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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 9 hours ago, Grumpy Git said:

    Just seen this thread. ?

    Worked briefly at the site in the early 1990's on an engineering project that never reached its intended potential, (salesmen over promising and under delivering)!

    Best of luck to everyone concerned.

    Conundrum; I want to know where everyone who lives on a new estate (built on the site of an old factory) goes to work?


  2. 14 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    These bar stewards are laughing at us.

    14 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    These bar stewards are laughing at us.

    Video and story here


    If I could effing swear on here without it being deleted I would, My Mother passed last April from Covid, We were not allowed to see her as she was in a nursing home, I have her death certificate as proof, These effing barstewards are filth, We've been hog tied for 2 years, Lost jobs, Masked up, Not being able to see friends and family, And yet these ass holes think they're better than us, I'm not a happy man, Not happy at all, The Torys are now on life support especially after the Paterson debacle, I despise them.

  3. 12 hours ago, SBW said:


    If they were going to do a deal that was in anyway favourable to Derby, it would have already happened.





    If they were going to Liquidate us...it would already have happened, Why keep talking?, If HMRC are so bloody obstinate surely they would have sent us to the electric chair by now.

    Just a thought

  4. 4 minutes ago, SBW said:

    Then why did they fight to be a preferential creditor, to then give it up? Precedent is key in law.  I'm not sure capital punishment and debt are quite one and the same. 

    Tell that to one of my ancesters, Who in 1583 owed 1 penny and a farthing for a pair of stockings/socks to keep his wife warm in the winter, He couldn't pay as he had no work, He was taken away by the authoritys, Charged with theft and hanged the next day, As he was walking to the gallows his wife waved to him with the stockings/socks and shouted to him...they're the wrong bloody colour.

  5. China builds an artificial Island in the South China Sea, Russia holds vast Gas reserves and holds a lot of Europe to ransom, Saudi Arabia has a Journalist murdered, Azerbaijan is on the Grand Prix circuit, The West is robbing some African nations of their resources and dumping our waste on their land

    We're all at it...why because morality gets spunked out the window where money is concerned, And all the above have more skeletons in their closets than Burke and Hare

  6. Allsop, Roos or Marshall, There's not a great deal between them, They all have mistakes in them...as all goalkeepers have, Unfortunately Roos will have to live with the Wembley mistake, Allsop too has made rickets along with Marshall, It makes very little difference who's in goal for us imo.

  7. 7 hours ago, Ramifications said:

    I only saw the brief highlights against Bristol City because of working. Just wondering, did Allsop play well enough to retain his place against, Blackpool? 

    I think WR will be taking a leaf out of a former England Managers selection process, As we have 2 excellent keepers WR will be rotating them both, As with Shilton and Clemence they'll play 1 game each so Roos will start on Saturday.

    I think that is the only fare way to go about this situation.

  8. 5 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    It’s written in my tea leaves this morning that we are going to win the FA Cup this season, and therefore we will have a place in the Europa League next season.  Our run starts tonight being drawn away to Brighton (l’m going - proper fan me). Come on, who’s with me on our journey to a Wembley Way?

    Did you empty the Tea Bags as it's not good to leave the Tea BagIn

  9. 1 minute ago, Eatonram said:

    The Middlesbrough claim is just so outrageous. I can’t believe the EFL are just staying silent on this. Surely they can see what the wide ranging implications of this are. 
    The possibility of future claims and counter claims would cause chaos not to mention the very real possibility of this claim being the issue that puts off buyers and send us into liquidation, a situation that benefits no one not even Boro. I can say hand on heart that I would hate it if we were doing this even to Forest or Leeds. 

    It was posted on here a few pages back that this will go to arbitration, The EFL have know say in the final findings, So all parties will get together and submit their grievences...the arbiters will then decide on the next outcome.

  10. 5 hours ago, Ravabeerbelly said:

     No I agree and I can’t believe it hasn’t received more attention. It was from 18 yards out and nowhere near the corner…a good yard inside the post. For me it was poor footwork from Allsop and if he’d moved better it was a routine save 3yds from the centre of his goal.

    Just a thought, Watch how many keepers in the Prem "have poor footwork", That ball was hit with pace, Admittedly if he was a foot further to his left then a save/block could have happened. We had 5 players going for the ball, That was worse that 11 year olds defending, I'd have hauled them all off, Shocking defending...imo, It takes a rick o shay off a Derby player and Scott hits it 1st time, There's not much choice that I could see what else Allsop have done, He was left wide open by those who are there to protect him.


  11. 13 minutes ago, YouRams said:

    That’s where Rooney should be asking the questions who wants to stick around and who wants to go, you wouldn’t begrudge any of them for wanting to play at a higher level. The fight should change for me to prove yourself and fight for a place next season rather than fight for the impossible. 

    It doesn't matter what questions WR asks...these players have Agents, The Agents will be advising their employer(the players)of what playing in League 1 means and what the wages will be.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    I don't mind him being here as long as there is improvement but again 1 win in the last 11 doesn't smack of improvement. Tbh id be happy if i knew the way he wanted to play and saw a game plan. How many times are we being caught for goals where he plays the full backs so high they can't get back but still doesn't have the brains to change it. This is by what i mean he is out of his depth. Lets just hope he learns for next season from this season on where he has gone wrong.  

    No complaints from me there Barny...But! what on earth is Rosenior his assistant doing, If he's a nodding donkey and there just to appease WR then a P45 should be issued, You have an assistant for footballing reasons...i'd hope

  13. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We did only lose 1-0 and had decent chances for on target shots that weren't taken

    I am very happy we don't have Pearson as manager and that I am not a Bristol City fan. They have a talented squad that relies on time-wasting and long throw-ins. There's always a silver-lining to any game!

    So I was right then?

  14. 3 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Let’s have some positivity about Wazza then, you can start ??

    Lets be honest here...is there any positivity AT ALL where DCFC are concerned, The one saving grace was...there seemed some fight within this squad, Reading all this thread from kick off that seams to have been blown away with the strong winds at Ashton Gate

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