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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 17 minutes ago, ImARam2 said:

    Just before Christmas and the January transfer window, I was told a little rumour that a bid had been put in for Sibley from a Northern city Premier club, which was turned down by Derby as nowhere near enough.

    Now I live in Duffield where at least 5 players, two current managers and a couple of coaches live, so from time to time you hear snippets, rumours, call it what you will, and most of the time they are just bull****. However, occasionally they are correct.


    It's well know that a bed was put in for Sibley, Rooney sent Sibley away to sleep on it.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Seen Roos get some flack for the 2nd last night, harsh as it's poor defending from Byrne who allowed him to cut in and get a shot off, whilst being in front so Roos saw it late. Would the same people give Marshall flack if he conceded the same goal? Don't think so.

    It's a goal you often see now, All the pundits and alot of supporters say you should not be conceding at your near post, I agree, But whether players are blocking or the ball is shot with much more precision ?‍♀️

  3. 2 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:

    Well I think anyone who works professionally in a field knows a lot more about it than a lay person. I'm going to see my dentist in a bit and I'm glad she knows a lot more about it than I do! I know football is a bit different, people have watched loads of it, played the game at a lower level and so on but I still think the analogy holds

    I new a footballer who's teeth were rotten, Booked an appointment and was called in, The Dentist said open wide and i'll have a look, Well he said, I'll start with the back 4, Working round to the 2 wide ones, The 2 that's either side of the front 2 need some work but I can save them, As for the front 2 they've had their day.

    The Dentist says to his assistent...thats 4-2-4

  4. 1 hour ago, Gerry Daly said:

    The thing is Rooney and his coaches see him every day. They also know a lot more about football than any of us. If Sibley was good enough right now he would be in the side, simple as that. That's not writing him off though, I'm sure he will come good   

    Do they?, Just because they played the game doesn't make them more knowledgable than you or I, They had the where withall to get to this stage, They'll have agents working for them, Their names can tick boxes, There's plenty of posters on here that have talked a good game, With setting how they would set their team out, Who they'd have taken off, Who'd they have put on, Jiggle with the formation.

    Don't be clouded by their history of very good players, There's plenty of players that have become Managers once their carreers had finished, And quite a few that had bitten off more than they could chew.

  5. 4 minutes ago, vonwright said:

    That's presumably what this thread is about - people who watch Derby, and Sibley, sharing their opinions. Yes, Rooney has 'privileged access' and a world of top-level football experience and yes, he might be right. But equally he might be wrong; managers sometimes are. The point is it's a legitimate debate and not settled just by pointing out that Rooney is the manager and we are not!

    Who decides whether WR is right or wrong, If Sibley plays against Brentford and scores a hatrick and we win 3-0 most on here would say Wow it looks like Sibley has taken what WR has said onboard.

    If Sibley starts tomorrow and has a mare and is taken off after 60mins, Posters on here would say...Jeez he wasn't given the chance to shine.


  6. On 13/03/2021 at 14:11, Brammie Steve said:

    I've rarely played in a football team.

    The office where I worked forced me to play in goal once.

    We were losing 2-1 at half time.

    3-1 straight from the kick off second half.

    We changed tactics to a 0-0-10 and let in 3 more quick goals (not surprising with only me in our half).

    I refused to carry on until I had at least one defender in support.

    After that the game ended in a 6-1 defeat.

    I wasn't invited to play again!

    I have the utmost respect for goalkeepers.

    Towards the end of my playing career I played in goals for 2-3 seasons, Got to a final at the Municipal Bowl...lost 4-1 but got the headlines in the "Green Un" Scored a goal from a goal punt from my hands in Belgium, The wind was in my favour, Lost 13-0 on Markeaton park and held my hands up for the 10th and 13th goal in the changing room, Caught a cross on the Racecourse on a bitterly cold December Morning the ground was frozen solid but the ref wanted his fee so passed the pitch playable, After catching the ball I bounced it, It came up hit my chin and rolled into the net ? howls of laughter could be heard from the sidelines, Made some world class saves and made some huge gaffs.

    Yes they say you have to be a little crazy to be a keeper ?

  7. 14 minutes ago, RamNut said:

    ....and in open play?

    P.s. even showing the goals four or five times, the video is still only 2 minutes long ?

    This was your post.

    "In fairness, if the subject is players who produced sod all in a Derby shirt , then Rooney is an expert"

    Nothing about open play, Or how long it takes to show the goals.

    Amazing given the evidence of what Rooney has done in a Derby shirt, You still find an excuse to ridicule him.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    That's fine when those starting are playing well. Have any of our attacking options looked like scoring or even creating anything in recent weeks? Sibley's been closest to hitting the back of the net since Kazim scored his wonder goal against Forest. 

    You didn't see Shinnie hitting the post against Barnsley then?

  9. 10 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

     If anyone is pressurising the kid, it's Rooney.

