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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 17 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    If we have accepted 9 it might be to speed through a sale, would also mean we can bring free agents in, international break coming up so if we got some in now they would get a month training for fitness

    Our new owners who are happy at the outcome of very difficult negotiations.



  2. 33 minutes ago, angieram said:

    West Brom were using throw ins to advance a good five yards up the pitch before they even took it last night. Every bloody time! ?

    The beauty of that was, The Ref pointed to where the throw should be taken from and yet they still moved 5-6 yards forward, But then again in injury time when the Ref spoke to one of their coaching staff for Byrne pinching a few yards, The play was held up for 30seconds, The throw should have been taken in our own half but ended up being taken after a run up in their half.

    Wasn't there some sort of word from the authorities to STOP! using a towel when cleaning the ball a few seasons back? they could only use their shirts.

  3. 1 hour ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    I thought his punching was outstanding to be fair. Those corners in the first half were wicked, right on top of him, being crowded by their players as well, there were three corners where if he hadn’t punched at all they would’ve gone in direct from the corner, he did well just get something on them.

    Im not a Roos fan but last night wasn’t just his best performance for the Rams, it was IMO the best performance from a Rams goalkeeper that possibly I’ve ever seen in 30 years, or since the great Mr Poom - difference with Poom is that he delivered every week, we are talking one game here but credit where credit is due, he was outstanding 

    He did a good job last night, He now needs to carry that on for the rest of the season, Not his biggest fan, Not a hater either, It would appear he's more suited to how we played last night rather than Friday night, Shot stopping was top drawer, Punching and claiming the ball he did well enough, One Swallow doesn't make a Summer, I hope he watches the full game back as I beleive they do, Roos can improve by being consistant.

    Back line were great for him, 1st line of defence gave him more confidence, With that the defence had confidence in him, They looked a pretty good unit.

    A special mention to the Premier league Ref, Bladdy awfull, How is it you let WBA clean the ball for their long throws but picked us up for slowing the game down, I guess all fans see their team penalised more than the opposition...but we seem to be penalised more ?, A blatent push in the back on Sibley I think and he plays on for them to cross the ball, And yet a simple touch on their players and it's a foul, Oh well that's just me being blinkered I guess.

    Slept well, And my couple of hours at work this Morning was more enjoyable than normal after a DCFC game.

  4. Scenario

    1. EFL have seen the accounts, Had them scrutinised and found no wrongdoing.

    If the above is correct then why the carry on?

    2. EFL have seen the accounts, Found we have overspent and give DCFC a points deduction

    If the above is correct why have they not found us guilty and published so we can move forward

    3. Why would the EFL negotiate with DCFC if they are right?

    If the above is correct surely they would hit us where it hurts

    4.We've only overspent marginally and the points penalty is up for negotiation

    MM believes the EFL have already had their blood out of DCFC so MM refuses to accept ANY points deduction

    5.Is it possible that DCFC can go to a court and sue for restriction of trade



  5. 16 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    Agreed. If any breach of the rules was clear cut a defined points penalty would apply, and would have been dished out already.If It’s the EFL telling Mel he’s been a very naughty boy not sticking to straight line amortisation and other clubs don’t like it, then leave it it Nick DM’s hands. Personally I would love to see the EFL dragged through the civil courts.

    By their short and hairys over hot coalsElmo Hello GIF by Sesame Street

  6. 19 minutes ago, TheHomunculusLives said:

    Am I the only fan who thinks that other than the debut goal v Salford, Morrison has actually been pretty underwhelming so far.

    I understand he's probably still gaining match sharpness and he doesn't have great players around him, and I'd still pick him in our best team at the moment. But I'm seeing little evidence of this much heralded elite talent that means he could have been a world beater.


  7. 48 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Really not sure why you are bothering with circular arguments about something that happened two years ago now, court fines been issued, community service orders completed and driving bans almost completed?

    Forest fans singing " he should be in jail" at the game. Can't move on. 

    Remind you of anyone?

    Just to play Devils advocate Angie. Remember Chappaquiddick, Or the Texas School Book Depository Building, How about when Natalie Wood mystreriously drowned, And why was Christopher Walken on the yacht?

    Where was Keogh ?

  8. 22 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    so ive not been on here for a good 4 or 5 days and this thread has gone from like 14 pages to 77. can someone fill me in on whats happened please? havent bothered with reading the forum tbh. sick of off the field stuff just want to watch football now

    Well we have a champion female tennis player in Emma Radacanu, Ronaldo score 2 goals for his new club, India didn't want to play the 5th test, I think financial politics got hold there with the IPL, Verstapen has got pole position in the Italian Grand Prix, It's the Great North Run this Morning, And according to Sky Sports Troy Deeny ran Derby ragged for 20mins after coming off the bench.

    On the plus side here's some football


  9. 23 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Didn’t see the Hudds game so can’t comment, but to me the problem in both the Forest and Peterborough games was like last night- getting worked out. 

    Against Forest it was similar to last night, they switched it around pressed higher, set traps and we didn’t react/have a plan to deal with it and we conceded.

    Peterborough was a bit different in that we were trying out some really bizarre stuff (the splitting CDMs and the CB’s and keeper all on the 6 yard line for goal kicks). Peterborough kept pushing and finally got their reward.

