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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 4 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Problem is what was a fairly low key standard (for them) meeting between HMRC and the administrators where each side would have been prepared with in HMRCs case their position authorised is now being whipped up by the media. This will then perhaps be on the radar of those more senior within HMRC or the Treasury who will read the deluge of stuff on twitter etc and suddenly it becomes more high profile and perhaps politicised so that the message is "its taxpayers funds, times are hard, cant let this high profile debtor get away with it". This was probably the aim of the article and other commentators with an agenda in the first place. That is what worries me greatly. 

    Maybe Rishi Sunak is not aware but i'll guarantee there will be a Senior HMRC advisor aware or even at the table with Admin, Football is seen as an anathema to HMRC where time after time they put in winding up orders of football clubs only for a judge to throw it out.

    I'm confident we'll be sold, HMRC will accept a deal, And DCFC will move on...albeit in League 1.

  2. 10 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    So it isn’t capitalism. Derby were not controlled by private owners for profit.

    As I didn't bring in Capitalism i'll at best try and answer your statement.

    Our then owner was a business man in a Capitalist sociaty, He was able to make money through his ventures, With that MM decides to use his wealth for DCFCs benefit, Now...Derby were not controlled by private owners for profit, The old adage is...how do you become a Millionair, Start off by being a Billionaire and buy a football club, Fact DCFC this last few seasons didn't make a profit, Did MM think DCFC were going to make a profit?...that I do not know neither do many other people as we didn't know what went through MMs mind when purchasing DCFC.

    I sincerely hope you will accept and or agree with this reasoning.

    Best Regards

    Alf the Unlucky

  3. 42 minutes ago, StarterForTen said:

    It's called capitalism. But in most people's eye, the alternatives are grimmer.

    In part I agree, Without Capitalism it would be communism


    an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

    But when a company can no longer sustain a workforce with income then owners/share holders can put the company into Admin and within hours buy it back...Interserve, I lost wages and holiday pay...as did 1000s of others.

    Midland Car Parts, Went into Admin, A buyer was found, Most shops(Motormania)were kept on, I with some 40 others lost our holiday pay, Wages were paid by Admin.

    Yes "it is what it is", There's those that can manipulate the system, Then there's those that lose out.


  4. 43 minutes ago, GadFly said:

    Yeah but by writing off the debt they won't get their money even if DCFC do exist...? So again, from the perspective of your average taxpaying Brit, I don't see how it can be justified to just write off 30 million quid and allow the club to just crack on operating as if nothing happened.

    Surely the sensible and fair thing to do would be to create some kind of manageable payment plan, where the club pays back the money over a longer period of time?   

    Why are there posters coming up with the most plausible excuse as to why we should pay our legal debts ?

    I agree GadFly this can't be right, Unfortunately it's the business world we live in, I've worked for several companies over my lifetime where 2 of them were left with insolvency/Liquidation this left me and others out of pocket, This is not fare either, The owners left with huge payoffs while the shopfloor workers got very little if they were lucky.

    It's the way of the world, It aint right nor is it fare...but it is what it is.


  5. 2 hours ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    Point is it’s no good dismissing the Daily Mail articles just because it’s the daily mail. The article yesterday makes it sound like HMRC want all the money which is at odds with what a lot would expect. 
    If Derby had a huge shortfall due to covid why was the appeal to EFL cancelled and why isn’t there any meeting with government reps? Hope something can be sorted 

    1. "Makes it sound" And here is the non story, I posted this a few weeks ago, Gerald Mortimer and Anton Ripon would write about DCFC and have a breaking story, Thier source would be "someone close to the BBG" it would be the shopkeeper 100yards away.

    2. My suspicions are the EFL threatened DCFC with a prolonged Sale or being very difficult if DCFC went ahead with the appeal, Admin could not afford this as DCFC have buyers waiting for things to be wrapped up, We will never know how or why the real reasons as to why, But if my suspicion is correct it's because there would have been a cartload of other clubs looking to see if they have a case, The EFL couldn't afford this to happen, The cards were stacked in their favour.

    3. I have a family member who works for the HMRC, And have been told that the format would have been a team from the HMRC would have been in meetings with DCFC for advice and re-payment before Administration, We now know that negotiations are at a stage where they demand in full the payment which imo would be outright foolish...or they are close to a settlement of payment.

    4. We owe circa £25/£30m to HMRC, This is a Government organisation that collects money on behalf of our Government, The monies owed is not a drip in the ocean for what is collected in a finacial year, They kiss 100s of millions of £s a year on wasted projects that could have gone to better causes, If HMRC want to Liquidate DCFC that would be foolish in the extreme...having said that...they are civil servents who only see what's infront of them and not the bigger picture.

  6. 4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    so do you think that there is some sort of conspiracy/cover-up to not report on these things, or is it that these media companies don't see anything newsworthy enough? Again - it's classic confirmation bias that when people feel passionately about a subject being protested, they feel it must be a conspiracy if such protests don't get the coverage that they think it deserves. Whereas really it's just not that important to most people. "Tens of thousands" is not very many people in the scheme of things

    Meanwhile - I assume you're up in arms about this too?




    Last paragraph from that article in the Guardian

    "So where is everyone? Why isn’t this all over the front pages? Why aren’t we out on the streets in our millions, protesting while we still can? We use our freedoms or we lose them. And we are very close to losing them"

    This is purely guesswork, I'm guessing this is aimed at "insulate Britain" where glueing themselves to vehicles/roads, Chaining themselves to eachother ect ect.

    Where is everyone, You've lost support from joe public because of your actions, M25 has been blocked, Emergency vehicles unable to get through, People taking people to hospital, Doctors unable to attend work and so on.