    What utter tosh, He's 19 years old, Playing in a rather poor team, He's not a wonder kid, He's a boy with a bit of talent...no more no less, Lets pamper our young players behind closed doors, Why do you think WR singled him out, Is it because he thinks he's a pretty poor player or do you think that when WR does play him he may not be doing as WR asks, There comes a time when a manager has to speak out...it was only a week or 2 that posters on here were enthusing about how WR portrays himself infront of the camara, Sometimes there's a reason why managers "pick" on players...maybe it's because they are not listening.

  10. 19 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Yes, so we will carry on playing Waggy instead then, who is doing so much better......

    Give Sibley a run in the team and he will not only create chances, he'll score his fair share too.

    Frankly, I don't think we will see it for Derby as he will be off at the end of the season. I might join him.....

    angie we've most likely been watching DCFC for about the same time period, My 1st game was in 1966 well over 1500 games since then, You'll not pack in with DCFC, Players come and go, Supporters stay for life, I'm no fan of Waghorn, He'll be offloaded when his contract is up...with a host of others, I've had my favourites not picked over those years, I've belittled managers because of their choice of the starting 11...Lampard when leaving Marriott out at Wembley who won us the game at Leeds was my last verbal onslaught.

    Can you imagine the furore if Sibley starts on Tuesday against Brentford and he has a stinker...I can, The boy has a huge talent/potential, When he starts or comes on as a Sub he has to show what he's worth whether out of position or not, If he's of a strong character he'll make a very good living in the next 15 years, If not he'll fall by the wayside.

  11. 8 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Or WR, everything you said above ... unable to see that in order to win games of football you need your most creative players on the pitch   - from the first whistle, not when you're already losing.

    Yes, we do.

    Not only do you need your most creative players on the pitch, You also need someone to score those opportunities that those creative players create.

    Both PC and WR have played Sibley...our goals for record is a paltry 25 in 35 games, A manager sees players in training, Sibley according to WR isn't doing enough to get in the starting 11, Should he pick him because he's a fans favourite, Or pick him and HOPE he can create those chances for our goal shy forwards to miss.

    How many goals have we scored from open play...Rowett said 9, That's a shocking stat, We're putting to much pressure on a young man shoulders in the position we're in.


  12. WR Englands highest goal scorer, Played with and against some of the worlds greats, Played for probably the greatest PL manager in history...how frustrating it must be for him to see a young talent in Sibley unable to fullfill a talent that WR and Co see in training every day.

    He must coach him, Talk to him, Show him, Sibley either takes all this on board or he'll end up being just a footballer instead of a good footballer.

    Some folk really do get upset.

  13. 20 minutes ago, derbydaz22 said:

    He could have come and punched or collected 3 or 4 long throws at Cardiff for a start and I’ve not got it in for anyone in a Derby shirt I want them all to play well but for me Roos is simply not good enough at collecting crosses and I’ve no idea why as he has the height and physique.

    Is that it...wow, Just to let you know, A long throw isn't a cross, It's the use of the arms and hands, Where a cross is the use of the legs and feet.

  14. 1 hour ago, derbydaz22 said:

    Doesn’t understand football ? So you think he commands his area then? And I don’t sit in the West stand thanks.

    Tell me, How many crosses didn't he collect? where you belive he should have done, Baring in mind there has to be a cross he can collect, Not the suicidal come and miss, Or the over crowded penalty area where a bump into a player could cause confusion.

    I think he commands his area alot more than he did, Barnsley with their high balls into the box shows that he does, There's being critical of a player and then there's being critical because some have it in for him.

    Me, He's shown this last year how far he improved, Maybe alot to do with Shay Given.

    The West Stand jibe...is where Roos anti fan club sit...Not all BTW.

  15. 1 hour ago, derbydaz22 said:

    Improve greatly on commanding his area? When did this happen? Certainly not Cardiff away a few weeks ago he literally didn’t claim any cross all game.

    Did you post this from the West Stand...Love a duck, Another that doesn't understand football.

  16. There's a very good keeper in there somewhere, Consistancy is the key, For him to reach the potential Roos needs games, I've heavily crtisised him especially the Wembley game, The Fulham game away in midweek was his downfall a couple of seasons back.

    But this past 2 years he's been able to improve greatly on his commanding of his 18 yard area, Crosses were his downfall, Now it would appear he's coming to terms on when to catch or know whether to punch.

    Marshall also has a mistake in him, But then so have all keepers, I'd stick with Roos for now and see, A full house at PP tho could be his undoing ?‍♀️

  17. I've just checked the calender...nope not April 1st.

    I remember him getting it wrong imo with the starting 11 at Wembley(you're only as good as your last game)I remember him being on holiday with his entourage somewhere hot, I remember him stringing the talks so PC had very little time to settle into his managers job here.

    No just a Spiv imo.

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