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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 8 minutes ago, angieram said:

    That's as poor a half of football as I have seen this season. Totally devoid of ideas. 

    This is not a dig Ange, We can all see the League table, So can the players, We all talk about togetherness, Pride, Proffesionalism, So how do players motivate themselves, How does our managment team motivate these players, Some must be aware that they will not be playing for DCFC in the new year, Yers they're still well paid even at £4.5k a week

    They know they're down...and in reality...so do we!

  2. 3 minutes ago, Dethorn said:

    You said you hadn’t noticed anything I was trying to help you remember, I think it was Bournemouth otherwise I do agree with you, harsh after the last two games

    For me he should have been dropped after that, As I said I couldn't think of any other after that, So for me just a little confusing as to why

  3. 30 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Only £5k as the away team though. 

    Sky can FRO - they're just hoping to be there the day we actually die, like a Tricoteuse at the Guillotine. 

    Hey my Darling Fayette, Where are you going with those balls of wool? asked Fayettes Husband, There's an Execution at The Avenue des Champs-Élysées and i'll do some knitting before they drag those Royals to their deaths...I just hate those nuts they sell.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Archied said:

    I was going to nit pick your post , then I got to your last line and you started to cover what I was going to say ,

    im sure we can communicate with our faces covered and can adapt to do that very well over time , it’s just I believe we will be far far poorer for it ,

    to be fair I think where you and I bottom line disagree on this topic as with some others is quality of life v longevity, and for me this virus s figures re survival rates doesn’t warrant the reaction 

    Interestingly enough, This Morning all had face coverings which you would expect, But, Now here's the rub, Several times I said excuse me to those that were asking me questions...ie have I had a flu jab, Have I had covid this last 7 days and so forth, When conversing with people who both have a face mask on I found it difficult to pick up what was said, Yet without a face mask you hear and lip read at the same time so understanding what is said is a lot easier.

  5. 3 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    ...unless you suffer an anaphylactic shock, collapse and need critical urgent medical attention. It's genuinely a 15 minute wait to make sure you don't have an allergic reaction. Nothing more sinister than that. Of the 70* or so people who've died from the injection, a high proportion were from anaphylaxis. An epi-pen will pretty much guarantee you won't die from a reaction, which they're ready with just in case.

    The 3rd jab shows up on your digital record - you don't need a card or anything. Well, it's on mine at least.

    Gboro Thanks for the info, I was aware of all this, I'm just one of those sods that don't do the norm, I don't like being in places I feel uncomfortable at?

  6. Had my Booster this Morning, 3 times at 3 stations I had to give the same information, Had a giggle with them about it, I was told that once I had had the injection I was to go and sit in the seating area, I politley declined their off on the grounds I don't like to be kept in a place I feel I don't want to be, The Gentleman said it was for my benefit, I thanked him for his sincerity but I will decline your offer, He then said He would have to put it down on my record incase I collapse outside, I said go ahead, Injection done and I asked if i get a certificate/card to say I have had the booster...no was the response but if you have your card that was given you for your 2 injections I will write on what injection it was Pfizer for the Booster...Astra Zenica for the other 2, Coming out of the booth I was directed to the seating area, Again I politely declined, The Lady was rather confused as she pointed to the people who had already taken up the offer.

    All were sitting there in a line masked up looking at me and thinking...I wished I was him.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Macintosh said:

    I wonder if it is possible to call off administration? It just seems a bigger mess now than it was a month ago, and the administrator's costs are killing us.

    There are three, maybe four interested parties now to talk to that weren't around before, nearly all the debt has to be paid anyway, so would it make sense for Mel to start afresh, call off administration, get the 12 points back and increase our chances of staying up? Put everyone out of their misery, him especially. 

    He could offer a percentage of the stadium to Dell for that debt, pay off HMRC with his own money, even try a deal still, and then one of the interested parties takes on the rest, they get the club for approx £30million? That would make it more a more interesting proposal for all. Morris saves face and still has a part share in the stadium. Surely, somewhere, there is a low-interest loan for £28million somewhere to be found?

