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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 2 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I'd agree with almost all of those.

    I hated Sorry, I mean really hated it. It would be in my list of worst popular comedies of all time. And I didn't like Vicar of Dibley, but that's probably just because I don't care for Dawn French.

    And the very last Black Adder had me in tears too. I don't think it was OTT, just really brilliant writing. A bit like After Life. You laugh you cry.

    I have a Rather Large Tattoo of Flanders Fields on my back...this one, Much much larger tho, And the 306 who were shot at dawn...so so sad!


    I can get very emotional where the 1st World War is concerned and how it all started, With one fat Austrian assasinated in Sarajevo , On my Mothers side...all Austrian.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    Have a like for Curb! Raises so many moral and social dilemmas in hilarious fashion.

    Larry David is one of those writers/comics that I have a lot of time for, Ricky Gervais was in one episode, Must have been good when rehersing.

    Series 11 episode 7-8 with Tracy Ullman...I almost wet myself laughing.

  3. In no particular order


    Curb Your Enthusiasm...so many tiny plots, Got all 11 series on Sky.

    Blackadder 1, 2, 3 and 4, I don't watch the last of series 4 when they go over the top...I get choked up.

    Yes Minister/Priminister...I'm sure this is true to life

    Young Ones, Bloody students

    Green green grass

    Married with Children...Peggy a MILF


    Sienfeld...one plot with several sub plots...Kramer?

    Dads Army...Love it, Just love it.


    Ever decreasing circles...Ange may be turning into Hilda, I'd be the Lorry Driver ?

    The Office(English)Gervais is mostly good, Done some carp imo


    The Inbetweeners

    Royle Family



    After Life...series 3 out soon on Netflix

    Little Britain

    Only Fools and Horses

    Till Death Us Do Part

    Vicar of Dibley...My Dad would like to give you one Miss ?

    The Good Life

    Wracked my brain...i'm sure there's more, "Comedy" today I don't find amusing.




  4. 52 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    I'll admit that whether you see covid passports as Govt overreach is down to your views re. authority and Governments.  However I would caution that even if you don't think that this Tory Govt would abuse them, what about the next Govt?  Or the one after that?


    All Governments fear their Citizens as we have a knack of fighting back, A Government will slowly chip away the rights we've won/given, There's good laws and there's bad laws, It's the bad laws we don't like...Poll Tax anyone ?

  5. Pers...Divorced after 45 years, 2 siblings male and female both in their 40s, 2 Grandchildren...boys,

    Interests...Most sports, Played football, Refereed and Managed the game, Packed up refereeing when I had my parentage questioned, The player ended up with his nose out of place, Now at an age where I do as I please, Running/walking I enjoy, Altho that B/stard hill winds me up as my knees are almost shot.

    Work...I was a Senior Union Official at RR, Now part time as a Caretaker/handyman for a community Centre, I retire in April 2020

    Like...Life and living on my own, I've had shed loads of shyte thrown at me since the age of 18, Came through it with flying colours, Get up at 6am every day and enjoy anything I do until my eyes tell me...bed time!

    Hate...I best not put what I hate, By and large Hate is an emotion that can/will play games with you

    Dislike...Ignorance in people, Hypocrites, Watching football on TV and then to be told by pundits what i've just watched, So MOTD I skip through or turn the TV over at HT/FT on Sky

    Ethos...Enjoy what life brings and help those who can't help themselves, And listen to others.

  6. 2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    There were riots in the Netherlands and they still imposed the lockdown.

    I doubt there will be one, however.

    We're being told that Omicron is doubling every 2/3 days, Yesterday 78k, Saturday 156k, Tuesday 312k, Friday 624k, Monday 1,248,000.

    If this is right...every citizen in the UK will have Omicron by mid January, The NHS will implode, Riots on the streets, Looting, Robberys, Turning your TVs up full blast to kiss the next door neighbour off, Who by the way passed from Covid but nobody cared as he was an arse.

    As Private Frazier said...We're Doomed!Champions League Reaction GIF by UEFA

  7. 1 hour ago, maxjam said:

    Why?  The MSM keep telling us that 90% of people in ICU beds are unvaccinated.  They don't mind using out-of-date data from June!


    The problem with that argument is that the NHS employs approx 1.3m and is already understaffed.  A 7% reduction in staff would be catastrophic at a time when there are already massive backlogs.


    And then factor in NHS Abseteeism and it would be...well very painfull indeed

    Figures here


  8. 14 hours ago, Boycie said:

    So is there a demise in the biscuits industry?  Aren’t people buying them like they used to?

    I hope a new buyer can be found, and a smart marketing campaign can be done to highlight the great rustic British biscuit!

    I get my sugar fix from biscuits bought from Aldi, But back in the 80s when I was a driver I stopped off at the biscuit factory in Ashby to buy a couple of boxes of broken biscuits from the security office, I had 2 young children then and if you were lucky you'd get those chocolate dippers in there...the kids loved em.


  9. 7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    1.So did you obey every single rule relating to Covid restrictions last year?

    2,Its all a smokescreen.

    3.Do you seriously think a group of, what look to be, youngish people gathering for food and drinks, when they had probably been working alongside each other all day already, is more of an issue than the Government trying to instill fear into its citizens? When they clearly dont fear the thing that they are convincing everyone else to be scared of?

    1.Yes, I had 2 lockdowns at work and was paid 80% of my wage, I never got to see my Mother in a nursing home when she passed...of Covid, I never went to my Siblings homes over Xmas...altho we did meet outside for a walk...which was allowed, I masked up when I had to go shopping, I've had 2 AZ injections and 1 Pfizer booster injection

    2. I'm inclined to agree with you... the Truth is out there, But we're fighting a Government that has the power ATM

    3. Do I think it's an issue...Yes, They're breaking the law, Are these people entitled to be different to those who obey the Laws, As for Governments...meh, They're there if we believe to serve the public, When in all honesty they are there to serve themselves, There is still a Class void in the UK and getting bigger...imo, But if an Old Sod like me who broke many a law back in the day now adheres to the Law of the land, Why can't they...is it one Law for them...and one Law for everyone else?

    4. If this was in the 80s i'd have been on the frontline fighting authority, But it aint, When you hit old age life in some ways looks a little different, It's slower, Very comfotable, Easy to live, And at a pace that I like.

  10. 52 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I'm certain that Boris will assure us that no rules were broken and its just the angle of the picture that makes it look like there is no social distancing. 

    On a serious note here though, its not the rule breaking that is the big issue here (let he without sin cast the first stone and all that).

    Its the fact that the people telling us that we should fear for our lives because of this deadly virus clearly had no fear for their own lives, that should tell us all something.

    On a serious note G STAR, It is the rule breaking that is the issue, I can cast the 1st stone, Altho I broke a few Laws back in the day, I consider/considered myself to be a Law abiding citizen in todays world.

    These party goers are sticking 2 fingers up at those who listened and took note of our Law makers, While these people think they are above the Law beggars belief...how can the Government now hope the British public will adhere to more Laws, There's more revelations to come i'd wager concerning those in places of authority.

    PS One person has now reigned his position...story here, PPS i've no allegiance to any MSM most are leading with this story.



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