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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 7 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    I'm careful every day Eddie. I have to wear a mask in the factory every day at work and in meetings etc. I have an 84 year old mum in poor health who we look after to keep her in her home instead of putting her in a care home. We make sure none of us have a cold or cough when we go round, we wash our hands regularly, use sanitiser when we need to. The wife is tested twice a week as per the school rules where she works. I go through a thermal imager everyday at work and have regular tests.

    Myself, wife, daughter, son in law and grandkids  all had covid in January 2020. We didn't know it was covid then but the symptoms were much different to the normal flu.

    The daughter and grandkids tested positive in September this year but had very mild symptoms - any other year they would have had a cold. Me and the missus had close contact with them in the days prior to their tests yet we were fine.

    I know two people who died within days of having a jab, they had long standing illnesses but not immediately life threatening. One was late 40's one mid 50's. Their families believe the jab killed them. I don't know, I have no clue and no way of knowing. 

    I know two others who very nearly died after a jab, blood clots, but were young and fit and managed to pull through. 

    These are not anecdotal, these are people I know, worked with, live near, know their mums, dads, brothers, sisters, cousins etc.

    I know friends and family who work in the NHS who will not have the jab and will leave if mandatory vaccinations happen.

    Forced medical procedures of any kind are not part of a free society. 

    I am disgusted and ashamed that I am part of a generation that is currently watering down the Human Rights Act, making protests illegal and forcing emergency vaccines on people.

    We've not had freedom and democracy long in this country, about 100 years or so, and yet we are prepared to give it up so easily and without a fight.



    Wow, Anytime you want to borrow my name Utch send me a message ??

  2. 8 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    See I'd heard that Horton was working with a different American, Micky Arison, not Tepper. All just rumours though isn't it.

    Yep, I think that anyone in the USA with billions of $s will be talked about, Micky Arison is the owner of Carnival shipping line and again was talked about, Who knows may be Arison and Tepper are in cahoots...only joking!

    As they say...it'll all come out in the wash...sometime ?‍♂️

  3. 2 minutes ago, twelveincher said:

    I saw a few twitters rumours, was there ever anything more substantial to go off? If Tepper wanted in I imagine he’d have enough funding to go it alone.

    The only thing that was reported/rumoured was/is that Horton has had business dealings with Tepper

    So nothing that's been substantiated, The only player out there that's come out to play is Kirchner...and he's gone awol since the QPR game

  4. 30 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    It certainly seems that way.

    We've done what we were told for the past couple of years.  We have the vaccines, we have social distancing, we have masks - non of those things I have a problem with.  But mandating vaccines or introducing vaccine passports is a scary path to go down.  I'd rather make a noise now and help prevent them from happening than look back in the future at the freedoms we've lost.

    Masks, Social distancing even not being able to see my Family I can/have put up with, But i'll not have a vaccine passport...I lived OK this last couple of years on my own, Been to a pub twice since September, My 10 year passport runs out in January 2022 it's not being re newed, Holidays will be in the UK, I've not missed watching DCFC, Found other things to do ie took up running/walking.

    The Police already have my finger prints and DNA i'll not let them know where I am other than CCTV with other electronic software

  5. I work for a charity organisation in South Derbys, My Manager has been forwarned if tonights vote in all 4 votes goes the Governments way expect an email.

    They have concerts where upto 300 people attend, He's been told to expect a directive from South Derbys district council that mask wearing will be compulsary inside...but if your sitting down with a pint and some crisps then a mask will not have to be worn.

    Does the varient know that when a person is sitting down it's not as infectious as when standing up.

  6. 12 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    But you say he predicted that deaths would be below 20,000. He didn't at all. In fact he sort of suggested that he didn't  expect them to be below that level. 

    This is what I said he said.

    "I remember in the 1st couple of weeks of the Sage broadcasts that Sir Patrick Vallance predicted Covid-19 will have an impact of a maximum 20,000 deaths, This was when we were at the very low end of the 1000s, This made my eyebrows raise, Now were at circa 150,000, Scientists aye...don't know Didly Squat!"

    So just to refresh the bold statement...a Maximum 20,000 deaths

    Then you said

    "He didn't say that. He said if we kept the deaths to below 20,000 we would be doing very well. Which is not the same thing at all"

    It was you who said below 20,000.

    May I suggest you take a little time away from figuers, If it's not the figuers of HMRC and administration, It's the 20,000 deaths below or the reaching a maximum of 20,000


  7. 2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    I don’t think they gain anything from it they are just not brave enough to do anything different. I think there are a few reasons reason why they introduce tighter restrictions, 1st as another poster mentioned is a complete distraction tactic from all the current accusations. 2nd is complete fear, the media have whipped many of the population into a Covid scared frenzy and if it does go pear shaped with this new variant (which all indications are it won’t even with current restrictions) then the government are scared to death of the repercussions so are going extra cautious. 3rd they are also listening and paying to much credence to their science advisors who so far have modelled it and got it sooooooo wrong every time to the point iirs absolute gross negligence (the link below has this data)


    I remember in the 1st couple of weeks of the Sage broadcasts that Sir Patrick Vallance predicted Covid-19 will have an impact of a maximum 20,000 deaths, This was when we were at the very low end of the 1000s, This made my eyebrows raise, Now were at circa 150,000, Scientists aye...don't know Didly Squat!

  8. 5 hours ago, Sufferingfool said:

    I saw every home game that season bar Newcastle ? so missed that one! Purgatory.

    Me too, I was in Gozo Malta for the Wifes 50th(now Ex)20 of us packed in a tiny boozer, Who'd of thought we wouldn't win another game that season Bill Murray Yes GIF

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