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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Confusion...for further restrictions


    Dr Deepti Gurdasani, a clinical epidemiologist at Queen Mary University of London, says it is impossible to predict how high Covid infections will get, but cited modelling that suggested daily positive cases could reach as high two million - a prediction she says is "plausible" given the rapid spread we're seeing.

    With limits on testing we're unlikely to get an early indication of how high infections could go until hospital admissions are rising, by which time it would be "far too late to act", she adds.

    Dr Gurdasani warns that even if the Omicron variant does turn out to cause less severe illness, the "sheer number" of infections has the potential to overwhelm hospitals.

    She urges people to "hunker down" over Christmas and calls on the government to impose further Covid restrictions now.

    Against...a lockdown

    An epidemiologist and practising GP says the UK government should trust people to manage their own Covid risk rather than impose further lockdowns.

    Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre of Evidence Based Medicine in Oxford, says all ministers see is the worst case scenario when looking at modelling.

    Speaking to the BBC this morning, he says the number of people testing positive has gone up by about 50% in a week rather than doubling every day.

    The number of patients that were admitted to hospital, he adds, "hardly changed over a week" – up 8% - and yesterday deaths went down.

    “If you focus on the information that matters you come up with a very different scenario,” he says.

    People should be treated like adults as they can be trusted to manage their own risks and moderate their behaviour accordingly, Heneghan argues.

    But other experts point out that the real number of people getting Covid will be much higher than the number of positive tests and that even so, confirmed numbers have shot up in recent days.

    And it usually takes a lag of around two weeks from someone getting sick with Covid to require hospital treatment.

  2. 5 minutes ago, ollycutts1982 said:

    But why do you put a plastic bottle on your tyre? 

    An old wives tale from back in the day.

    "it makes a loud noise when the driver begins to drive away. Then the driver usually stops the car to see what that loud crunch was. They usually get out of the car leaving the door open and the engine running.

    Then the car thief usually runs up to the car and jumps in, slamming the door shut, puts it in gear and takes off before the victim even knows what's going on his vehicle is speeding away from him"

    Before plastic bottles we used Burrows and Sturgess glass bottles, Only for the tyre to puncture and we'd leg it from the car after a few yards

  3. 28 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Where has the £50m plus £50m come from? I think the buyers had to show liquid funds, was it really £100m? In any case that doesn't mean they have to spend it, just that they are credible. Lionel Pickering would not have had enough I think he only had £40 million when he sold Derby Trader. But he didnt really spend his money on anything else apart from Derby just his house and a pub for him and the Bald Eagle to drink in.    

    And the Taxi firm who used to pick him up from the Yew Tree...

  4. 6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Armageddon originates from Bedford, and it's officially the second-hottest in the world. The Carolina Reaper is No 1 at the moment, although these things are quite 'flexible'. Most hot chilis are from the same family (Capsicum chinense) and include 7-pot. Trinidad Scorpion etc as well as Scotch Bonnet, Armageddon and Carolina Reaper.

    I'm not one for hot n spicy, But many moons ago when the Tiger Bar(Thai Girl Bar)was our local, Dave the landlord had a Thai evening Buffet, As most of the older men in there had married a Thai Girl.

    Anyroad I skipped the food...but was encouraged by the landlord just to try a little chutney, I did...and for almost an hour my lips were burning and numb, The chutney was yellow and not quite half a teanspoon full, I've seen Chilli eating competitions...wow...why, Eyes watering mouth drooling with spit...damn bonkers if you ask me ?

  5. 9 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Boosh yes, never got Reeves & Mortimer, Shooting Stars etc, they're two comics beter off apart IMO

    Reeves & Mortimer did the Montreal Comedy Festival in their early years...they Bombed!

  6. 51 minutes ago, Ramos said:

    I thought I was going mad. Saw the tweets last night and come on here this morning and seen so many negative comments. It took me 4 months to buy my house, it was a straightforward chain etc etc - I’m not sure why people seem to think this process would be quicker than it is. Not only is it complicated by admin but by us not owning the stadium etc so many spinning plates. I think the fact they’ve told the squad to expect a preferred bid to be announced next week and that talks with HMRC have been very positive - how are people then concluding liquidation it is?! 

    Do you ever get the feeling that some people ie Derby fans would love DCFC to go to the wall, I've never felt once would we find ourselves being liquidated or even exterminated, Being impatient will only exacerbate peoples blood pressure and anxiety...take that Chill Pill and let administration take it's course ?

  7. 42 minutes ago, sage said:

    I'm convinced it was an immature pine marten. I mentioned it to some people we met in the Shining Cliff Car Park and this woman rubbished it and said size wise it was a stoat. However i checked when i got home and the colouring was that of a Pine Marten. The woman pissed me off so much in front of her mates that I just kept it to myself.   

    I will PM you exactly where i saw it. 

    Men who Weasel out of a verbal confrontation.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    Quite serious, Alf and not a wind up at all! (I'm not that clever!?) Perhaps I shouldn't take comedy so seriously! 

    I know that it's been rightly pointed out that Not the Nine o'clock News and Little Britain weren't sit coms but I found them very funny too!