    Or even a share issue, offered to all parties, discounted to Dell.

    Is that allowed, you can backtrack, call the whole thing off? The EFL did on Jack Marriott, and the Maikel Kieftenbeld transfer from Birmingham. All those owed money would then get paid in full, including this site.

    Who's typing for you?


  8. 4 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    Judges did indeed used to throw winding up orders out or to put it correctly didn't find in HMRC's favour, however now that new laws have been introduced that means HMRC have moved up the pecking order they will have a bigger say in what happens. We are the First club to go into administration since the new laws came in,do you really think they are going to roll over?

    I'm not blessed with hindsight, Arrogance maybe ?, Do I think they are "going to roll over" and have their bellys tickled...No!, I think they'll use a little common sense...tho that may be in short supply where HMRC are concerned.

    Someone at HMRC may deem it neccesary to have a scalp around their belt, And have a fairly large club go BANG!...I just don't see it.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Hordh said:

    https://theathletic.com/news/Derby-mp-calls-for-hmrc-to-be-lenient-as-she-warns-of-disastrous-outcome/g3qNhnPf3yg6/    sounds like a buy out has gone pair shape according to Margaret Beckett. 

    This Dame should be in a Pantomime.

    "Beckett, who briefly acted as Labour Party leader in 1994, was reacting to reports the club could be facing liquidation if HMRC is unwilling to decrease the debt owed by the club significantly"

  10. 8 minutes ago, Gritstone Tup said:

    You’re missing a big factor off there, we’re a football club, no sympathy, to be made an example of. If not, then it could become common practice within the football industry. The precedent is already there with Bury etc mentioned above, do HMRC want to reset the precedent to make it a common thing fir football to decide how much they pay!?


    Maybe you're missing your glasses...I posted this above.

    Maybe Rishi Sunak is not aware but i'll guarantee there will be a Senior HMRC advisor aware or even at the table with Admin, Football is seen as an anathema to HMRC where time after time they put in winding up orders of football clubs only for a judge to throw it out.

    I'm confident we'll be sold, HMRC will accept a deal, And DCFC will move on...albeit in League 1.

  11. 1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Further to above, Just had this message back from a family member concerning who'd Admin would be talking too.

    "Would be dealt with by the Insolvancey handling unit aka ICHU. They would negotiate to see if can come to an agreement or if future revenue benefit is not worth it for HMRC . Which that wouldn’t be an issue. So the debt would be dealt with and negotiating with the large business tax man for the club and debt management"

    Big deals and community interest type stuff as Derby is may even be hand shake higher up.


    A little more

    The most I dealt with was around £6mil across 6 companies. PAYE CT AND CAT debt.

    Managed to agree something to clear over 4 months. Had to call agent each month and tell him what to pay to avoid the most interest first. Nice guy in London. Offered me tickets to the theatre as his mate is some bloke called mackintosh big in the business. Couldn’t accept unfortunately but we cleared the debt in full and they still trade today.

    Huge employer so was in the best interest to let them have a time to pay rather than wind up.

    The director was selling all his personal stuff down to watches etc.

  12. 36 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Problem is what was a fairly low key standard (for them) meeting between HMRC and the administrators where each side would have been prepared with in HMRCs case their position authorised is now being whipped up by the media. This will then perhaps be on the radar of those more senior within HMRC or the Treasury who will read the deluge of stuff on twitter etc and suddenly it becomes more high profile and perhaps politicised so that the message is "its taxpayers funds, times are hard, cant let this high profile debtor get away with it". This was probably the aim of the article and other commentators with an agenda in the first place. That is what worries me greatly. 

    Further to above, Just had this message back from a family member concerning who'd Admin would be talking too.

    "Would be dealt with by the Insolvancey handling unit aka ICHU. They would negotiate to see if can come to an agreement or if future revenue benefit is not worth it for HMRC . Which that wouldn’t be an issue. So the debt would be dealt with and negotiating with the large business tax man for the club and debt management"

    Big deals and community interest type stuff as Derby is may even be hand shake higher up.


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