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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 50 minutes ago, The Key Club King said:

    Nowadays either a player has to be the worst of all time or (and this is far worse) a club legend. I would argue that there should be only 10 players who get either status. The last legend was Igor, the last worst player is.... Actually I may have to expand that category to include the entirety of the 11 point squad. 

    We should also have a thread...the most miserable player...my vote would be Mark Pembridge ?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    He hasn’t been with them that evening according to the article on Keogh in the Guardian. He got in to the car which he regrets. A great servant to DCFC and such a shame it ended the way it did.

    It's a pity the Guardian didn't have access to the Photo with Keogh and said players in the Joiners Arms.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    The court, who unlike us, would have seen all the evidence and heard arguments from both sides, agreed with Keogh. If it was deemed he was a bad influence on the younger players on that one solitary night then the court didn't deem it serious enough to sack him. If proven, he should probably have just had the captaincy taken off him.

    Since then, he has taken the club to court and won meaning he is now one of the many creditors. Are you telling me that if you thought you'd been dismissed unfairly and it was going to cost you a significant amount, you wouldn't take it further? 

    May I interject here...thanks.

    It wasn't a Court of Law like a normal industrial tribunal.

    This is a quote from the Guardian at the time.

    "Keogh went to the EFL’s Player Related Dispute Commission, where he won a full payout only for Derby to contest the decision at the League Appeals’ Committee. The process has been marked by delays, caused in part by the pandemic, but the LAC last week upheld the original verdict.

    An EFL statement read: “The LAC has heard and dismissed an appeal under the regulations of the EFL by Derby against the decision of the PRDC in the case of Richard Keogh. The PDRC held that Mr Keogh had not committed gross misconduct, that he had not brought the club into serious disrepute and that he had been wrongly dismissed by the club.”

    For me, Were those who decided Keoghs win...people of Law or people who were selected for their knowledge of footballs rules/regulations.


  4. 2 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    Not if it brings the club into disrepute or in any way affects the outcome of administration and new ownership. Now I appreciate booing Keogh won’t do that (even though personally I think it’s a waste of breath) but we are all responsible for our own actions and the safety of a crowd can often lead people into shouting and doing some dumb things.


    I'll say it again "we have the right" if this RIGHT affects others then they will have to deal with the concequences, Is it seen as illegal to bring the "club into disrepute"? or "affects the outcome of administration"? don't get confused with what's right in peoples minds and what's illegal

  5. 12 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Nah I can’t be bothered. I just think, and this is my opinion, that he is being cast as the one and only villain that night and since and we’re choosing to overlook ant good things he did.

    There's no doubt that Keogh has done good things, Unfortunately in many walks of life... it's the BAD things that are picked up on, There's not much life in the Good, But wow...there's a ton of life in the Bad...ask Roos ?

  6. 8 hours ago, PodgeyRam said:

    Well, I applauded him. Does that make me less of a Derby fan than those who booed him? Apparently so, but if you think measuring how much of a supporter you are can be done by booing opposition players then I have to say I feel sorry for you. 

    If I would have been there...I would not have applauded or booed him, If fans want to then so be it, But don't forget this, We as fans have the right to do what WE believe is best for us, Either by word or action, Not many are able to walk up to Keogh and tell him what they think of him GOOD or BAD, So the only way is to applaud or Boo, Coconut's Beard needs no support from me but I get where he is...it's that thing that you love that has been shat on in some peoples opinion that gets under our skin.

  7. Well done all at PP yesterday, All deserve better, I was at Belper watching their defeat against Chasetown, Don't want to sound patronising...but this was propper football for me, A couple of beers in the George, Terrace, Beer while watching, Cheeseburger...meh, Men and women with their pet dogs, An old boy with his walking frame...I think her name was Sandra, An enjoyable day made better by DCFC winning Sesame Street Flirting GIF

  8. 2 hours ago, I know nuffin said:

    Charlie George to me. Never see the full move but started as I recall with Todd Infront of the players tunnel cross field to Nish, down the Wong, cross to zchsrlie and in the back of the onion bag with Charlie blowing kisses as he ran away....