    Hhmmm, If you've not seen After Life with Ricky Gervais...take a look, Comedy and Serious life at it's best and worse.

    It's was/is on Netflix.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Miggins said:


    Father Ted


    Dad's Army

    The Two Ronnies

    All of the above I can watch over and over again.

    Some, like 'Til Death us do part, Steptoe and Son I can't watch despite their genius because they are too rooted in tragedy. Alf Garnett, Harold Steptoe led such unhappy lives that they stood no chance of escaping from and although I find it very funny it's also almost too sad to watch, not to mention poor, put-upon Hercules! I feel like I shouldn't be laughing. I know that most comedy has its roots in tragedy and I find that an amazing fact.

    This thread has made me determined to watch more sit-coms, especially the more recent ones which I have ignored. Thanks to all who have posted with recommendations. ☺️



    I'm not too sure whether you're on a wind up here Miggins.

    You do know they were characters ...right

    Alf Garnett was an east ender, A bigot, Wife abuser, Hated scousers and as tight as a ducks ass.

    Harold Steptoe,  Was a Womaniser without getting a Woman, Who looked after his Father who was a coniving old sod.

    Hercules on the other hand...was a horse

    I get the feeling you've gone fishing and caught a whopper Kristen Wiig Snl GIF by MacGruber

  10. 2 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    My wife is from Peru (I may have mentioned this already once or twice), so she doesn’t have the same media bank of culturally iconic moments in her head as I do. A few days ago she saw a clip on Facebook of someone recreating the famous OFAH scene with the bar (play it cool trig). To most brits, this is ingrained in our collective consciousness, so the reference would be instantly recognisable. But my wife had never seen it, she thought it was some sort of genuine you’ve been framed clip and was absolutely wetting herself laughing. So I had to show her the original scene from OFAH. But because she didn’t have any frame of reference, she didn’t find it half as funny. She preferred the home made version that two blokes had made at a wedding or something. 

    I find that very sad. Frankly, I think the citizenship test should involve identifying clips like this. Basil falty beating a mini up with a branch, arguing over a dead parrot, singing about a lovely horse, I don’t believe it, I have a cunning plan. If you can’t instantly recognise these references, you’ve failed the citizenship test. 

    (she was actually asked questions like ‘how many people sit on the Welsh assembly?’ Who the duck cares about that?!?!)

    Pretty sure it was an Austin 1100...but they might be some piston heads on here that knows for sure.

    Show your Wife this one...it's Iconic...there's USA/Canadian citizens that don't get it, For me far far outweighs Delboy falling through a bar.

    You'll spend half the day explaining to her...all the best ?

    Four Candles


  11. 1 hour ago, BucksRam said:

    And there hangs the issue. They're applying two different principles to a single event.  It does smack of hypocrisy making it compulsory for fans to be jabbed to attend a game, but voluntary for the players who they're there to watch. If I were in the dressing room and some of my team were unvaccinated I wouldn't be happy personally - it's proven that the risk of passing on COVID is drastically reduced in vaccinated people - all I'd think is matey-boy opposite me doesn't give a poo about my health. 


  12. 12 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I once went on a stag do in Cardiff and the groom - dressed as batman - was turned away from a nightclub by the politest bouncer I've ever seen. 

    "sorry sir, no superheroes..." ?


    The last time I went to the Cardiff City stadium with my mate Canadian Dan, I got rumbled in a pub on the way to the ground when I bought us a pint each and when the barman asked for 3.50 I said "I did buy 2 pints you know...." ?

    My 1st venture into Wales was very errrr strange, As a very nieve 19 year old who had just been married 6 months earlier myself the Wife and new born went to Rhyl for a day out this was in the summer of 76 yes that very very hot Summer, We arrived parked up and went to the beach, Mooched around  a bit then went for a meal, Walked into an empty restaraunt and walked upto the counter and asked where we could sit...sorry mate was the reply all tables are booked, There's a chip shop just down the road, Turned round and found the said chipshop.

    Wife and Child waited outside and I queued, Slowly but sure after a 20 minute wait I was next, I asked for 2 mixes and 2 fish, Bloke said what are you talking about, Again I asked for 2 mixes and 2 fish...sorry he said all out of fish and were waiting for the chips to cook, Try down the road.

    I got outside and told the Wife looks as if dinner is off the menu, I then get a tap on the shoulder, It was a man who was in the queue, You're English right, Yes, You'll not be welcome in Wales.

    I was so confused... a couple of months had gone by and I told this story to a fellow worker, He put me right, That's when I got the bug for English History, Had a similar experience in France in the early 80s when travelling by coach to Spain, We're not liked are we?

  13. 10 hours ago, Boycie said:

    I was notified about a DPD delivery, I selected “ask a neighbour if not in” I saw via my Cctv that they didn’t try to deliver our parcel to our house, we was in, but just went next door who weren’t in.  They took it back. ?

    I can top that, I recieved a card saying my parcels have been put over the fence between my home and next doors, I was a little confused as I wasn't expecting owt, Picked the said parcels up and they were for the house round the corner number 2, So I delivered them...foc!

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