    I think our technical ability really shines in the middle third and sometimes the final third but we haven’t worked out how to link up that defensive third yet. We have some very good defenders, but are asking too much from them to be ball players in a division that applies merciless pressure. I’d love to know how much time Roos has possession of the ball vs other keepers in the division!


    I watched Chelsea Vs Villa earlier on, Chelsea play the exact same, They were caught out once trying to hold onto the ball and Villa caught Saul in possesion, Any road, What Chelsea can do that we can't is, Once the back 4 have the ball they're looking to their midfield to exploit space in the middle of the park, Which they do very well, It can be a 10 yard pass or a 20 yard pass, It in most cases finds their man, We unfortunately keep playing the ball across the back 4 which leaves the opposition 2 things, Our back 4 get closed down, And midfield are picked up, Now in no way am I putting us in the same mould as Chelsea, Just as Brum are no Villa, Villa had as many if not more chances than Chelsea, But Chelsea have Lukaku, A target man with pace and strength, Villa had 2 leightweight forwards in Ings and Wakins...Goals wins you games, And it's goals that will be our down fall imo.

    If WR wants to keep a passing game then he has to work out or instill movement, Control and pass around the opposition, And not taking too many passes backwards and side ways, We hear about togetherness in the camp, They had better bring this togetherness onto the pitch, With what we have it's going to be a tough ask.

  10. Back of the Royal Telegraph pub their car park on traffic street...pay per hour with CCTV, Babbington Lane car park town centre £3-50/£4-00 all day, Car parks on PP businesses for around £5/£6 but time consuming getting out.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Our technical ability is fairly good throughout the squad as has been proven in patches with our passing triangles and movement in the middle third. 

    We have a strong and experienced CB pairing for this division in Davies and Jags with decent FB’s for this level as well.

    We have a very strong attacking midfield with players like Lawrence, Morrison, Sibley, Jozwiak.

    When fit we have three decent and varied striker options in CKR, Stretton and Baldock.

    Gotta find a way to get those jigsaw puzzle pieces to fit and complement each other.

    Good bit of editing, I had to delete what I was going to post, Agreed.

    My only gripe with the "Our technical ability is fairly good throughout the squad" is, Hudds dropped 2 points when winning, Peterboro dropped 3 points when winning, Forest dropped 2 points when winning, Is, Giving silly goals away, Our technical albility has a lot to be desired atm.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

    Yes, the narrative has been spun that the team is dross.

    But as you point out that’s just not true, there’s a decent team in there with the first 11 being of mid table standard.

    We do have a very thin squad though and when that’s factored in it drags us down to bottom 6 level.

    Everyone needs to be at their best this season from the manager down, play to our strengths and we have a chance to avoid the drop.

    This is not a criticism.

    What are our strenghts?

  13. There was a patern of play in the 1st half that gave me great heart, The one touch football that cut Brum to pieces on the 18 yard line and left Lawrence with an opportunity which he passed to their keeper.

    It shows it can be done if players move forward, Unfortunately having a six shooter on your hip then blowing your foot off is no help when gifting goals away, The vast majority who've posted on the game thread have said "it's our tactics that's costing us" I agree, Unfortunately I heard this Morning WR is set to carry on with this course of action.

    Being an Ex pro footballer doesn't make you right, It's what you believe is right, Being a supporter and watching for ourselves what "we think" is wrong only fuels honest confusion with it all.

    WBA/Stoke next week, If you thing Birmingham were physical wait for these 2, I see troubled waters ahead on the pitch, And there's not alot of steering available.

    We're not going to make lighweights into heavy weights.

  14. 2 hours ago, atherstoneram said:

    The nice intricate football probably looks great on the training pitch but when we come up against bruisers in the match who don't give us time to play like that it counts for nothing on a matchday. We don't or can't play any other way and the opposition just wait to pick us off as soon as we get in their half.They then go on the counter and we are left scrambling to get back.

    Edited the last bit ?

  15. 10 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    The blokes a liability. A good goalkeeper will save you 10 points a season. A bad one will cost you.


    No!, A good goalkeeper will do his job, A bad one will cost you, Neither a Roos fan or a Lawrence fan, One who thinks he's good and the other who doesn't think.

    Take the Captaincy off Lawrence, Give it to Davis, Were paying wages for a keeper that's better imo than KR but has been frozen out, It's very early days, But the picture I saw last night was a team not equiped for a physical fight in this division, Our only hope is that there are 3 teams who don't get as many points as us after 46 games.

  16. 2 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    We can’t score, doesn’t matter how good we look the opposition will always score more, so they are always in the game and they know it. 

    A good team will score 1 in every 3 chances at a guess, Derby would struggle to create 3 chances in 90mins, And there lies the problem, Morrison plays to deep, Lawrence would sooner get into petty battles, Baldock to lightweight, There's little to no creativity.

  17. 1 minute ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    We could just keep blaming individual players I suppose or recognise that our tactics and coaching set them to play games in this fashion.

    It's the whole team ethic driven by Rooney and co, Small tidy players who Rooney hopes to be able to play through, Against a team full of very physical players, Same as the red dogs.

    If you don't/can't mix it with the opposition then we're easy pickings for teams...Brum aint that good imo, We're just poor and will be until there's a change in tactics.

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