    If you impinge your mantra on others who try to work within sociaty you'll get a push back...all imo of course


  7. 11 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    yes but I went to school in rural east anglia where you are challenged by classmates being able to count to 12 on fingers for a start. I am not in a bad mood -I am very happy its first day of advent calendars, nearly Christmas and girlie stuff like the christmas cushions, crockery, tiny fairy lights and decorations can start to be scattered around the house ???????

    Please take this as a compliment.

    I couldn't live with you...double Bah Humbug I Love You Heart GIF

  8. 9 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I'm honestly not sure what the last bit means.

    FWIW, I was a Thatcher supporter at the time.

    Something that deeply pains me to say now.

    In my defence I came from a strong Tory household and hadn't worked out I could think for myself.

    On how the Governments manipulate/use the media for their own agenda, And how the media are happy to facilitate the Government of the day...we're pawns in a very BIG game

  9. 9 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I see.

    So you watch one channel (amount unknown) the same amount as some other channels (number unknown) and some sources (number unknown) .


    Veeeery interesting.

    Thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely much clearer now as you seem to have a grasp on things.

    As a very late comer to this thread I find it very fascinating on views, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False reporting either favourable or not in the media, I understand all who post which doesn't mean I agree, We live in a diverse sociaty/country with a multitude of views that we can post or discuss to an extent in public.

    As to your post above, I stopped watching any news programes this last couple of years, I was an avid viewer of the BBCs question time until I found out that those who wanted to be in the audience were vetted for political purposes especially leading upto and including Brexit.

    Are the Government and MPs being truthfull with us?...I doubt it, Are multi national companys in it for money?, I'm pretty sure all western countrys are the same with their citizens, You'll always get a % of those citizens that want to pick a fight, The fight today is either climate change or covid-19.

    As an older citizen now that fought in the 80s for the miners cause and against Thatcherism...what we have now is a spin off from those days only the weapon of choice is the internet...imo

  10. 16 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    I think I read Bradford also tried to make the extra sun as well but we’re refused. Seems that the 4th official was complicit in not knowing the rules or remembering them  too late 

    Just imagine this Reg, The 4th official goes on a 1st date with a female, They sit down to lunch and a drink but the lady seems a little irked,  The lady asks him...what do you do for a living, I'm a 4th official at football matches, Oh she says, What does that entale, Well he says...I make sure that when substitutes are made during a game they have the right atire on before entering play, I hold a board number up saying how many minutes are left, And I have to make sure that only the requiered number of substitutes enter the field of play, May I ask you something he asks, Yes of course, You appear to be a little angry, Yes I am she says, You asked me to be here for 7pm it's now 8pm do you have trouble counting.

  11. 1 hour ago, hintonsboots said:

    I’m off to see Exeter City v Bradford tonight. This unusually is a match the F.A ordered to be replayed after City played to many subs. Surely Bradford could sue Exeter for travel, accommodation etc etc, would be a genuine claim , unlike the nonsense from Boro and Wycombe. WTF was the fourth official doing in the previous game though ?

    Exeter will argue they can take monies from their share of gate reciepts

    Bradfords Manager shows the 4th official with the book how many fingers/thumbs am I holdindg...a very confused 4th official thinks this is a trick question.


  12. 2 hours ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Maybe its the difference between being a manager instead of a coach that appeals to him. Most modern day 'managers' are in reality coaches with a Sporting Director/Director of Football being in charge of recruitment/retention of players - that's certainly the pattern at top clubs & the reality is managers are easily disposable in the hunt for short term success. 

    By contrast, old style 'managers' like Clough, Shankly, Revie etc actually built clubs from the ground up & consequently had more control over their work places as well as increased job protection (although the results clearly helped). To your point, Derby are clearly an absolute mess but the club is both big enough to provide a platform for a lengthy future Premiership stint & is also close to Rooney's North West heartlands. Therefore he leverages his connections to build the playing infrastructure & give him the best possible chance for success. Quite telling Fergie's advice to him was to primarily find a chairman he could work with rather than anything else - I think this project has been ongoing for most of 2021 if rumours are to be believed.

    As to points made elsewhere about the suitability of a manager choosing the owners & being 'unsackable' - there will be a base level above which Rooney will have to deliver & an ambitious 3-5 year target. Given the costs involved, its fair to assume Kirchner & co won't just be buying Derby as Rooney's plaything. If he shows himself out of his depth (increasingly unlikely given the experience he is gaining) then they would unquestionably move him on.

    A cracking post Leeds...with that i'm now convinced this could be why CK and his advisors want to purchase DCFC, Makes a great deal of sense

  13. 6 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Plus a club that maybe League one next year almost certainly but only for its fifth year out of 137. 
    Guys like Kirchner can see the potential . He’s only in his early thirties so can be patient about things being turned around.

    plus all it takes is a redistribution of tv money for the top two divisions an Championship teams can become profitable. 

    You were doing so well there Pete   and then you posted...PatientThe Sandlot Flirting GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

  14. This is a strange one for me, CK is here there and everywhere, He comes across as a person who is very enthusiastic about being our new owner, His fellow friends/advisors are people who imo in their business world would scalp you for your dandruff, Just a little odd that's all.

    Why oh why would anyone want to kiss 10s of millions of £s away on what looks to be a league 1 club, A stadium that is fit for the Premier league, A traing complex that is the envy of some Premier clubs, A fan base that has a hard core of 20k with another 10k in the background, A propper footballing town. A manager that's world renowned...other than thatTired Pbs Nature GIF by Nature on PBS


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