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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 30 minutes ago, 1967RAMS said:

    I disagree. This season is far from done. The outcome inevitably will be relegation but it allows us @ 10 months to prepare for next season. We can offload players we don’t want or can’t afford. Blood players who will be needed next year and scout players who will be great in league one. We can build momentum and togetherness amongst fans and staff alike and hit league one with all guns blazing!!! This is probably the most important period in our recent history, far, far from done 

    Spot on yoof...10 months of hard work and then...let the games begin!!

  2. 1 hour ago, Archie said:

     but severely question 2. No chance for me. I think it's always been about him and making a fast buck - a quick promotion to the prem and then sell for double the price. His decisions over the last 6 years suggest he has never had the good of the club in mind. Just my opinion.


    He wanted out some 3 years ago, Harry Rednapp coerced/convinced him to employ our Frank, Things have quickly gone south since, Stuart Webb was quoted in a thread on here, MM knows F-All about running a football club.

  3. 59 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    Yea reading some other clubs forums and people really hate us, as fans. Seen some boro fans are calling us all deluded cos one person on here said sky would be upset that we wouldn't be in the championship anymore. 

    So much for fans solidarity. Fans calling other clubs to get points deductions or be relegated or calling other teams cheats should be careful what they wish for.

    It's tribal, Would I be doing the same if it were the Red Dogs...you bet your life, We're all Partizan when it comes to OUR CLUB,  Preston fans were loving it when Bolton and Wigan went into administration.

    Unfortunately as FANS we take the brunt of all this, Lots of football fans will have other teams that they like(not support)and there's football fans that detest other teams, Owners will walk away hanging on to their money and crawl under a stone until memories fade and their club starts to have life breathed into it again.

    It's looking Grim down at PP, We're all looking for that White Knight to come charging over the hill to save our club...I really do hope that some how some where there is a shining Knight.

  4. 11 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    V v interesting 

    i know many will call me for this and their right to do so … and i may end up with egg on my face … which i truly hope that isnt the case 

    but … here goes 

    despite his monstrous rooster ups no one can deny mel is Derby through and through

    Where's your evidence of this

    hes been irresponsible hes been reckless but hes done it with the goal of getting his club of 50 years to the prem

    That's plainly obvious, Now we're in administration because of it

    i dont think he would put his home town club in a position where liquidation could happen

    Only time will tell

    im hoping/ preying ur much better than i could write theory (no 1 if i had to guess) is a distinct posibility


    I believe he has a cunning plan 

    Go on tell us all...what is his cunning plan

    i also belive he thinks the club has a better chance with the efl without him in the picture

    Most definately not sending each other Xmas cards

    I firmly expect us to challenge the admin points deduction with the covid narrative that he was spinning on RD 

    As we were in an embargo we missed out on a £8.3 million loan, That would have softened the Covid blow, No challenge!


  5. 16 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Just had 5 live on in car on way home and I think Ed Dawes was talking about various player and staff meetings today. Think he said administrator, Mel and Wayne then Mel asked to leave by WAyne. Any news of these meetings on here? Sorry if I have missed just went back few pages and couldnt see anything

    Only what I have gleaned from the media so bare with aye.

    MM met all playing staff and coaches yesterday at Moor Farm, Today WR has spoken/trained with the players, Tomorrow WR is meeting with the Adinistraters, Then giving his usual Thursday press conference.

  6. 2 minutes ago, bimmerman said:

    So out of interest, common man who doesn't pay taxes ends up eventually with convictions and potential jail time. As the owner of a business that has racked up 26 million in unpaid tax over numerous years,may this be what he's facing and why he's dumped the club into admin? Just a thought..

    1. So out of interest, common man who doesn't pay taxes ends up eventually with convictions and potential jail time

    The Common Man, If he's self employed and has not paid his PAYE this is not a criminal case, It's a Civil case, If he's failed to fill in self assesment forms then HMRC will send self assesment forms telling him that these must be filled in NOW or else, If he has failed to fill them in...then a fine is on it's way £1,200, If this is not paid then HMRC can if they choose send a CCJ, If found in HMRCs favour, 3 things can happen, 1-he can enter into a payment plan of what he can afford over a certain amount of time, 2-send the Bailifs in and take goods to the value of, 3-right oustanding amounts off as he has NO assets.

    2. As the owner of a business that has racked up 26 million in unpaid tax over numerous years,may this be what he's facing and why he's dumped the club into admin? Just a thought..

    The business owner will be a Director of a Ltd company or had better be, The owner is not liable for business debts, Tho if the business owner had sold his business to a 3rd party and failed to tell HMRC this and kept said PAYE payments then that is Fraud and COULD end up in prison, But it would often come down to be able to pay back tax...and the Judge.

