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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 19 minutes ago, RamLad1884 said:

    Counter scenario: the bidders and the admins are holding announcing who they are until a preferred bidder is selected. 

    I would imagine the vast majority of those involved would prefer to negotiate quietly and make an announcement once the real details are resolved. 

    Kirchner broke the norm by coming out with his bid, but the reality is he was no closer to owning the club than any of us. Then he throws his toys out the pram when he didn't get it all his way. 

    The analogy on here seems to compare the deal to buying a house. A house purchase can easily take 9 months if complex but people expect a multi-company insolvency transaction with non-valued assets to be done in less than 3 months? 

    Good post

    I know someone who had an offer excepted on a house in November 2020, They moved in in October 2021...Probate held the sale up.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Davison after 1 minute 10 tackled from behind and a sod of wet BBG turf in the tacklers face in retaliation .  Couple of reds there in todays game - lovely jubbly



    What a night that was, "Brutally harsh decision" or "Poetic justice" for the penalty ?, Well one was off, As for the "sod" in the face, The whole pitch was full of sods, The penalty...well what can I say Good Morning Reaction GIF

  3. 2 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    What’s wrong with folk nowadays. A miss timed tackle and everyone thinks he should walk. It looks like he’s give him a love bite to me. Credit to Clark for not rolling over 20 times holding his legs.

    Brainwashed by our media loving trendy footie folk, It's a good job Chopper Harris or John Magrath aren't around today they'd have been sine die after 10mins of soccer sorry football in todays world

    Lovely challenge and as our great CB Davis said...he slipped.


  4. 11 hours ago, LeedsCityRam said:


    P.s. this isn't about the individual on their forum who attracts attention from some on here. An irrelevance at best but I suspect he/she may have some 'issues'.

    I beg to differ, This Popodopo fella has a following, He shoots his mouth off with numbers and "facts" which he clearly knows nothing about, Those with little knowledge of our circumstances start to agree with him, For the simple reason he comes across as very knowledgable when in reality he knows bugger all, Those that take the bait then tell their fellow mates down the pub, Who then tell their mates at work, Who then tell their family and the whole "football world hates us"

    Now there is those and there is a good few outside of PP that...not Maguire as he gets his education from this board, That understand where DCFC are at, We've accepted our punishment(reluctantly)Reading have accepted theirs, Now it's all those others that called us "CHEATS" turn to accept their punishment, Do I have sympathy for the ordinary fan...what is the ordinary fan?

    My sympathy lies with those honest enough to understand where DCFC is/was, And not with those simpletons who jumped on the DCFC bandwagon of cheating.

  5. 16 minutes ago, jono said:

    Most of the “tripe” is the BS speculation. Nothing is happening in public. So we are bored. When folk are bored they turn to humour. You should try it, it helps pass the time and is at least as useful as being a wannabe ITK / chartered accountant / HMRC commercial negotiating board member .. What will be will be .. meanwhile:

    I have passed your comments to the clown phobia stasi who will be in touch regarding your unwarranted, exclusionary comment. This is not a news service. This is a chat between fans. If you want something else start a forum of your own or even better an investigative journalism service with results based subscriptions 

    I can't wait for Good Friday...Fish will be on the menu.

  6. 43 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    At times you are almost sage like. I was proposing a meat based Top Trumps Game later this evening, but your proposal seems to have more practical benefit ?

    *Be Aware*

    Unopened packetts of cooked meats are OK to freeze ?

    I wouldn't freeze cooked meats once the packet has been opened ?


  7. 26 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    I am sidestepping the turkey today, and considering which of the 7 packets of cold meat (all with a use by date of 27 or 28 December) I should opt for. Unbelievably, one of the packets is sliced turkey. If my wife had brains she would be terribly dangerous.

    Let me guess.

    Wafer thin Ham...far too much for a single man and for the more frivolous shopper ?

    Corned Beef...only 4/5 slices to a packet ?



    Pork with stuffing...?

    Luncheon meat...with or without egg ?‍♂️

    Real ham off the bone ?

    Or Something from the Deli Counter...bonus packet ?


  8. 5 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    I did have look at the legal charge documents at one stage, they have control over bank accounts which isn't that unusual with commercial properties I think as they will want the rent to go straight out to make the loan payments. CK says we didn't pay the rent though, not sure what the implications of that are if true.. it might affect the rights under the lease maybe  but why should it mean Morris doesn't own PPS? CK does seem full of poo.      

    Admin said that some of the things CK said on social media were untrue concerning CKs purchase of DCFC...or words to that effect.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Gritstone Tup said:

    Does any of it really weigh up?

    Obviously the preferred bidder wasn’t imminent, they said that 4 days ago!

    Xmas Eve, Xmas day, Boxing day and the 27th being a bank holiday it was never going to be announced, The 28th(today) is also a bank holiday, So we have 3 days to go remaining from last weeks..."next week" meaning this week, I will be very dissapointed as will a lot on here will be if again we're told "next week"

    Imminent meaning very soon.

  10. 6 hours ago, Ruud Aralliss said:

    That pretty much explains what it’s all about.  I started taking my son when he was about 5, used to pick him up when we scored. Can’t do that anymore as he is 17 and 6ft 3 ( I’m 5ft 7) .

    But we were at old Trafford when we won on penalties and he picked me up and hugged me.  Can’t think of any other situation in life he would do this!!

    football is more important than a tax bill !!

    Bless em all

    Bless em all

    The long and the short and the tall

    We'll see you assembley

    When we get to Wembley

    So score Derby score

  11. 7 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    It was 9 men against 12 today with neither Plange nor Baldock contributing after the opening 5 minutes and the ref absolutely desperate for the Baggies to win. I reckon 20+ terrible decisions, including not giving us the first half pen for handball. Everything went West Brom's way, but the Derby players didn't help themelves when stopping to look at the ref when an opposition player threw himself to the floor. But I guess they knew the whistle was inevitable. When Thompson was booked for his first foul, Knight pointed out to the ref that he'd already been fouled five times but no cards were given to the opposition. Hence Knighty had to draw on all his international experience when foul number six happened, to pirouette in midair to force the ref to give a yellow to one of the opposition. 

    Seven minutes of second half injury time still wasn't enough to allow West Brom to score, though in part thanks to a good save from Allsop on 95 minutes.

    Also, why didn't any of the Derby fans hop over the hoardings and nick the towels? Surely that was the right thing to do?

    2 mins of those 7 were for Hugills head injury

    It's been posted that some one in the East Stand knicked the towell

    The rest of your post is clearly a rant against the referee...which I totally agree with ?

  12. 15 minutes ago, plymouthram said:

    I'm just guessing, but if Gadsby and Appleby have joined forces with their respective backers. Could the other bidder in the mix be MSD, who we owe a lot of money to. I certainly don't think its Mike Ashley or any other British led consortium.

    Appleby led consortium

    Gadsby led consortium

    Only 2 in it now neither are linked with each other, MSD are the loanees...to get paid off, By all accounts Appleby is in the box seat according to reports on here.

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