    Yeh I remember that one, I told my Dad about it, He never understood...can't think why?

  9. 11 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    On the same note, any goal involving Will Hughes.

    Yes the one against Leeds at PP, Inside a crowded box and a measered effort to score, I saw his debut can't remember who against...age and memory...you know!?, I said to my Son he's got some future in the game, Still think he should have gone onto better things, Rowett made sure Hughes took a step back in his career, We were never able to harness his talent ?

  10. 1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Whether it's fair or not it immaterial. 

    Getting pissed up isn't an act of gross misconduct. Neither is not wearing a seatbelt. And so on. 

    Keogh could have been subjected to the club's internal disciplinary procedures for conduct unbecoming of a club captain absolutely. But not fired for gross misconduct. 

    I'd say there was a fare chance he was dismissed for bringing the company into disrepute...tho I don't know under what procedure he was dismissed for.

    "Providing you have proven during the course of your investigation into the allegation that the behaviour has brought the company into disrepute, and you have followed your company's disciplinary and grievance procedures, then you can proceed to dismissal"

    In your common and garden tribunal, I'm convinced the sacking would have been upheld.


    As it went to a football(in house)tribunal and had the weight of the players Union behind him it was found in Keoghs favour

  11. 16 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Thank you Bobby. Your misunderstanding of Statute law in the UK, despite working for Loftus Road Solicitors practice, is noted. It is also disappointing that you seem unable to construct a simple 19 word sentence. I can only imagine your services are retained as you are cheap, can make a nice cup of tea, and you have big tits.

    Will small ones do?


  12. 9 minutes ago, Rampant said:

     He didn't commit a criminal offence and was clearly entitled to pursue a claim for unfair dismissal after we retained the services of those who did break the law.


    With me being an Ex Union Official I fully agree, Then i'd tell him to move on and start again, But no! he or someone wanted to tell his story...it's this that sticks in many peoples throats

  13. 40 minutes ago, SirBrian said:

    Russell Hoult goalkeeper was sacked by Derby will not mention what he was accused of, WBA took him on and he also won a England  cap so sacking him on principal cost the club a decent transfer fee.

    Keogh boo him for 90 mins a total disgrace to the club, if you wish to be nasty sing Grandma, however doubt he would register what its about

    The same as Micheal Dunford ?

  14. 39 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    I won't do anything, but I'll sit quietly cursing his every touch.

    If someone goes right through him with a wild challenge, and if that results in another season ending injury then hey, so be it. 

    I wont be there, If I was...then this.

  15. The reason Roos was dropped against Bristol City is because Allsop has been training better than Roos, WR said being a goalkeeper is the same as an outfield player, WR says Roos is disapointed as he wants to play but WR says he knows he has to do better in training...reports in the DET today.

    I'd copy n paste the story but that site is shocking.

  16. Serious question from an old fella that's no fool... I think?

    Right so here goes, The World has suffered, There's been over 5m deaths due to Covid...reported online through Google, Countys are hemorrhging cash, Pharma are making Billions of $s, Governments World Wide are making Laws for their citizens to follow...or else. In the UK I get that we may have Plan "B" to cover up a certain Xmas Party.

    Why do folk think there could be a Conspiracy, Hartley-Brewer in her report posted on here has Poo Pooed a lot of the media/medical reporting /advice.

    Are we Guinea Pigs for some FUTURE World manufactured event?

    Wierd times for sure.


  17. 11 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Some have already left, various JCB plants and Nestle at Tutbury mostly. 

    We’re still hanging on in the consultation period long after the legal minimum of 45 days so there’s a bit of hope of a last minute buyer. Should know before Christmas either way. 

    Did you keep your service as you said you've had several different owners?, Were you TUPEd over?, I was a Senior Union Official for Unite at Rolls Royce and was involved with TUPE when one of our sites went to a Managing company...Ceva Logistics, All RR workers that stayed kept their contracts and wage circa £36k a year, While new starters were on £18k a year for Ceva...caused a shed load of grief, Site now moved to A1 industrial estate in Barton/Burton, All RR workers took redundancy.

    I hear Nestle aint the same since they sold to the Ferrero Group

    Best of luck Utch?

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