    Hope this all makes sense.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    It's hard for me to understand how we could have amassed so much debt and how it wasn't picked up by regulators at the end of each financial year. How many other businesses could have carried on in this way for so long?

    I wish HMRC had been as diligent with DCFC as it is with the rest of us! Yours in exasperation...


    Football is not a corner shop business, Neither is it a small engineering company, Most towns will have just the one football club, With corner shops and engineering there are more than enough to serve the community.

    Community is why football is treated so differently to most other businesses, I've been made aware that if a football club has wracked up as much PAYE as has been stated, Then HMRC would have been aware, They would have been incontact with DCFC to see why PAYE payments taken from players wages were not paid to HMRC, This is NOT a fraud case, This is miss management of funds where it looks as tho the money that should have gone to the Tax Man went on football.

  8. 9 minutes ago, ramboy63 said:

    One thing you seem to be forgetting once administrators are involved there is no guarantee full wages will be paid to the players employers of any firm are the last in the pecking order,Tax and Vat man first followed by the administrators themselves will make sure they get paid,then the debtors then if your lucky the staff.

    Wont be long before the toys are out the pram and players not giving a dam


    I sort of agree with you, Curtis Davies was on Sky Sports being interviewd about Wayne Rooney, He said WR doesn't need the money, He could pack it all in, Take a wage cut, But he's pulled all the players togther with an attitude of US and THEM.

    But if wages don't get paid...then I fear the doo doo is going to hit the Fan.

  9. 21 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:


    I am unsure, thought it was something to do with the county but they couldn't call it Derbyshire county due to cricket team so abbreviated it. I may be wrong. Whatever, I love the name, I love the club and will do any little I can to help keeping it going. I don't know who Derby City is but its not us. We are Derby County and now is the time to make ourselves heard and do what we all can to make sure we still have a club. I think the one thing that makes our situation salvageable is the amazing fans. Over 20,000 fans even season since Pride Park built around 25 years ago, how many clubs outside the top division can boast that??


    Just switch 2 letters...Derby County FC***FC Derby County

  10. 5 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    I also wouldnt buy the stadium back. I also wouldnt pay a penny in rent unless it was phenomenally low rates. 

    Building a 30000 seater stadium isnt quite so simple as tripling the price of a 10k one though. I still think it could be done for less than 80 mill, but it wouldnt be cheap

    Moorways stadium in Derby...Council owned I believe, There's been talk for years about DCFC buying and developing this.


  11. 15 minutes ago, Half Fan Half Biscuit said:

    As a taxpayer I think it’s piss-poor of HMRC to allow one football club to run up £26m of unpaid tax on its own. 

    They’ve consistently been taken for a ride by football clubs over the years and ought to recognise the signs by now. 

    A Government Department which deals in Billions if not Trillions of £s, My Daughter is a Senior offshore VAT Investigator, The stories she tells me on the QT are shocking on how debts are written off as the owner/company have no assets allegedly, Her team worked on the Harry Rednapp tax case...they all thought they had won, Until the Jury fell for the "i'm not that clever and my dog ate all my invoices"

    I'm currently being chased for my deceased Brothers tax(self employed)from 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, All because I had to go to his bank stop all payments and sign a form stating I was his personel representative.

    PS they wont get a penny from myself.


  12. 1 hour ago, Crewton said:

    Technically, we're unsecured creditors, liable to receive nothing if the club is liquidated. The Administrator can't cancel existing tickets because we still have an unfulfilled service contract with the club - Administration hasn't changed that. If the club is bought via a CVA, a new owner is unlikely to pee off 18,000 of the club's most committed supporters by expecting them to pay again for something they've already bought. 

    New American owners statement to Season Ticket Holders.

    Hello yall, Myself and my fellow owners have bought this great Soccer club for a great amount of $s, As you are aware Melvin Morris decided to walk away from your Soccer club, Unfortunately all exsisting ST holders will have their STs cancelled due to our new consortium taking over, Aligator-Swamp and Snake the new owners of which i'm the major shareholder can not with any goodwill entertain yall free of charge, This may sound terrible but it has nothing to do with us the new owners.

    I would like to take this opportunity to welcome yall to our re-named stadium The Swamp Pit.

  13. 41 minutes ago, Shipley Ram said:

    They whole youth system has been set up by the wealthy clubs so they can poach the top prospects for peanuts. They used the argument that it's best for England if the top prospects get the best training. We poach smaller clubs prospects and big clubs poach ours. This is why some clubs just don't bother with a youth  setup.


    This doesn't help


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