it, Around the time of the 1st world war public houses were ordered to close at certain times of the day.

    So you see Bionoic it's not our fault...blame the Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Vikings, Normans, And most of all, Blame global warming for the last Ice age some 12000 years ago, As when that melted we were no longer joined to Europe ?

  12. Newport away Bradford fire disaster, On this occasion no bother other than the Welsh really hating the English from our experience.

    No bother that day at all, We stopped in Worcester on the way back beers and giggles into the early evening, Word got around that there was a fire at Valley Parade and there were a few deaths, We didn't really take a great deal of interest as the whole story was yet to break, As the evening wore on more and more stories were being told, Unfortunately beer took hold and there wasn't a great deal of concern from us.

    Got home and off to bed, Next Morning turn the TV on, News reporting that there was alot of reported deaths, But no exact figure, I was fully focussed all Morning and remember seeing an old fella(I think)with his hair on fire struggling on the pitch, I was in shock, Tears rolling down my cheeks...Ibrox, Heysel, Hillsborough and Bradford...football aye?

  13. 6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    First year in Div 1 under Cloughie, Arsenal at Highbury. Asked a copper which end was the North Bank. He said "thataway" so we went t'other way - and ended up on the North Bank. We got sussed after about a nanosecond - it may have been the black and white scarves, or perhaps the "Bertie Mee" song. Over the wall at the front, across the pitch and into the Scoreboard end in about 15 seconds.

    Bertie Mee said to Bill Shankly

    Have you heard of the north bank highbury

    Shanks says no I don't think so

    But i've heard of the Popside...Derby ?

  14. 9 hours ago, JJs dms said:

    Sat in the main stand at Anfield with two mates the night Shilts played a blinder in a 4-0 defeat so not much to shout about though we  did smile when Barnes scored direct from an indirect free kick and the rams fans celebrated it being disallowed. We'd been sussed on the way in having been followed from the away end by scouses telling us they 'friggin hate Derby' and seeing as there were old ladies in there who'd stab you for 50p I decided there was no way we were going out at full time so we made our way down the stand and over the wall  and began to walk down the touchline,nobody seemed to be bothered until a rather large copper asked us where were we going told him we were Derby and he put us in the away end and then went on  to get a load of good natured abuse from our lot for being rather large! Following season went to Old Trafford with a manc mate sat above the away terrace it wasnt a goal that gave me away but Steve Bruce trying to decapitate Dean Saunders up i jumps' Bruce you dirty blah blah blah'  thinking fast on his feet my mate shouts in his thick manc accent 'yeah  Brucey no need for that' and I just about got away with it.sat on my hands for our 2 goals though! The mate who got us the freebies for Anfield through work also occasionally got free home tickets but they were always in the ossie middle with the away fans he was in there when Leeds wrecked it a rather polite yorkshireman said'come on mate give us your seat'and went on to kick his seat off and lob it!Been in with the dogs a few times at there place but nowt much happened

     Chelsea did the same...but threw them on their own fans below on the terracing, Leeds in their game threw the seats at us as we were on the terracing, Derby lads climbing up onto the barbed wire and into the Ossie seats to get a little retrebution, Which they did.

    Mike Waterson said after that game "we have our own Lunatic Fringe" well Mike look what you started ?

  15. 8 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    Our inspirational leader....

    "I want to bring dignity back to the club".

    Photographed asleep in a hotel room with three women of questionable repute.

    "Our finishing must be much more clinical".

    Blazes the ball over the bar and into row Z when clean through in a charity match with an ex-kids TV presenter in goal.

    To be fare...the hat put him off



  16. Altho a neutral ground Wembley 1975 Charity Shield, On a very hot August day 50 of us from Chadd clamboured on the bus in good heart to play WHU, On the way down on the M1 meeting shedloads of Derby fans, We park up at the stadium and head for the Greyhound pub at the back of Wembley, Just our lot at 1st, Then it slowly started to fill up with WHU, Don't know to this day how it kicked off but it did, We got busted and rescued by the Police yet again.

    After the game we could see the hammers fans leaving from the other side, A 2-0 win then we see the presentation and leave in good voice, Until just getting out of the ground the greeting of 100s of lads waiting for us, We had one lad K O'Rielly one of the toughest men I knew stood on the steps taking them on, A man on his own he was screaming at us to charge, Well it was a case of getting clumped by the hammers or get a beating in town by KO, Slowly but surely more and more Derby were coming out of the ground a little like a cork from a bottle of champaigne, It looked to be numbers in our favour, Clouds of dust and lads going "hammer and toe" the police were shocked at the leval of violence lads at each other with whatever came to hand, Derby had the day with WHU lads mooching off.

    It wasn't until a little later we found that our ranks were filled with some of Derbyshires finest coal miners, Who waded in with scafolding poles and planks that were left from building works at Wembley.

    I'm told that in Bill Gardners book (a nutter of a WHU fan) that he admitted through gritted teath that Derby won the day, And his "mile end boys" took a beating...crazy days the 70s.

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